poplar trees

Tree works in Woodford Park 26 October

Works will be carried out to the poplar trees along the boundary between Woodford Park and St Dominics School during the half term week (26-30 October).

This will involve the felling of some of these trees that have become rotten and  present a danger to the public. Works will be carried out by qualified tree surgeon. The footpath will be temporarily re-routed while the works are carried out and we apologise for any inconvenience caused.

The Town Council will be replacing trees and hedge plants in this and other areas of the park with 165 saplings arriving in November through the Woodland Trust.

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Woodley map

The Poor’s Land Charity Vacancy

Cedar Place Almshouses, Loddon Bridge Road, Woodley

The Poor’s Land Charity has a vacancy in one of its Almshouses in Woodley on Loddon Bridge Road. 

The unit is available for residents of Woodley, Sandford or Charvil aged 55 years or over. The accommodation is a self contained flat with a double bedroom, lounge, bathroom and kitchen. Large communal gardens, in addition to a laundry room, day room and guest room.

To enquire further please contact the Clerk to the Trustees, Mrs Fidler, on 0118 9690136.

Closing date for receipt of completed application: Monday 9th November 2020.

Woodley map

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Green Flag award Woodley 2020

Woodley Town Council celebrates its third Green Flag Award win for Woodford Park

According to Keep Britain Tidy, it has been a record-breaking year as more than 2,000 green spaces across the country got the international quality mark, including Woodford Park for the third year running.

Grounds Maintenance team member Aaron Rogers and Grounds Maintenance Manager Terry Gough

Woodley Town Council is delighted that Woodford Park will be raising a Green Flag Award for the third year running. This is particularly poignant in the current Covid 19 pandemic, when millions of people across the country have seen the value of having great quality green spaces on their doorstep.

The Green Flag Award scheme, managed by environmental charity Keep Britain Tidy under licence from the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government, recognises and rewards well-managed parks and green spaces, setting the benchmark standard for their management across the United Kingdom and around the world.

Woodford Park is one of more than 2,000 sites across the country to collect the award for 2020. 

Town Council Leader Cllr Keith Baker is proud that Woodford Park has retained the award for the third year running, providing local residents and visitors with a spectacular green space to enjoy. 

“Winning the Green Flag award for the third-year running is a great testament to the hard work of the Town Council staff and the volunteers from the Friends of Woodford Park who help maintain such a beautiful facility. This has been all the more important during the lockdown period of Covid 19, where accessing green spaces was vital for mental and physical health. 

The Council is particularly proud that this is the only park in the Wokingham Borough area to have received and retained Green Flag status.”

Commenting on Woodford Park’s success, Keep Britain Tidy Chief Executive Allison Ogden-Newton OBE said: “This year, more than ever, our parks and green spaces have been a lifeline and we know that millions of people have used them to relax, meet friends, exercise or simply escape for a short time.

“It is testament to the incredible dedication and hard work of parks staff and volunteers that, despite the challenges that went along with record numbers of visitors, Woodley Town Council has achieved the highest international standards for Woodford park, demanded by the Green Flag Award.”

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covid 19 coronavirus

Covid 19 restrictions postcode checker

covid 19 coronavirus

The UK government has released a search engine to help find out what the coronavirus restrictions are in your area. 

The search engine can be accessed HERE.

Woodley is currently in Local Covid Alert Level Medium (13/10/2020).

covid alert level medium

covid alert level high

covid alert level very high

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road resurfacing wokingham borough

Road resurfacing work continues

Headley Road and Crockhamwell Road scheduled for resurfacing

Twelve key travel routes across Wokingham Borough will see major investment this autumn as we begin our second phase of resurfacing schemes. 

Thousands of residents will see the benefits of improved road surfaces on main travel routes throughout the borough thanks to a £800,000 programme, starting on 19 October.

This is part of the council’s £8million investment in road improvements during 2020-21 and follows an extensive programme earlier this year. 

Almost 100 roads across the area were resurfaced earlier this year, with many of the most disruptive locations being completed during the lockdown months when roads were quieter.

Dates and locations

This round of resurfacing works will take place between October and December and will all be full resurfacing works. 

