covid 19

Woodley moves into Tier 3 restrictions from Saturday 19 December

Wokingham Borough moves to Tier 3 (Very High)

In its latest review, UK Government has placed Wokingham Borough in Tier 3 (Very High). This will come into effect from 12:01am on 19 December and there are tighter restrictions to what you can and cannot do. For the full list of guidance, please visit the website.

Please note that the following factors are taken into consideration by the Government when deciding which tier each area of the UK should be in:

  • Case detection rates in all age groups
  • Case detection rates in the over-60s
  • The rate at which cases are rising or falling
  • Positivity rate (the number of positive cases detected as a percentage of tests taken)
  • Pressure on the NHS

In order to go back down to Tier 2, there must be a sustained downward trend across a number of these factors. The next review will take place on 30 December.

You can find out which tier other parts of England are in through the Government’s Covid -19 postcode checker.

BC Case rates rising

Cases rising rapidly

Our Public Health experts have informed us that cases are increasing rapidly, and we are seeing daily rates hit levels that are higher than before the November lockdown.

The weekly case rate (up to 11 December) as reported on the Covid-19 dashboard is 185.8 per 100,000 people.

Each of us has a responsibility to continue to adhere to the guidance to keep ourselves, our families and our neighbours safe.

Remember, you should not be meeting other households indoors, and you should continue to follow basic public health measures around washing your hands, wearing a face covering where required to do so and making space from others.

BC Christmas

Consider your actions before Christmas

One of the most important actions we can take to help slow the spread of the virus is to limit our number of social interactions. This is crucial over the festive period, which we know is usually a busy time for get-togethers with friends, family, and colleagues.

However, with Christmas just over a week away, please remember that if you have any contact with someone who goes on to develop Covid-19 (within the subsequent 48 hours) you will need to self-isolate over the festive period.

Just because you can form a bubble with two other households over the festive period, it doesn’t mean you have to. Please use your judgement to make the right decision and take extra caution now to help keep your loved ones safe and protected.

Helpful contacts during the pandemic

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Register early for postal vote

On Thursday 6 May, 2021, Wokingham Borough residents will go to the polls in the local elections to have their say on who represents them on Wokingham Borough Council and who will be the Police and Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley Police Force Area.  

Keeping you safe

While the elections are not until May, the borough council is already hard at work making plans to help you stay safe while casting your vote.  

There are a number of ways to have your say in the elections in May – you can vote in a polling station, by post, or by appointing someone you trust to vote on your behalf, which is known as a proxy vote.

Apply for a postal vote now

If you’re thinking about voting by post, you can apply now. This will make sure your application is processed early, and your postal vote can be sent to you more quickly. It’s easy to apply and you can find out how by visiting the council’s election webpages.  

You need to be registered to vote in order to have a say at the elections – the easiest way to register is online by visiting website.  

Andrew Moulton, electoral registration officer for Wokingham Borough Council, said: “The elections next year are very important – they’re an opportunity to make your voice heard and have a say on who represents you on issues that directly affect day-to-day life here in Wokingham Borough.

“We’re thinking about these elections now so that, however you choose to cast your vote in May, you can do so safely. We’re putting arrangements in place to help you stay safe at the polling station. But you also have the option to apply to vote by post or by proxy. You don’t need to wait until nearer the time, we are encouraging you to register now.”

More information

If you have any questions about registering to vote, or applying for a postal vote, email the electoral services team at:

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donate unwanted technology

Donate your unwanted technology to the vulnerable

As part of its commitment to reducing loneliness and isolation in the borough, Wokingham Borough Council has joined forces with local charities, as part of the Wokingham Borough Community response, to provide donated IT equipment to vulnerable residents who don’t have the knowledge or tools they need to go online.

The ‘Digital Donations’ initiative will improve their ability to access the internet, ultimately helping to reduce the impact and risk of loneliness and isolation in the borough. This includes households whose income falls below the poverty line.

One Front Door

The Council has been working with Citizen’s Advice and other key partners across the voluntary sector as part of its One Front Door scheme, to offer support to residents who are classed as critically extremely vulnerable (CEV) during the second national lockdown. 

As part of this work, it has identified key individuals and families within the community who are most at risk from digital exclusion and who would benefit from access to donated IT equipment.

Accepting donations

As a result, the Council is encouraging businesses, charities and members of the public to donate good quality IT equipment that is no more than five years old; including computers and laptops (minimum Windows 7, or OS Version 10.13), tablets (minimum Android 7, or OS supported) and keyboards (USB or wireless, complete with all keys). 

Once donated, the Council has enlisted the help of a local IT business to make the devices as safe and easy-to-use as possible. They will then be passed on to local charities, including the Link Visiting Scheme and First Days, to deliver to residents and provide guidance on how to use them. 

Improving digital engagement

Cllr Charles Margetts, executive member for adult social care and public health, says: “In our Covid-19 Residents Impact Survey, we found that 7% of respondents admitted that they struggled with IT, internet, or use of digital technology during the first wave of the pandemic and this is something we want to change. 

“Our Digital Donations project will be a springboard for creating medium to longer term solutions that will improve digital engagement across the borough, by providing vulnerable individuals and families with access to valuable IT equipment.”

