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Woodley Community Heroes Awards

Woodley’s Community Heroes

It’s that time of year again when we ask you to nominate your local heroes, whose good work benefits the community of Woodley. 

Perhaps it’s a neighbour who goes above and beyond to help others in Woodley, or the young child who picks up litter in their spare time. Maybe you know someone who gives up their time to volunteer and help others in need or someone who is championing charitable causes that benefit people in Woodley. Or perhaps they are championing climate change in Woodley.

Give them the recognition they deserve and nominate them now for one of our Community Heroes Awards.

The renamed awards are now divided into 6 categories:

Community Heroes – Neighbour of the Year – Awarded to an individual who has, independently (ie not part of a wider charity organisation) provided exceptional care and support to a Woodley resident or residents within their local community

Community Heroes – Volunteer of the Year – Awarded to an individual who has, as part of a voluntary or charity organisation, provided exceptional support to the activities of the organisation, making a difference to residents of Woodley

Community Heroes – Voluntary Group of the Year – Awarded to an organisation that has provided exceptional support and services to Woodley residents

Community Heroes – Climate Champion of the Year – Awarded to an individual, organisation or group that has made a significant contribution to fighting climate change and / or climate initiatives within the area

Community Heroes – Young Person of the Year – Awarded to an individual aged 19 or under who, through voluntary activities, has made an exceptional contribution to the Woodley community

Community Heroes – Mayor’s Outstanding Contribution Award – Awarded by the Mayor to an individual or organisation who they feel have provided an outstanding contribution to the community


Nomination forms can be downloaded HERE, picked up from our office at the Oakwood Centre, or you can call or email us (0118 9690356/ and ask for one to be posted to you.

Guidelines for nominating are also on our website. 

The deadline for nominations is 16th November so please hurry and get nominating! 

Awards Ceremony

The winners will be awarded at our Community Heroes Award evening on 24th February 2023, held at the Oakwood Centre. 

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cost of living crisis

Cost of living crisis

The Hardship Alliance, which consists of Age UK Berkshire, Citizens Advice Wokingham, First Day’s Children’s Charity, Wokingham Borough Council, Wokingham Foodbank & Wokingham United Charities, is collectively working hard to respond as effectively as it can to the cost-of-living crisis.

In order to understand the full impact, the Alliance is asking local residents to complete a quick and anonymous survey.

You can access it here:

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Woodley Town Council logo

Financial Accounts 2021/22

Notice of the Conclusion of Audit for the financial year 20221/22 is now available on our website HERE.

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Woodley Town Mayor observes two minute silence for queen

Two minutes silence in memory of Queen Elizabeth II

Today, Tuesday 20th September, Woodley Town Mayor led a two-minutes silence in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth

Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, welcomed the small crowd outside the Miles Suite at the side of the Oakwood Centre in Woodford Park and then gave a short speech before the two-minutes silence.

“Following Her Majesty’s funeral yesterday, today we come together in Woodley as the last official opportunity to mark The Queen’s passing and show our respects.

Thank you to those who attended the Proclamation in Woodley Town Centre last Monday. It was a very moving ceremony and it was an honour to read the Proclamation to the town of Woodley.

It has also been wonderful to see the lovely comments in our Book of Condolence, as well as the beautiful floral tributes. 

Please now join me in two minutes silence to mark the passing of our late Sovereign, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second.”

The Mayor and the crowd then observed two-minutes silence.

Janet thanked everyone for coming and reminded them that the Book of Condolence will close at 5.00pm today and all floral tributes will be collected this afternoon to be composted.

The Town Council will use the compost to plant an oak tree in Woodley in honour of our late Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth the Second. Further details to be announced.

The Mayor concluded the ceremony by declaring: “God Save His Majesty King Charles the third”.

Thank you to everyone who came. You can watch a video of the service on our YouTube Channel.