This is an extensive treatment which involves removing the top layers of a worn out road surface and replacing this with new material. More information on the different types of road treatments can be found on the council’s website.

The works this autumn will focus on some of the most used roads across the borough and include Rushey Way in Earley, Headley Road and Crockhamwell Road in Woodley, Nine Mile Ride in Finchampstead and Baskingstoke Road in Spencers Wood/Swallowfield. 

Roads have been selected by the council’s highways team by identifying the roads most in need of attention thanks to continual surveying and inspection producing a condition scoring system.

Investing in the right locations

“Improving road surfaces is something we know is a top priority for our residents and our extensive programme for this year continues through the autumn,” said Cllr Pauline Jorgensen, executive member for highways and transport. 

“Ensuring residents can have smooth journeys on safe roads, whether in their vehicles, on public transport or by cycling, means keeping surfaces in a good condition.

“Officers continue to inspect and monitor all roads across Wokingham Borough and this shapes where the work is taking place. Roads such as Nine, Mile Ride, Rushey Way and Crockhamwell Road are vital for being able to get around the borough easily, but also reflect where work is most needed based on our information.”

Reducing disruption

To reduce disruption at key strategic locations we will work overnight from 8pm to 6am. Where necessary daytime works at important locations will be off-peak, between 9.30am and 4pm. 

Residents who live on streets where works are taking place will receive letters notifying them in advance and signs will be placed on streets where work is happening.

Full details of this year’s programme, including which roads will be resurfaced or redressed and when, can be found by visiting Details of road closures will also be available on

Highways investment

The work is part of a series of highway investments in Wokingham Borough including the council’s £124million major highways programme, new or improved park and ride car parks, and other services across the area. 

The council is also beginning its work to invest £20million in tackling congestion over the next five years.

Full list of places where works are taking place:

  • HEADLEY ROAD (approach to mini roundabout at rear of Lidl) – Woodley – 21-23 October
  • RUSHEY WAY – Earley
  • GREAT LEA – Three Mile Cross
  • CHURCH ROAD – Swallowfield
  • NINE MILE RIDE – Finchampstead
  • DAVIS STREET – Hurst
  • CROCKHAMWELL ROAD (Drovers Way to Loddon Bridge Road) – Woodley – November/December
  • LONGWATER ROAD – Finchampstead
  • BASINGSTOKE ROAD – Swallowfield/Three Mile Cross

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roadworks in woodley

Road closures to replace safety barriers

Please note the upcoming safety barrier replacement work at various locations between Woodley and Charvil. The majority of the work will be undertaken under partial lane closures or 2-way traffic signals.

Wokingham Borough Council aims to undertake the works as quickly as possible to minimise disruption. The team will take all possible measures to minimise any noise from the site and react immediately to try and resolve any concerns or complaints received during the works.

Why are we doing the work?

These safety barriers have been identified to require replacement following assessment.

When and where?

Works will commence from 7 October for eleven weeks. During this time, various sections along London Road, Bath Road and New Bath Road will have traffic management in the form of either lane closures or 2-way traffic light.


The safety barriers will be replaced.

Why a road closure?

A road closure is required for the date mentioned above to ensure the safety of the workforce and also to protect the drivers as there will be periods where the safety barriers will be removed completely for foundation construction.

Where can I find out more information?

  • Visit:
  • On social media

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Help to heat across the borough

New scheme to help households improve energy efficiency

Wokingham Borough Council’s executive has approved the Energy Company Obligation (ECO) and local ECO Flex ‘Help to Heat’ scheme. 

This new green initiative aims to help eligible residents improve the energy efficiency of low performing homes with a range of works such as loft or cavity wall insulation.

And the best part is that the improvements are usually either free or heavily subsidised as they are funded through a national levy on major energy suppliers such as British Gas, EDF Energy, EON, Npower, Scottish Power and SSE. 

“Currently almost 1800 homes in Wokingham Borough are believed to have the worst energy performance rating of E, F or G, with almost half of this figure made up of council homes and social housing stock. This low rating means these homes are performing very inefficiently with occupiers paying much higher heating bills than they should.  

