re3 recycling

Re3 Centres to stay open during Lockdown 2

The re3 recycling centres on Longshot Lane, Bracknell and Island Road, Reading will continue to be open during the second national lockdown starting on 5th November with continued safety measures and a booking system in place. 

Residents should continue booking using the “Click and Tip” service and only visit the recycling centre if they are no longer able to store their waste at home. Kerbside waste collections and glass banks will remain operational. If possible, residents are asked to prioritise these services over a visit to the recycling centres during the lockdown period. To make a journey to the recycling centres as safe as possible, residents are asked to strictly follow social distancing guidelines and only arrive if they have a valid booking. In line with Public Health England guidance, residents who are showing symptoms such as high temperature, continuous cough or loss of smell or taste, or have tested positive for Coronavirus must cancel their booking and not visit the recycling centres. 

Bookings via the “Click & Tip” service are available for slots from 8am – 6pm, Monday to Sunday, and residents can book up to 7 days in advance. The “Click & Tip” service will remain in place until at least the end of March 2021. From next week residents will notice a new look booking system with a clearer display and more flexibility. Residents will be able to reschedule or cancel their appointment up to 3 hours prior to their visit and make a booking up to 1 hour before the slot subject to availability. This improvement will help to release some spare capacity, enabling more people to visit the sites. In addition, residents who are planning to use a commercial type vehicle on their visit will benefit from the integrated form within the same booking process.To ensure that social distancing guidelines are adhered, the following safety measures are still in place:

  • Limiting the number of vehicles allowed at the site at any one time.
  • All visitors are required to keep the appropriate distance from each other, at least 2m apart.
  • To minimise unnecessary contact with staff, residents should display their proof of address through closed windows and use contactless payments for transactions if possible.
  • Meet & Greet staff are required to wear a face covering all the time.
  • No assistance for unloading can be provided by site staff who will be available to direct the public and manage residents parking.  
  • Site is sanitised frequently, and hand sanitising facilities are available to residents.

Things to remember when visiting the re3 sites at Longshot Lane and Smallmead:

  • You must make a booking before you visit the site. If you do not have a booking you will be refused entry.
  • Please bring proof of address that shows you are a resident of Bracknell Forest, Reading or Wokingham such as a driving licence, a council tax bill or a utility bill (issued no longer than four months prior to visit) and place it on your dashboard for staff to see.
  • We accept all usual items, including chargeable waste, so plan your visit when loading your car as it will help minimise the amount of time on site.  

Cllr Mrs Dorothy Hayes MBE, Bracknell Forest Council’s Executive Member for Environment and Chairman of the re3 Joint Waste Disposal Board commented:“We are closely monitoring the Government advice and strongly believe that with everyone’s efforts recycling centres can remain safely opened during this difficult period. Safety measures that have been put in place since May have proven to be effective and the Click & Tip booking service has been a very successful approach to help us manage the demand for our busy sites in Bracknell and Reading. We are very grateful to all residents for their ongoing compliance and joint effort in following the guidelines to suppress the spread of this deadly virus.” 

Cllr Adele Barnett-Ward, Reading Borough Council’s Lead Councillor for Neighbourhoods & Communities, said:“The wellbeing of our residents and staff is our priority and we have been working hard to ensure that our facilities are as safe as possible throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. We are aware of how important the access to the recycling centres to many residents is, and we are determined to do everything we can to safely deliver this crucial service despite the new lockdown. Since the introduction of Click & Tip we have had many positive comments and feedback from visitors to the sites, with residents praising the organisation, lack of queues, ease of booking and feeling safe. I am delighted that we are building on this success by improving the booking system to allow residents to cancel or reschedule bookings as well as making last-minute bookings when availability allows.I know this increased flexibility will be welcomed by residents.” 

Cllr Parry Batth, Wokingham Borough Council’s Executive Member for Environment and Leisure, added:“We want to continue to offer our services and as always ask everyone to follow staff advice. With Covid-safe measures, the capacity has inevitably been reduced, however we are successfully offering over 10,000 bookings per week across both sites, allowing us to balance demand with offering a great service to our residents whilst at the same time adhering to social distancing rules. We expect some difficult months ahead and as we do appreciate that using the Click & Tip service is an extra step people need to take to visit Recycling Centres and we would like to thank Bracknell Forest, Reading and Wokingham residents for their understanding, compliance and simply for being kind during these difficult times.” 