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two minutes silence for Queen Elizabeth

Two minutes silence for Queen Elizabeth II

Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, will lead a two-minutes silence in honour of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

The two-minutes silence will be held at 11.00am on Tuesday 20th September, following The Queen’s funeral on Monday 19th September, in honour of our late Sovereign and to mark the end of the official mourning period.

It will be held outside the Miles Suite at the Oakwood Centre, where the floral tributes have been placed.

All residents are very welcome to join the Mayor.

Please note that this is a public event and will be recorded and shared publicly.

The Book of Condolence and floral tribute area will remain open until Tuesday 20th September at 5.00pm.

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Woodley Town Mayor signs book of condolence

Woodley Town Mayors signs book of condolence

Woodley Town Mayor signs Woodley’s Book of Condolence and lays a floral tribute to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Paying her respects to our late Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II, Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, wrote a personal message in Woodley’s Book of Condolence, which will be bound and sent to the Berkshire Record office, once the period of mourning has ended.

Message of condolence

I would like to extend my condolences and those of Woodley Town Council, following the passing of our late Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II. Our thoughts are with the Royal Family and all those whose hearts she touched. Let us come together to remember with affection and gratitude the lifetime of service given by our longest serving Monarch. Cllr Janet Sartorel, Woodley Town Mayor

Floral tribute

Cllr Janet Sartorel also lay a bouquet of flowers for our late Sovereign, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The Mayor wrote:

On behalf of all Woodley Town Residents, we offer our deepest condolences to King Charles III and his family following the passing of our late Sovereign Queen Elizabeth II. Cllr Janet Sartorel, Woodley Town Mayor

The flowers will be collected, along with the other bouquets, after the period of mourning has ended and will be composted and used to plant an oak tree in memory of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. 

The Book of Condolence and floral tribute area will remain open until 5.00pm on Tuesday 20th September.

The Book of Condolence is in the Miles Suite at the Oakwood Centre and is available for people to sign every day from 9.00am to 4.30pm until the day after the funeral at 5.00pm. Please follow the signs and enter the room from the outside, rather than via the main Oakwood Centre. Please remain considerate to others also paying their respects.

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Hundreds gathered in Woodley Town Centre today to hear Woodley Town Mayor read the Proclamation.

Today, Monday 12th September, the Town Council Deputy Leader, Cllr Shadi Brindley, made a statement at Centre Stage in the town centre to mark the formal Proclamation to the people of Woodley and the beginning of our new King’s reign, followed by the Proclamation, which was read by Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel.

Cllr Shadi Brindley and Cllr Janet Sartorel were joined at Centre Stage today in Woodley by other members of the Town Council, Woodley Town Clerk and Woodley Town Deputy Clerk.

The ceremony was introduced by Town Crier, Tony Roper, followed by a speech from Cllr Shadi Brindley.

Deputy Town Council Leader’s speech

“We come together this afternoon following the passing of our late Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth the Second. Our sadness at this time is shared by people across the globe, as we remember with affection and gratitude the lifetime of service given by our longest-serving Monarch. But the basis on which our Monarchy is built has ensured that through the centuries the Crown has passed in an unbroken line of succession. Today’s ceremony marks the formal Proclamation to the people of Woodley and the beginning of our new King’s reign.

“On Saturday 10th September, the Accession Council met at St James’s Palace to proclaim our new Sovereign. The flags which had flown at half-mast since The Queen’s death were raised briefly to their full height to mark the start of His Majesty’s reign. 

The Accession Council also made an order requiring High Sheriffs to cause the Proclamation to be read in the areas of their jurisdiction. It was that task which the High Sheriff of the Royal County of Berkshire discharged yesterday and with my humble duty I now call on the Mayor of Woodley, Councillor Janet Sartorel to read the Proclamation to the people of Woodley.  Ladies and Gentlemen, the Proclamation of the Accession.”


Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, then read the Proclamation to the town of Woodley.

She then announced: God Save The King, to which the crowd replied: God Save The King.

