The Council provides individuals who wish to create a lasting memorial to a deceased loved one with the opportunity to either install a memorial plaque in our Garden of Remembrance, or to plant a tree or sponsor a seat in one of the Council’s parks, subject to availability. More information on these types of memorial is provided below, along with an online enquiry form should you be interested in discussing this with us further.
Memorial Plaques - Garden of Remembrance
Within Woodford Park is the town’s Garden of Remembrance; a non-denominational space set aside for quiet contemplation and remembrance. Bronze plaques, inscribed with the details of a loved ones, are set out on wooden posts around the garden as a lasting memory to those who are no longer with us.
The Council can arrange for the sourcing and installation of memorial plaques. These are currently charged at £168.60 for Woodley residents, either the client or the deceased, or £259.40 for non-Woodley residents, which includes the purchase, inscription and installation of the plaque. Plaques are 6″ by 4″, and can be inscribed with up to 4 lines of text, with a maximum of 60 characters total (including punctuation, excluding spaces).

Memorial Benches

Individuals may be able to sponsor a bench in memory of a loved one in one of the Council’s parks, subject to availability and agreement from the Council on a suitable location.
The current cost for sponsoring a bench is £1000, which covers the purchase, delivery, installation and ongoing maintenance of the bench. The cost does not include the provision of a memorial plaque on the bench, however individuals may choose to source a plaque themselves if they wish, which the Council will then install on the bench at no additional charge.
Memorial Trees
Subject to an available, suitable location being agreed, the Council can arrange for the purchase and planting of a memorial tree in one of the Council’s parks.
The cost of memorial trees varies depending on the type of tree and any additional requirements, such as provision of a tree guard. There will also be a £60 service fee which covers the costs of planting, irrigation, stakes, compost and fertiliser.