Residents wishing to visit re3 Recycling Centres can book a slot via re3 website.

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Woodley town centre charity day cancelled

Due to the Covid 19 restrictions coming into place tomorrow – 5 November 2020 – the Woodley Town Centre Management Initiative have had to unfortunately cancel the Christmas Charity Day scheduled for 29 November 2020.

For further information please see – – or email the Town Centre Manager Brian Fennelly on

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Woodley Town Council

Council facilities to close from 5 November

Woodley Town Council

In line with the new Covid 19 restrictions announced by the UK Government to commence from Thursday 5th November, Woodley Town Council will be closing the following facilities:

  • The Oakwood Centre
  • Woodford Park Leisure Centre
  • Coronation and Chapel Hall
  • The Town Council offices will remain closed. 

The phone lines will be open Mon-Fri 10.00-14.00 only. Alternatively, please email:

We will update as and when new information is available. Please check our website and social media pages on Twitter and Facebook (@WoodleyCouncil).

woodley town council closed

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covid 19 coronavirus

Covid 19 restrictions from 5 November

Following the UK Government’s announcement regarding further Covid 19 restrictions, from Thursday 5 November, everyone must stay at home, and may leave only for a limited set of reasons. These include:

  • For education;
  • For work, if you cannot work from home;
  • For exercise and recreation outdoors, with your household, support bubble or on your own with one person from another household;
  • For all medical reasons, appointments and to escape injury or harm;
  • To shop for food and essentials;
  • And to provide care for vulnerable people, or as a volunteer.

A full set of exemptions will be set out in law and announced later this week.

Single-adult households will still be able to form an exclusive support bubble with one other household, and children can move between homes if their parents are separated.

Non-essential shops, leisure and entertainment venues will be closed. Click and collect services can continue and essential shops, including supermarkets, will remain open.

Pubs, bars, restaurants must close, except for takeaway and delivery services.

People should work from home wherever possible. Workplaces should stay open where people cannot work from home – for example, in the construction or manufacturing sectors.

Shielding as practised in the spring will not currently be reintroduced. The clinically vulnerable, or those over the age of 60, should be especially careful to follow the rules and minimise contacts with others. Those who are clinically extremely vulnerable should not only minimise their contacts with others, but also not go to work if they are unable to work from home.

There is no exemption for staying away from home on holiday. This means people cannot travel internationally or within the UK, unless for work, education or other legally permitted exemptions. Overnight stays away from primary residences will not be allowed, except for specific exceptions including for work.

Inbound international travel will continue to be governed by the travel corridor approach, and those currently on a domestic holiday will be allowed to finish their holidays, but are still subject to the requirements in England not to go out without a reasonable excuse.

Public services, such as job centres, courts, and civil registration offices will remain open.

There is no exemption for communal worship in places of worship (except funerals and individual prayer), organised team sports, or children’s activities.

The Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme, known as the furlough scheme, will remain open until December, with employees receiving 80% of their current salary for hours not worked, up to a maximum of £2,500. The cost for employers of retaining workers will be reduced compared to the current scheme, which ends today.

As the Prime Minister and Education Secretary have said, keeping young people in education is a national priority so early years settings, schools, colleges and universities will all remain open. Parents and carers should make sure their children keep attending school. However, universities and adult learning providers should consider increasing online provision where possible.

Parents will still be able to access registered childcare and other childcare activities where reasonably necessary to enable parents to work. Parents are also able to form a childcare bubble with another household for the purposes of informal childcare, where the child is 13 or under.

Ministers are also clear that it is vital to keep the provision for non-Covid healthcare needs going. Unless clinicians tell patients otherwise, they should continue to use the NHS, get scans and other tests, turn up for all appointments and collect medicines and treatments.

Further information can be found HERE.

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remembrance 2020

Remembrance 2020

Due to the Covid 19 pandemic and subsequent restrictions and guidelines, Woodley Town Council has taken the difficult decision to not host a Remembrance event this year. 

