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love parks week Woodford Park play area

Woodford Park

Love Parks – Woodford Park play area, Queen’s Green Canopy & sensory garden

We are delighted to be taking part in Keep Britain Tidy’s #LoveParks campaign. Today we celebrate the new Woodford Park play area, the Queen’s Green Canopy and the sensory garden, which is dedicated to the late Cllr David Stares.

The new play area was officially opened in June this year by the Woodley Town Mayor and was designed specifically with inclusivity in mind. It includes a double cableway, a sensory area, a wheelchair accessible play mound, an agility trail, a 7m tall canopy trail, seven types of swings and much more. 

New play area

We have also received a certificate offsetting our carbon footprint in the making and installation of the park, which is in line with our climate change policy to be carbon neutral by 2030. 

Cllr David Stares was chairman of the Leisure Services Committee when the new play area was first suggested and was at the forefront of driving the project forward. The sensory garden was planted in his memory and a plaque commemorating Cllr Stares was unveiled today by the Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel.

Sensory Garden

The play area also contains our Jubilee Tree planted for the Queen’s Canopy and Jubilee Stones display decorated by local children to commemorate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Queen’s Canopy Platinum Jubilee Tree

We are delighted that this play area is now always full of the sound of laughter from children enjoying the equipment. 

Tell us what you love about this park…

How you can help: 

  • Take your litter home
  • Pick up dog poop
  • Report any issues to us
  • Tell us how it can be improved

Email: Call: 0118 9690356 

love parks week how you can help

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Woodford Park paddling pool and play area

Woodford Park

Love Parks Week – Woodford Park paddling pool & small play area

We are delighted to be taking part in Keep Britain Tidy’s #LoveParks campaign. Today we celebrate the play area and paddling pool area in Woodford Park, near to Woodford Park Leisure Centre.

Improvements to the park

The play area was installed in 2010, and has been expanded since with toddler play equipment. We are currently exploring ways to improve accessibility to the area and will be improving the sandpit area with new retaining timber and a sub base, as well as developing the landscape areas.

The paddling pool liner and paving have been replaced and it remains a very popular area, complimenting the leisure facilities at the Centre. 

According to a recent survey by YouGov and Keep Britain Tidy, 61% of parents said that one of the reasons they take their child to the park is because it’s free. We’re celebrating #LoveParks because every child deserves access to a high-quality green space. 

Tell us what you love about this park…

How you can help: 

  • Take your litter home
  • Pick up dog poop
  • Report any issues to us
  • Tell us how it can be improved

Email: Call: 0118 9690356 

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Malone Park

Malone Park

Love Parks Week – Malone Park

We are delighted to be taking part in Keep Britain Tidy’s #LoveParks campaign, which returns from 29 July – 5 August. Today we celebrate Malone Park.

Malone Park has two play areas which were previously managed by us under Wokingham Borough Council ownership until 2020, when we took ownership.

Improvements to the park

We have installed new play equipment, replaced all the play area railings and gates, carried out tree maintenance and created a wildlife area, which we will continue to develop over the coming seasons.

We are planning to install pathways to improve accessibility and access to the play area. We will also install knee rail fencing along the road boundaries to prevent unauthorised vehicle access. We will also begin to explore opportunities to improve the accessibility of play equipment provided at the site.

Climate change facts about the park

We are increasing opportunities for wildlife to thrive through un-mowed areas and wildflower planting.

Tell us what you love about this park…

How you can help: 

  • Take your litter home
  • Pick up dog poop
  • Report any issues to us
  • Tell us how it can be improved.

Email: Call: 0118 9690356 

love parks week how you can help

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police incident

Incident at Woodford Park

Statement from Woodley Town Council

Part of Woodford Park, near the Garden of Remembrance, is closed off this morning due to a tragic incident and current police investigation. There is no access to the park via the track from Western Avenue until the area has been reopened.

Our thoughts are with the man’s family.

Statement from Thames Valley Police

We are currently dealing with an unexplained but non-suspicious death in Woodford Park, Woodley. Please avoid the area but be assured there is no wider threat to the public. There will be an increased police presence in the area throughout the day.The 32-year-old man’s next of kin are aware and are being supported by officers. A file will be prepared for the coroner. Thank you for your patience.

Please follow TVP Reading online for more information:

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love parks week Wheble park

Wheble Park

Love Parks Week – Wheble Park

We are delighted to be taking part in Keep Britain Tidy’s #LoveParks campaign, which returns from 29 July – 5 August.

Today we celebrate Wheble Park.

Wheble Park, which is leased from Reading Borough Council, is a small grass park with a play area and a small multi-sport wall. 

Improvements to the park

Since managing Wheble Park, we installed new play equipment several years ago, including a small multi-play area and basketball hoop. 

We are planning to provide a tarmac hardstanding area to improve the sports wall.

Climate change facts about the park

Wild margins have been left to encourage wild plants and insects.

