Committee Members

Councillor Bill Soane
Cllr Bill SOANE - Chairman (Conservative)
Councillor David Bragg
Cllr David BRAGG - Vice-Chairman (Conservative)
Councillor Keith Baker
Cllr Keith BAKER (Conservative)
Councillor Linda Guttridge
Cllr Linda GUTTRIDGE (Conservative
Councillor Robert Horskins
Cllr Robert HORSKINS (Conservative)
Councillor Carol Jewell
Cllr Carol JEWELL (Liberal Democrat)
Councillor Vin Lewis
Cllr Vin LEWIS (Conservative)
Councillor Janet Sartorel
Cllr Janet SARTOREL (Conservative)
Councillor Parvinder Singh
Cllr Parvinder SINGH (Labour)
Councillor June TAYLOR
Cllr June TAYLOR (Labour)

You can find more information on the planning  process by visiting our Local Planning Guidance page.

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