Instead, we will be putting together a montage of photos of organisations, schools and the Town Mayor with their wreaths prior to 11/11, along with other Remembrance footage. This will be published on our website, YouTube page, Twitter feed and Facebook page in time for the 11.00am two minutes silence on 11/11. 

If you would like to lay a wreath please contact Linda Matthews:

If you would like to send a photo with your wreath representing a charity or organisation to be included in the video, please do so by Monday 9 November 17.00 to:

We are encouraging residents to ‘Remember at home’ while adhering to the lockdown rules, which come into effect on Thursday 5 November. Please see HERE for further information on the rules.  

If you do decide to visit the Woodley Memorial to pay your respects, please can we remind you to follow the new Lockdown Guidelines. Thank you. 

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code of conduct for councillors

Code of Conduct for Councillors

Wokingham Borough Council has launched a consultation seeking your views on proposed changes to its Code of Conduct for its borough councillors.

When you vote for local councillors you place the successful candidates in positions of responsibility and trust, and the code sets out the behaviours expected of them to maintain this.

These councillor behaviours are known as the Seven Principles of Public Life which are selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty and leadership.

Elected councillors should act with integrity and honesty, treat people with civility and impartiality, avoid conflicts of interest and ensure public resources are used prudently in the public interest. The code also sets out the process they should follow to register and declare their financial and other interests. It also states they must not do anything which may cause their council to breach any of the provisions of the 2010 Equality Act.

The code also covers elected members in town and parish councils.

The Committee on Standards in Public Life (CSPL) publishes a set of best practice principles for standards in local government and recommends local authorities carry out an annual consultation on their Codes of Conduct as part of this. These principles are set out in the borough’s consultation together with a summary of Wokingham Borough Council’s current Code of Conduct alongside the proposed changes to this code. 

“We welcome your overall views on the Code of Conduct as well as your specific views on the proposed changes,” said Andrew Moulton, assistant director for governance at Wokingham Borough Council. “The role of councillor in all tiers of local government is a vital part of our country’s system of democracy.

The closing date for the consultation is 23.59pm on 11 December. You can access the consultation on our website and respond to it by emailing or by post to Democratic Services, Wokingham Borough Council, PO Box 151, Shute End, Wokingham RG40 1WH. If you cannot access the consultation online you can also email Neil Carr for a paper version. 

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poverty in wokingham borough

Tackling poverty in Wokingham Borough

The causes and effects of low income are wide ranging and damage standards of living and accessibility to health and wellbeing – in particular mental health and social inclusion.  

Poverty level trends are driven by changes in the employment rate, earnings, benefits and other income such as pensions, and housing costs. Although these factors cannot always be influenced locally, and they might be restricted by central government policy, local council knowledge of its residents is crucial knowing where best to target support. 

Depending on what definition of poverty is used – whether based on before or after housing costs are taken into account – the Wokingham Borough has consistently been one of the least deprived unitary authority areas in England (ranking least deprived in 2019 Indices of Multiple Deprivation). But people and families on low incomes do exist in the borough so the council has a number of measures in place to ensure the borough’s opportunities can be accessed by everyone.   

“Regardless of whatever statutory benchmark used to analyse poverty levels across the borough, Wokingham is one of the lowest in the country. But that doesn’t mean we’re complacent. It is certainly not okay,” said John Halsall, leader of the council.

“Even if one person or one child does not have fair and equal opportunity in our borough, that is one too many. We already have a wide net of support for low income families and are introducing even more. We’ll be discussing our approach to our Anti-Poverty Strategy, which will encompass all of these, at a forthcoming Executive meeting.”