Parks provide a breath of fresh air for kids and parents alike and we are pleased that this area is well used by local residents. According to a recent survey from Keep Britain Tidy and YouGov, 68% of parents say they take their child to the park to burn off energy.

Tell us what you love about Bulmershe Park…

How you can help: 

  • Take your litter home
  • Pick up dog poop
  • Report any issues to us
  • Tell us how it can be improved

Email: Call: 0118 9690356 

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love parks week 2022

Rivermead Open Space

love parks week 2022

Love Parks Week – Rivermead Open Space

We are delighted to be taking part in Keep Britain Tidy’s #LoveParks campaign, which returns from 29 July – 5 August.

Today we celebrate Rivermead Open Space.

Rivermead Open Space is a small fenced off grassed area on Rivermead Road.

We have cut back overhanging vegetation and replaced the boundary fencing.

The area will be retained as a small amenity space for kids to play games in.

How you can help: 

  • Take your litter home
  • Pick up dog poop
  • Report any issues to us
  • Tell us how it can be improved

Email: Call: 0118 9690356 

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loddon mead open space love parks week

Loddon Mead Open Space

Love Parks Week – Loddon Mead Open Space

We are delighted to be taking part in Keep Britain Tidy’s #LoveParks campaign, which runs from 29 July – 5 August. 

Today we celebrate Loddon Mead Open Space.

Loddon Mead Open Space is a small area of open space off Loddon Bridge Road leading down to the River Loddon. The concrete bridges and larger areas are managed by Wokingham Borough Council.


We have cut a meadow pathway to encourage wildlife and provide access to the river for the public. We are delighted that this has created a small wildlife haven, providing a cool shaded space within a built-up area.  

Climate change facts about the park

Left largely as a wildlife space for habitat.

How you can help: 

  • Take your litter home
  • Pick up dog poop
  • Report any issues to us
  • Tell us how it can be improved

Tell us what you love about this area…

Email: Call: 0118 9690356 

love parks week how you can help

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Bulmershe park love parks week

Bulmershe Park

Love Parks Week – Bulmershe Park

We are delighted to be taking part in Keep Britain Tidy’s #LoveParks campaign, which runs from 29 July – 5 August.

Today we celebrate Bulmershe Park.

Bulmershe Park is jointly managed by Woodley Town Council and Earley Town Council. The larger area – Bulmershe Open Space – is managed by Wokingham Borough Council. The park forms part of the Bulmershe SULV (Site of Urban Landscape Value).

Improvements to the park

Since managing the area, we have planted fruit trees and installed seating.

Woodley Town Council and Earley Town Council have jointly requested that Wokingham Borough Council designate the park as a ‘Town Green’ under the Commons Act 2006, to provide further protection for the site from development. The Friends Group – The Friends of Bulmershe Open Space – are working with Wokingham Borough Council and Woodley & Earley Town Councils on a plan for planting more trees at the site.

Climate change facts about the park

The margins have been left wild to encourage insects, pollinators and wildlife.

The Friends of Bulmershe Open Space are working with Wokingham Borough Council and Woodley & Earley Town Councils on a plan for planting more trees at the site.

We are pleased that this natural open space is well used and is very popular with dog walkers. A recent survey from YouGov and Keep Britain Tidy revealed that 63% of dog owners see a safe space for their dog to run free or play with a ball as important when choosing a park. #LoveParks week is an opportunity to celebrate the joy of parks for us and our four-legged friends. 

How you can help: 

  • Take your litter home
  • Pick up dog poop
  • Report any issues to us
  • Tell us how it can be improved

Tell us what you love about Bulmershe Park…

Email: Call: 0118 9690356 

love parks week how you can help

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love parks week 2022

Love Parks Week 2022

We are delighted to be taking part in Keep Britain Tidy’s #LoveParks campaign, which returns tomorrow from 29 July – 5 August. Join us as we celebrate the parks and green spaces that we maintain.

Woodley Town Council Parks & Green Spaces

We look after the following parks in Woodley:

  • Woodford Park
  • Wheble Park
  • Malone Park
  • Bulmershe Park
  • Rivermead open space
  • Loddon Mead open space

Please email or call 0118 9690356 to report any issues with these parks. 

Wokingham Borough Council Parks & Green Spaces

Wokingham Borough Council looks after the following parks in Woodley:

  • Alderwood play area
  • Ashenbury Park
  • Badgers Rise play area
  • Blanchard Close play area
  • Enstone Road play area
  • Hearn Road play area
  • Mollison Way play area
  • Redwood Avenue play area
  • Sandford Park 
  • Southlake Park
  • Southlake Crescent play area
  • Vauxhall Drive play area
  • Vauxhall BMX
  • Woodley Town Centre play area

Please contact Wokingham Borough Council if there are any issues with these parks. You can find more information and report any issues online HERE.

