Love Parks Week – Malone Park
We are delighted to be taking part in Keep Britain Tidy’s #LoveParks campaign, which returns from 29 July – 5 August. Today we celebrate Malone Park.
Malone Park has two play areas which were previously managed by us under Wokingham Borough Council ownership until 2020, when we took ownership.
Improvements to the park
We have installed new play equipment, replaced all the play area railings and gates, carried out tree maintenance and created a wildlife area, which we will continue to develop over the coming seasons.
We are planning to install pathways to improve accessibility and access to the play area. We will also install knee rail fencing along the road boundaries to prevent unauthorised vehicle access. We will also begin to explore opportunities to improve the accessibility of play equipment provided at the site.
Climate change facts about the park
We are increasing opportunities for wildlife to thrive through un-mowed areas and wildflower planting.
Tell us what you love about this park…
How you can help:
- Take your litter home
- Pick up dog poop
- Report any issues to us
- Tell us how it can be improved.
Email: Call: 0118 9690356