Drop-off points

For GDPR purposes, all devices must be restored to factory settings before being donated, and items should also be fully sanitised. These can be donated in a Covid-secure manner at several sites across the Borough from Monday 14 December, including:

  • Wokingham Library – open 9.30am-1.30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 
  • Woodley Library – open 9am-1pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
  • Lower Earley Library – open 9.30am-1.30pm on Monday and Thursday  

Ambitious digital strategy

Cllr Charles Margetts continues: “Having to self-isolate or stay at home during the national lockdowns has been particularly hard for some of our most vulnerable residents. At the same time, we understand that there are children within our communities who do not have access to the IT equipment they need to aid their personal development. 

“That is why this is such an important step in our ambitious digital strategy, ultimately improving their ability to access the internet and reduce any feelings of isolation.”

If you, or you know someone who would benefit from this scheme, please contact the following organisations:

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wokingham borough council

Wokingham Borough Council Christmas opening hours

Wokingham Borough Council has announced its office opening hours for the Christmas and New Year period.  

DateShute End offices
Thursday 24 December9am to 3pm
Friday 25 December  (Christmas Day)Closed
Saturday 26 December   (Boxing Day)Closed
Sunday 27 DecemberClosed
Monday 28 December (Boxing Day substitute day)Closed
Tuesday 29 DecemberNormal opening hours (9am to 5pm)
Wednesday 30 DecemberNormal opening hours (9am to 5pm)
Thursday 31 December (New Year’s Eve)9am to 3pm
Friday 1 January 2020(New Year’s Day)Closed

The emergency out-of-hours telephone number during the holiday period is (0800) 212 111. Social services emergencies out-of-hours telephone number is (01344) 786 543.

The telephone number for reporting out-of-hours repairs to council properties is (0800) 515 287 for general repairs and (0800) 389 8789 for heating repairs and gas servicing. The calls will be managed by the council’s out-of-hours call centre and passed to the appropriate contractor.

The community mental health crisis team will be providing out-of-hours urgent care service, available on (0300) 365 9999.

Waste and recycling
The Civic Offices at Shute End in Wokingham will be open on the days stated above, with Covid-19 safe restrictions in place to allow residents to access essential waste and recycling items only. Those purchasing blue bags or garden sacks will need to pay in advance on our website and then bring the receipt with them.

The only entry point will be via the main entrance off Biscoe Way, operating on a one in, one out basis. All enquires will be triaged on arrival and visitors will be asked to provide track and trace details.  Social distancing must be followed at all times, with distancing signage in place as a reminder.


All Wokingham Borough Libraries will be closed on Friday 25 December, Saturday 26 December, Sunday 27 December, Monday 28 December and Friday 1 January.

Wokingham Library

Wokingham Library will be open on Tuesday 29 December and Wednesday 30 December from 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Woodley Library

Woodley Library will be open on Wednesday 30 December from 9am to 1pm.

Lower Early Library

Lower Earley Library will be open on Thursday 24 December and Thursday 31 December from 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Other libraries in the borough remain closed due to the council’s Covid-19 response. Further details can be found online at

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Happier and healthier Berkshire

Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy for Berkshire West

Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy for Berkshire West

The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Berkshire West: Reading, West Berkshire & Wokingham

What is the Joint Health and wellbeing strategy?

A Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out where professionals across health and social care will work together to improve the health of the population.

This year, for the first time, the Health and Wellbeing Boards in Reading, West Berkshire and Wokingham have joined together to produce a new 10-year plan to improve the health and wellbeing of people who live across Berkshire West.

Why is this strategy important?

The new strategy will be the focus for health and social care working in partnership across all three areas to improve your health and wellbeing. It is a declaration of where we all think it is important to work together to make a difference, and so will affect decisions about where money is spent and where resources are put over the next 10 years.

How can I make a difference? 

We have spoken with professionals and looked at data to see what areas we think are important to include. Through this, we have created a list of 11 possible priorities but now need your help to decide which of these should be included in the final strategy.

All 11 of these areas are important, but we think it is essential to focus on a smaller number and so make sure we can do them right, making a real difference to people’s lives. We want to understand what is important to you and where you want us to focus our time, energy, resources and commitment.

What can I do?

We will be hosting three virtual public meetings on 13th, 20th and 27th January. If you would like to attend, please let us know at

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Woodley library December 2020

Woodley Library to re-open 7th December

Wokingham, Woodley and Lower Earley library buildings will reopen from Monday 7 December, following the end of the national lockdown and the introduction of new Tier 2 (High) restrictions. 

All will operate at reduced hours, enabling them to deliver an in-person library service in the safest way possible.

Opening hours

Under current plans, Wokingham Library will be open between 9.30am and 1.30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, Woodley Library between 9am and 1pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Lower Early between 9.30am and 1.30pm on Monday and Thursday. 

This will help staff to safely manage and quarantine books that are returned, which is particularly important as there are currently 32,000 books on loan across the borough.

Re-deployment of staff

In November, the council took the decision to close both Wokingham and Woodley library buildings to enable staff members to be redeployed into other statutory services to help manage the spread of the virus and protect the vulnerable within our communities. 