In response to the pandemic, Wokingham Borough Council and its partner organisations have implemented a number of interventions including: 

  • Flexible repayment plans for Council Tax and distributing the Council Tax Hardship Fund
  • Financial support to eligible providers within the voluntary and community sector through the service sustainability fund
  • £20m in Business Support grants and £20m of other reliefs  
  • Extending funding to ‘One front door’ via Citizens Advice Wokingham giving struggling residents a single point for help and advice on unemployment debt, statutory sick pay/ benefits, mental health and wellbeing, and prescription collections or shopping service if they’re self-isolating
  • Supporting residents via the community engagement team including referrals to other local organisations that focus on hardship
  • Support for council tenants via the tenancy sustainment team 
  • Supporting rough sleepers into accommodation through the ‘All In’ policy

The effects of the pandemic on the borough are a moving target, and as such the council and its partners must develop responses to tackle them. New measures include the following:

  • Eco-Flex and Green Home Grants schemes to alleviate fuel poverty
  • Temporary accommodation for rough sleepers to March 2021
  • A private rented sector access fund
  • A rough sleeper programme including homes designed with wraparound support to help them
  • Enhanced mental health support
  • Influence economic recovery via economic renewal recovery and a business task force
  • Actions through the Berkshire Recovery Group Hardship workstream
  • A full time debt management worker

“Wokingham Borough is one of the best places to live and work in the UK,” said John Halsall, “and as such what poverty we do have, it has no place in the borough. We are unswerving in our mission to fight and work with our partners to drive up the living standards and drive out poverty for all our residents.”

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wokingham borough council

Wokingham Borough Council to review single occupancy Council Tax reduction

This November will see Wokingham Borough Council launch a review of the single person’s council tax discount to ensure those receiving the discount remain entitled to claim. 

Currently received by over 18,000 people in the borough, the discount sees those living alone receive a 25% reduction on their council tax bill to reflect the reduced draw they have on local services compared to larger households.  

“Over the past year there have been lots of changes to local households as well as increasing pressure on budgets. As such we felt it was time to review the single persons discount and make sure our records are up-to-date.” Said Cllr John Kaiser, executive member for finance and housing “Council tax income is critical to fund essential services which benefit all our residents so it’s important we make sure households contribute their fair share.” 

Over the coming months the council will be working with Northgate Public Services to carry out residency checks on households that currently receive the discount. These will establish if they are still entitled to receive it or if further investigation is required. 

A previous single person discount review identified a number of households incorrectly applying for reductions allowing over £450,000 in additional council tax to be collected each year. 

Cllr Kaiser continued: “The majority of those claiming the single persons discount remain entitled to it and will be completely unaffected by this review. However there are a small minority of cases where personal circumstances have changed, such as where a lodger or a partner have moved in, and the household may not realise they can no longer claim. 

“We also believe that there are residents living alone, whether from a recent change or longer term, who may not be aware of the discount and that they could be receiving several hundred pounds off their bill each year. Whilst these individuals won’t be identified through the review, as it only looks at those already claiming, we are keen to see them apply. 

“I’d urge any council tax payer who know their circumstances have changed, or who are unsure if they may be eligible, to get in contact with the council to discuss. If their concern is a financial one our team are team are always happy to discuss options and there may be other discounts that the household qualifies for instead.” 

Changes to circumstances that impact on a households eligibility for a single person discount (or any other council tax discount) need to be notified to the council within 21 days. 

Any resident who thinks they may no longer be entitled to a council tax discount should contact: Wokingham Borough Council on 0118 974 6000 or email

For those residents who would like more information on the various discounts or benefits that they may be entitled to claim can visit: and (for benefits).

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Cllr John MacNaught

Councillor John MacNaught

It is with great sadness that we announce that Councillor John MacNaught passed away last week. 

John was first elected to Woodley Town Council in 2015, when he first stood for election in South Lake South Ward. He followed this up in 2019, when he was elected to the Town Council in his home area of Coronation East Ward.

John was on several committees, including the Town Council’s Planning & Community Committee. He also was an active member of Readibus and the Woodley Volunteer Centre on behalf of the Town Council.

Town Council leader Cllr Keith Baker said: “Woodley residents have lost a very special person in John. Someone who was passionate in everything he did but always shaped by the compassionate and caring attitude that was deeply embedded in his character. Speaking personally, I have lost a very special friend who was always there when you needed help. A perfect gentleman in every way. May he rest in peace and our thoughts are with his family, especially his son and daughter.”

Our thoughts are with his family and friends. 

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Addington school sixth form

Addington School sixth form now complete

The £4.4million new Addington School building has been officially opened. 