“We already know that fuel poverty, caused by continually increasing energy costs, is affecting 1 in 10 households across the UK, and is having a massive impact on some of the eldest, most vulnerable and most at risk residents of the borough. We don’t believe anybody should be forced to decide between ‘heating and eating’ which is why initiatives like the ECO scheme, and the new Green Homes Grant, are so important for our local residents. By improving the energy efficiency of local homes we can help occupiers reduce their bills and enjoy warmer, more comfortable homes. 

“Improving the energy efficiency of local homes will also help tackle the wider climate emergency by lowering carbon emissions across the borough.” 

In addition to helping local home owners access the scheme the council intends to use ECO funding to improve low performing council homes to help benefit local tenants as well. 

To qualify for support resident’s will need to meet certain eligibility criteria and have their homes current energy performance surveyed by the council’s ECO scheme partner, Insta Group Ltd, to assess whether improvements can be made in line with the scheme requirements. 

National ECO eligibility criteria includes those in receipt of a range of benefits such as Universal Credit or the Personal Independence Payment (PIP). However, by adopting the local ECO Flex ‘Help to Heat’ element alongside this, the council will also be able to increase eligibility criteria to include a wider range of residents. 

Details of the wider eligibility criteria, the types of improvements available and how to apply for support, will be shared when the council ECO Help to Heat scheme launches later in October. 

You can find out more about the ECO scheme on the Ofgem website at:

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Help stop bonfires

A plague of illegal bonfires is blighting parts of the borough – with a quarter of all nuisance complaints received since the beginning of September linked to 18 locations – but the council is taking immediate action to put the problem out.

Acrid smoke from sites burning what is believed to be commercial waste is polluting homes and gardens in various parts of the borough and WBC enforcement officers are out hunting the culprits to put a stop to the problem.

Cllr Parry Batth, executive member for environment said: “I am declaring war on the culprits who are burning commercial waste late in the evenings and weekend. The foul smells created are blighting the lives of many residents – and could cause health problems in particular those with respiratory conditions. We have the powers to catch and punish those responsible – and we won’t hesitate to do so.”

The council’s Public Protection (PPP) Team has followed up complaints and on witnessing nuisance issued Abatement Notices at locations in the south of the borough where they found evidence of illegal burning. To date there have not been further incidents at these locations, but, if there are infringements there are a range of options open to the Council including prosecution and all options are on the table.  They are also using other powers such to deal with dark smoke when appropriate.

The PPP team has also carried out day and night time inspections at these and other potential trouble spots to try to catch the perpetrators in action.

Cllr Batth added: “Wokingham Borough has zero tolerance to illegal burning of commercial waste. Our teams are out looking to catch those responsible. But we do need the public’s help because it is obviously essential to get evidence, and the best evidence is to catch them red-handed. If you are aware of illegal burning of commercial waste, please contact us on the appropriate channel – just posting something on social media will never help us take action, but reporting the incidents can do.”

Any residents witnessing illegal fires should contact the PPP via the website or if it’s happening in real time a call to the EH number on (01635) 503 242. Reports should include information on times, locations and if possible photographs of the fire and smoke. 

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woodley town council

Community grants

Woodley Town Council approved Community Grants

woodley town council

The following Community Grants were approved by the Strategy and Resources Committee on 15 September 2020:

2nd Woodley Scout Group                          

£250 – to purchase camping equipment and activity equipment.

Berkshire Vision                              

£250 – towards the cost of providing services and a range of events and activities to enhance the lives of the visually impaired.

Home-Start Wokingham District

£250 – towards the cost of running a training course for new volunteers and mentoring current volunteers.

Kick Twist Cheerleading

£250 – towards the cost of 4 training sessions at the Bulmershe Gymnastics Club.

Me2 Club                               

£250 – towards the cost of recruiting and screening 5 new volunteers within Woodley.

Woodley Festival of Music and Arts

£250 – to help towards the cost of providing the Festival of Music and Arts.

Woodley United FC                                                             

£250 – towards the cost of enabling 4 volunteers to obtain the FA Level 1 Football Coaching qualification.

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