Bulmershe Park

Bulmershe park love parks week

Love Parks Week – Bulmershe Park

We are delighted to be taking part in Keep Britain Tidy’s #LoveParks campaign, which runs from 29 July – 5 August.

Today we celebrate Bulmershe Park.

Bulmershe Park is jointly managed by Woodley Town Council and Earley Town Council. The larger area – Bulmershe Open Space – is managed by Wokingham Borough Council. The park forms part of the Bulmershe SULV (Site of Urban Landscape Value).

Improvements to the park

Since managing the area, we have planted fruit trees and installed seating.

Woodley Town Council and Earley Town Council have jointly requested that Wokingham Borough Council designate the park as a ‘Town Green’ under the Commons Act 2006, to provide further protection for the site from development. The Friends Group – The Friends of Bulmershe Open Space – are working with Wokingham Borough Council and Woodley & Earley Town Councils on a plan for planting more trees at the site.

Climate change facts about the park

The margins have been left wild to encourage insects, pollinators and wildlife.

The Friends of Bulmershe Open Space are working with Wokingham Borough Council and Woodley & Earley Town Councils on a plan for planting more trees at the site.

We are pleased that this natural open space is well used and is very popular with dog walkers. A recent survey from YouGov and Keep Britain Tidy revealed that 63% of dog owners see a safe space for their dog to run free or play with a ball as important when choosing a park. #LoveParks week is an opportunity to celebrate the joy of parks for us and our four-legged friends. 

How you can help: 

  • Take your litter home
  • Pick up dog poop
  • Report any issues to us
  • Tell us how it can be improved

Tell us what you love about Bulmershe Park…

Email: admin@woodley.gov.uk Call: 0118 9690356 

love parks week how you can help
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