Wokingham Borough Mayor Cllr Malcolm Richards and executive member for children’s services Cllr UllaKarin Clark cut the ribbon with headteacher Sara Attra at the school to declare the building officially open, with the expansion allowing 50 more pupils to attend the Ofsted-rated outstanding school in Woodley.

Cllr Richards gave a short speech to declare the building open and the guests were given a COVID-19 safe tour of the building by two students and the Headteacher. The opening was recorded on video to be shown to the rest of the school community.

“I was delighted to be able to visit the fantastic new building and receive the tour where students and Mrs Attra explained the real-world benefits of this project and how it’s helping young people in our borough,” he said.

Boosted capacity

More young people will access the best SEND education possible in Wokingham borough at the school in Woodlands Avenue, with the school’s capacity now at around 250 students. It means more young people will be educated closer to home, making families’ lives easier by reducing journey times, as well as reducing the council’s travel costs.

Construction of the new block follows the opening of two new multi-use games areas (MUGAs), a new sensory path and an expanded car park at the end of September 2019.

Thirty-five of the 50 new places have already been filled from September 2020, with the rest of the additional places due to be taken from next September. The new places have helped accommodate a new year seven class and an Early Years class, with two additional classes when the new school year starts in autumn 2021.

‘An excellent addition’

“The new sixth form building at Addington school is an excellent addition to the school’s provision,” Mrs Attra said. “Its use is twofold, firstly to provide a new excellent teaching and learning environment for our 16-19 year olds and secondly to provide space in our old building for an extra 50 special school places. 

“These additional places will enable more children and young people with learning difficulties living in Wokingham to attend a local special school. Our sixth formers and staff have settled extremely well in to the new building and are enjoying using the additional facilities such as the teaching cafe, teaching kitchen and business enterprise room which have greatly enhanced our vocational curriculum. 

“Our students have told us how happy they are with their new facilities and in particular the more age appropriate environment and are looking forward to developing the cafe as an enterprise project in the future.”

“This fantastic building has allowed us to increase places at Addington and it means we can help make the lives of an additional 50 young people and their families easier by offering them a place in an outstanding local school,” said Cllr Clark. “The range of facilities on offer will allow students to learn life skills, as well as providing a social space and standard classrooms.”

Green construction methods

The construction was completed by modular construction specialists Reds10, alongside our design partners HLM Architects. Seventy per cent of the building work for the new block was completed modularly offsite, a decision made to reduce disruption to the school and its students, and for its environmental benefits.

This method reduces the number of vehicle trips required and cuts down on the amount of waste produced as part of the project compared to traditional construction, which helps Wokingham Borough Council towards its goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2030.

Claire Wakelin, Studio Director at HLM Architects, added: “We couldn’t be more pleased to have played our part in the successful delivery of the Addington SEN School expansion. Through our growing experience in offsite construction, and working closely with Reds10, we have been able to push the boundaries of design often associated with modern methods of construction.

“Pupils will now be able to learn, develop and thrive in a safe and nurturing educational environment that has been designed to help them reach their true potential. This school not only benefits its users, but also the wider community, strengthening the spectrum of opportunity by providing enhanced access to high quality learning.”

Michael Ruddick, Director at Reds10, summed up: “Constructing the School’s extension offsite meant that we were able to deliver the project more quickly, under safer, more controlled conditions and with less disruption to the local community. 

“However, what we are really proud of was producing a building that contributes to the Council’s commitment to be carbon neutral by 2030, while also providing a modular space, which is stunning to look at, fits with its surroundings and fit for purpose. Our entire team is pleased to have been part of the project alongside our partners HLM Architects and Wokingham Council and we look forward to future projects together.”

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covid 19 coronavirus

In It Together: How Wokingham Borough is battling Covid-19 as a community

covid 19 coronavirus

The number of Covid-19 cases in our borough is increasing, as it is just about everywhere in the country.

In response to this increase, Wokingham Borough Council is launching our ‘In It Together’ campaign to help everybody keep to the Covid-19 rules and slow the spread of infection. The campaign will focus on how the borough council and its partners are working together to reduce the impact of Covid-19 and how everybody can play a part in this.