Following a successful month of effort in these areas during the latest lockdown, some of these staff are now able to return to their substantive roles, whilst others are still directly supporting our most vulnerable residents.

Safe places to visit

Cllr Parry Batth, executive member for environment and leisure said: “We are delighted to be re-opening our three largest libraries, enabling us to meet demand and deliver the service as safely as possible. Prior to the national lockdown, our Wokingham and Woodley libraries had been successfully operating with Covid-19 public health measures since re-opening in the summer, and residents were making repeated use of our services. 

“We are very pleased to also be re-opening our Lower Earley library, which has been closed since the first national lockdown, and we have a range of measures in place to ensure that all of our libraries are safe places to visit.” 

Please note, services are currently limited to the lending library and waste sack collection. Other library services such as computer facilities and events are still unavailable at this time.

Social distancing efforts

In terms of social distancing, all three libraries have one-way systems in place which people must follow, as well as hand sanitiser stations in the entrances for use when entering and leaving the premises. 

Face coverings must be worn inside the buildings and visitors should try to minimise their handling of books while browsing. If a book is touched, but not booked out, it must be taken to the returned books area where it will be put into quarantine for 72 hours before it can be returned to the shelves.

Online library service still available

“For anyone who is unable to visit our libraries once they re-open, we do have a digital service available. This continues to be a popular option and we were very pleased with the uptake of our online offering during lockdown”, says Cllr Parry Batth. 

“This includes an expanded range of digital books, magazines, music streaming and virtual events, which are available for residents free of charge.”

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Friendship Alliance Wokingham

Friendship Alliance Newsletter December 2020

Please note that the ‘Find Out More’ buttons in the Newsletter are not linked. For more information, please contact Jayne Streak, Project Lead at the Friendship Alliance on: / 07464 834949 / 0118 979 8019.

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wokingham borough council

Wokingham Borough Council announces further discretionary business grants

wokingham borough council

Wokingham Borough Council is finalising plans to provide financial support to local businesses impacted by the current national lockdown restrictions, which were in place until 2 December. It is hoped that this will also extend to any businesses affected by Wokingham Borough’s move into the new Tier 2 restrictions.

For businesses required to close as a result of the current lockdown restrictions, and who are registered for business rates (commercial premises), there is the option to apply for a mandatory grant under the Local Restrictions Support Grants (Closed) Addendum. To date, more than £529,000 has been paid out to local businesses, and eligible companies can continue to apply via the form on the council’s website.  

However the Council recognises that there are many businesses who have been impacted by the recent 4 week restrictions, but who do not pay business rates and who aren’t eligible for other financial support. To support these organisations, it is finalising details for Phase 1 of a Discretionary Grants Scheme (also known as Additional Restrictions Grants). 

Subject to final approval from the Council’s Executive this week, it hopes to be able to offer grants of £1,500 to help business whose cash-flow has taken a nosedive in the last four weeks; either because they have been required to stop trading, or because a significant proportion of their income relies on trade with businesses who have been forced to close.

The Council recognises how challenging these current restrictions have been for many businesses and so are actively encouraging early applications from potentially eligible businesses so that we can be ready to pay out that grant as quickly as possible if the scheme is approved.

More details and an application form can be found on the Council’s website.

The Council wants to make sure it helps as many businesses as possible so if you are aware of any companies that may have been impacted, perhaps as part of your own supply chain, then please pass this information on.    

Please note this phase of discretionary grants just covers the recent 4 week restrictions and the Council will be looking at further phases and other support schemes to help local businesses over the next few weeks and months.  

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Free festive parking in Wokingham Borough car parks

Wokingham Borough Council-owned car parks in towns and village centres across the area will offer free parking on 5, 12 and 19 December.

It’s especially important for communities across the borough to support their local high streets this year, with many independent businesses dealing with disruption due to Covid-19.

Where car parking is free

Car parks included in this festive offer are:

  • Polehampton Close, Twyford 
  • School Lane, Wargrave 
  • Shute End, Wokingham 
  • Denmark Street, Wokingham 
  • Easthampstead Road (East and West), Wokingham 
  • Cockpit Path, Wokingham 
  • Headley Road, Woodley 
  • Crockhamwell Road, Woodley 
  • Lytham Road (East and West), Woodley 
  • Former M&S car park/Rose Street car park, Wokingham
  • Carnival Pool Multi Storey car park, Wokingham

Supporting local businesses

Cllr Pauline Jorgensen, executive member for highways and transport, said: “We’re pleased to be able to offer free Saturday parking again this year in the run up to Christmas, with it being especially important to support local shops and traders this year. 

“We know our residents want to support businesses in the borough in the run up to Christmas and make the most of the fantastic shops we have to offer, providing parking on these days free of charge helps them to do this.”

Further information

Although parking will be free on the three Saturdays before Christmas, maximum stay limits and disabled parking bays will still be enforced and any vehicles breaching these regulations will be subject to the usual Penalty Charge Notices being issued.  

It should also be noted that the free parking offer applies only to council car parks, and does not apply to privately managed car parks.

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