Find out more

You can find out more about our parks here:

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Woodford Park Green Flag award 2022

Woodford Park awarded Green Flag for fifth year running

Woodford Park is proudly raising its prestigious Green Flag Award for the 5th year running

Woodley Town Council team with Green Flag
L-R: David Provins, Friends of Woodford Park; Mark Illsley, Amenities Team; Liam Haines, Amenities Team; Gerard Wirth, Amenities Team; Colin Holland, Amenities Manager; Aaron Rogers, Amenities Team; Chris Baker, Amenities Team; Kevin Murray, Deputy Town Clerk

Woodley Town Council is celebrating after receiving a Green Flag Award for Woodford Park as one of 2208 UK winners. Woodford Park was awarded the coveted Green Flag Award for the fifth year running, officially recognised as one of the country’s best parks and the only park in the Wokingham Borough area to have this status. 

“After two years that have seen our parks and green spaces play a vital role for people through lockdowns as a place to relax, exercise and meet friends and family safely, the news that Woodford Park has achieved and maintained its Green Flag Award is testament to the hard work and dedication of the team that make the green space – and all the Woodley Town Council managed parks – such a great space that everyone can enjoy,” said Cllr Keith Baker, Woodley Town Council Leader. 

“We are all very proud of the park and its most recent addition of the new play area, which is continually filled with the laughter and happiness of children. It really is a destination park with so many areas to enjoy,” added Cllr Baker. 

Commenting on the news that Woodford Park has met and maintained the Green Flag Award standard, Keep Britain Tidy’s Accreditation Manager, Paul Todd said: “I would like to congratulate everyone involved in making Woodford Park worthy of a Green Flag Award.

“Woodford Park is a vital green space for the community in Woodley. This award is testament to all the hard work of staff and volunteers, who do so much to ensure that it maintains the high standards demanded by the Green Flag Award.” 

“The award is the international quality mark for parks and green spaces and I am so proud of the team for their hard work and dedication to ensure that Woodford Park has kept this status for five years running. Each of them always goes above and beyond and I’d like to thank them and also thank The Friends of Woodford Park for the wonderful work they also do in the park,” said Kevin Murray, Woodley Town Council Deputy Clerk. 

Woodford Park has many areas for residents to enjoy, including the lake and boardwalk, the grass areas, two play areas, an outdoor paddling pool, the Garden of Remembrance, the Rotary Garden, the Memorial Ground and beautiful planting by The Friends of Woodford Park. 

We will be celebrating the park and all of the parks and green spaces which we manage during Love Parks Week, which starts on 29th July. 

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Woodford Park leisure centre closure

Woodford Park Leisure Centre

WPLC closures

Throughout the summer, Woodford Park Leisure Centre will be undergoing extensive electrical works, both internally and externally, that will ultimately result in disruption to its normal services. This will include periods of partial closure while the centre is without power.

The work is to upgrade the current lighting and is part of our plan to be carbon neutral by 2030.

We apologise in advance for any inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.

Please contact the Leisure Centre directly with any enquiries:

☎️ 0118 9216969


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Two representatives from Thames Valley Police attended our recent Planning & Community meeting, to discuss the issue of e-scooting and e-bikes in Woodley town precinct. 

There are several legal requirements and restrictions to do with e-scooters, which limit their use in public places.

Here is a summary of these from Thames Valley Police.

Classification of an e-scooter

Electrical scooters (also known as e-scooters) come under the category of ‘powered transporters’; this covers a range of personal transport devices which are powered by a motor.

E-scooters are classed as motor vehicles under the Road Traffic Act 1988. Which means the rules that apply to motor vehicles, also apply to e-scooters including the need to have a licence, insurance and tax.

It’s not currently possible to get insurance for privately owned e-scooters, which means it’s illegal to use them on the road or in public spaces. If you’re using a private e-scooter you risk the vehicle being seized under S.165 Road Traffic Act 1988 for no insurance. 

If you cause serious harm to another person whilst riding an e-scooter the incident will be investigated in the same way it would if you were riding a motorcycle or driving a car. 

Legal use of an e-scooter

It’s legal to use an e-scooter on private land with the permission of the land owner.

Where a trial rental scheme is running, it’s legal to use a rental e-scooter on a public road, cycle lane and for those living in Milton Keynes, redways.

Penalties and offences

If you don’t have a licence, or the correct licence, or are riding without insurance you could face a Fixed Penalty notice:

  • with a £300 fine and six penalty points on your licence for having no insurance
  • up to £100 fine and three to six penalty points for riding without the correct licence.

You could also be committing an offence if you’re caught: 

  • riding on a pavement; Fixed Penalty Notice and possible £50 fine 
  • using a mobile phone or other handheld mobile device while riding; £200 and six penalty points
  • riding through red lights; Fixed Penalty Notice, £100 fine and possible penalty points
  • drink driving: the same as if you were driving a car, you could face court imposed fines, a driving ban and possible imprisonment.

If you’re using an e-scooter in public in an antisocial manner, you can also risk the e-scooter being seized under section 59 of the Police Reform Act

When riding an e-scooter, we would always recommend wearing safety protection such as a helmet and to keep to the speed limit.

For more information and guidance please visit the Thames Valley Police website HERE.

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