Leader of Wokingham Borough Council John Halsall said: “Wokingham Borough Council has been proactive to protect its residents throughout the crisis and our communities and schools have responded magnificently to the challenge Covid-19 has brought. However, we face a threat that is not going away, in fact, it is increasing in our borough as it is elsewhere and so we will re-double our efforts and are calling on all residents to do the same: we are all in this together.”

Since the pandemic began, Wokingham Borough Council has:

  • Sourced its own PPE supplies when the national supply was failing
  • Published the most accurate and comprehensive data on outbreaks available every week
  • Bought an emergency supply of testing kits for use in emergency circumstances if necessary
  • Launched a self-isolation payment scheme to help those eligible people who cannot earn money when told to isolate
  • Worked closely with schools to help them re-open and remain open as safely as possible
  • Stepped up to deliver local contact tracing to support the NHS Test and Trace service (the first authority in Berkshire to volunteer to do so)
  • Worked with businesses to help them operate safely (and acted when they did not follow rules)

As the number of cases rises again, the borough council is working with partners in the voluntary sector to keep the Wokingham Borough Community Response up and running to help those most vulnerable. The council is also writing to those people who were shielded in the spring in order to make sure they have the latest guidance.

The borough council has worked hard with local partners to ensure there are testing sites locally available whenever possible, with units coming to at Cantley Park in Wokingham and Prospect Park in Reading. Tests can be booked via the national website

A mobile testing unit will be located at Cantley Park on October 22 and November 13, 21 and 27.  Attendance at the site will be via appointment/booking only and tests can be booked via the national website

Testing site availability/booking slots are allocated the day before for morning appointments or in the morning for same day afternoon appointments. If appointments are available at local testing sites they will show up when booking a Covid test via the website.  If no local appointments are available you may be able to book a home testing kit, or find a booking at a nearby regional testing unit (Newbury and Slough).

Cllr Halsall added: “If we all can change our behaviour and observe the rules as a matter of course we may avoid the worst. I am asking everyone to be an evangelist for these rules. In essence the virus is spread through social contact, the more you minimise social contact the less the virus will spread.

“The effort to control Covid-19 and support the vulnerable in the borough has been phenomenal. But the numbers are going up and there are still some people who are not following the rules – and I have to say that they are putting others at greater risk. We must all stick together in this – keep to the social distancing rules and, if you have to isolate, please do so.”

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covid safety bonfire night

Covid safety for Bonfire Night

Bonfire Night Celebrations during Covid

The Council and the Public Protection Partnership (PPP) would like to ask residents if they are holding their own bonfire night celebrations during the period around bonfire night to please:  

  • Be observant of Covid restrictions – remember the ‘Rule of 6’, social distancing and ‘Hands – Face – Space’ 
  • Remember that bonfires and fireworks may cause a nuisance to your neighbours and we encourage you, out of courtesy, to discuss your plans 
  • Bonfires burning damp materials will cause excess smoke 
  • Make sure you are not burning pollutants such as plastics
  • There is a risk that bonfires may get out of control and put excess pressure on emergency services – follow guidance from Royal Berkshire Fire & Rescue service regarding taking precautions
  • Multiple fireworks, going off over a longer period of time, may frighten and stress local pets and animals. Look out for fireworks labelled ‘low noise/silent’. Please talk to neighbours with pets to let them know your plans
  • If you’ve a pet who gets distressed during the firework ‘season’ see link here from PPP Animal Warden team
  • Fireworks should not be let off in public places such as a park or your street
  • If you are setting off fireworks in your garden make sure your garden is big enough for the type of firework and that you follow the safety instructions and the firework code.

If you are unsure what it legally allowed, in general terms, on Bonfire Night, see link here from Thames Valley Police. 

Firework safety guidelines see here

Current guidelines on gatherings under COVID restrictions see link here

The Public Protection Partnership (PPP) is a shared service delivering Environmental Health, Licensing and Trading Standards to over 450,000 people and 10,000 businesses on behalf of three authorities (Partners), Bracknell Forest Council, West Berkshire Council and Wokingham Borough Council.

These services encompass a wide range of areas of responsibility from environmental protection to fair trading, food safety to animal health, housing standards to taxi licensing, and more.




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