National Anthem

The Town Crier led the crowd with the National Anthem, followed by three cheers for His Majesty King Charles III.


We’d like to thank everyone for joining Woodley Town Council and the Woodley Town Mayor to mark this occasion.

You can watch the Proclamation on our YouTube Channel HERE.

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Queen current events

Woodley Town Council mourns Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

death of the queen

Woodley Town Council and Woodley Town Mayor join the rest of the country in mourning following the death of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Following the passing of our late Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II, we would like to share our sadness at this time with the local residents of Woodley, as we remember with affection and gratitude the lifetime of service given by our longest-reigning Monarch. 

Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, said: “On behalf of the residents of Woodley and the staff and members of the Council, I would like to express my deepest sorrow at the death of our esteemed Monarch Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.”

Floral Tributes

Floral tributes may be laid outside the Miles Suite at the Oakwood Centre, adjacent to the fenced area until the day after the funeral. Please lay flowers without any cellophane as they will be composted. We have placed signage to indicate the area.

Book of Condolence

A Book of Condolence has been opened at the Oakwood Centre in the Miles Suite and will be available for people to sign every day from 9.00am to 4.30pm until the day after the funeral at 5.00pm. It will then remain in the Council’s archives. Please follow the signs and enter the room from the outside, rather than via the main Oakwood Centre. Please remain considerate to others also paying their respects.

If anyone would like to share a message of sympathy and is unable to get to the Council’s office, they can email their message to and it will be printed and included in the condolence book. Alternatively, a hand-written message can be sent to the Council office for inclusion. Please send to: Woodley Town Council, Oakwood Centre, Headley Road, Woodley, RG5 4JZ. Messages must be received by the day after the funeral.

Members of the public may also sign The Royal Family’s online condolence book, which can be accessed on their website:

Union Flag

The union flag will be flown at half-mast until the morning after the funeral. The flag will be raised to full mast on Saturday 10th September to mark the Proclamation of His Majesty King Charles III. This will be returned to half-mast at 1.00pm on Sunday 11th September. 


On Monday 12th September, the Town Council Deputy Leader, Cllr Shadi Brindley, will make a statement at Centre Stage in the town centre at 12.30pm, followed by the Proclamation, which will be read by Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel.


There will be a two-minute silence at 11.00am on the day of the funeral, which will be a public holiday. The Town Council offices will be closed. 

Woodley Town Mayor Cllr Janet Sartorel will also hold a separate two-minute silence the day after the funeral,outside the Miles Suite, at the site of the floral tributes. 

Letter of Condolence

The Town Mayor Cllr Janet Sartorel will send a letter of condolence to the Private Secretary of the new Sovereign, King Charles III. 

Tree to honour The Queen

Woodley Town Council will also plant an oak tree in honour of our late Sovereign, Queen Elizabeth II. Further information about this will be made available in due course. 


All Council events and meetings will be postponed or cancelled during the period of mourning. 

All information will be updated on our website: and social media pages: @WoodleyCouncil on Twitter and Facebook.

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Woodley Town Mayor mourns The Queen

Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, mourns the death of The Queen.

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Quen Elizabeth II

Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II

21st April 1926 – 8th September 2022

We are very sorry to announce the passing of Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II.

We would like to extend our condolences to His Majesty The King and the Royal Family.

We will issue further information regarding the opening of a book of condolence and the appropriate location for those who wish to lay floral tributes in due course.

Residents can keep up to date with further announcements via the official website of the Royal Family.

Quen Elizabeth II

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Investment in transport

Share your views on investment in transport

Transport for the South East have set out their 30 year vision for the region – it aligns with and supports government priorities to decarbonise the transport system, level-up left-behind communities and enable sustainable economic growth in the South East.

It has been developed in partnership and written for and on the behalf of the South East’s residents, communities, businesses and political representatives.  

The public consultation on the draft of this plan will end on 12 September and we invite everyone that it affects to read the draft and respond. 

Find out more HERE.

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