
Category: Uncategorized

Woodley Town Mayor Janet Sartorel

New Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor

We are delighted to announce that Cllr Janet Sartorel has been elected to Woodley Town Mayor and Cllr Kay Gilder to Woodley Deputy Town Mayor for the year 2021-22.

This is Cllr Sartorel’s first Mayorship and will be Cllr Gilder’s fifth time as Deputy Mayor.

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allotment gardening for mental wellbeing

Allotment gardening for mental wellbeing

A new fun, friendly and free event is now available from Sport in Mind at our Reading Rd allotment site.

It’s aimed at people experiencing mental health issues to promote physical health and mental wellbeing. Sport in Mind are also running events at other local parks.

Please contact Sport in Mind for further information (this is not a Woodley Town Council event). / 07341267740

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Friendship Alliance

Friendship Alliance Newsletter

Friendship Alliance Wokingham

Please download the latest Friendship Alliance Newsletter HERE, with links to all of the activities.

If you have any enquires, please contact Jayne Streak: 07464 834949 | 0118 979 8019 |

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Woodley Town Council

Community grants awarded to local groups and charities

At the recent Strategy & Resources Committee meeting, held virtually on Tuesday 27th April, the following community grants were awarded: 

  • First Days Children’s £250 – to fund the set-up costs for a new school uniform ‘hub’ in Woodley
    Friends of Woodford Park £250 – to purchase plants for the annual planting of the beds in the Memorial Ground
  • Me2 Club £250 – to recruit and screen five new volunteers who can be matched to children in Woodley requiring support
  • Promise Inclusion Ltd £250 – to help towards the costs of running a Youth Group at Addington School for young people with learning disabilities/autism 
  • Woodley Festival of Music £250 & Arts – to help towards the costs of running a virtual music and arts festival, providing young people in Woodley with the opportunity to perform and entertain
  • South Lake Primary School £250 – to help towards the costs of purchasing new PTFA reading books for the school which reflect an improved level of diversity
  • Individual – Holly Smith (Ballet) – £100 Towards the cost of new pointe and ballet shoes to ensure attendance at Tring Park School for the Performing Arts. 

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Woodley parkrun

Woodley Junior Parkrun returns Sunday 25th April

Woodley Junior Parkrun returns to Woodford Park this Sunday – 25th April 2021

Photo courtesy of Parkrun Woodley

Parkrun Woodley for adults hopes to return on Saturday 5th June, in line with government Covid 19 guidelines.

For more information, please visit the Woodley Parkrun website or email:

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Woodley Town Centre garden

Woodley Town Centre garden planting

Woodley Town Centre community garden planting to start this summer

We are pleased to announce that we have drafted a visual and sensory design for the planting in the new walled garden area in the town centre. 

However, this is unfortunately unable to start until Wokingham Borough Council carries out crown lifting works to the trees in early summer, which is the best time for these particular trees to be cut. This is necessary before any planting begins as it will allow more light into the area and stimulate better plant growth. 

We are still waiting for a confirmed date from Wokingham Borough Council. 


Central planting of a selection of shade growing shrubs such as hydranga, japonicas, hellebore, ornamental grass, hosta, vibernam and ferns will form part of the design. Along with peripheral planting of crocus, snowdrops, bluebells and wood anemone. 

This will provide a good mix of planting in terms of appearance, height, colour and scent. Some larger shrubs will also be considered to provide a focal point along with smaller shrubs and ground cover. 

The design has been planned to be adapted and added to as the garden develops. 

Community involvement 

We want the garden to be an on-going project with scope for community involvement from individuals and local groups and organisations. We have already received many offers of assistance and involvement that can be accommodated and encouraged in different ways. There may be an opportunity for volunteers to be involved in the initial planting and maintenance during the first season, under the direction of the Grounds Maintenance Manager. 

There will also be opportunities for groups to become more involved, such as local schools. 

This forms part of a larger plan to arrange volunteer planting days, under the supervision of the Grounds Maintenance Manager, across many of our parks and green spaces. 

Please note that, at this stage, it is subject to the health and safety guidelines during the Covid 19 pandemic. 

Town Council Leader Cllr Keith Baker is eager to get the planting started and is delighted with the initial garden design and potential community involvement. 

“We originally had two options for the design of the planting and chose the one that was the most visually stimulating, ensuring that the walled garden area becomes a stunning focal point in the town centre. 

We will also be considering additional accessible seating and will be discussing options for the type, quantity and location of any seating in future committee meetings, with public consultation.”

Can we please remind people to not put any rubbish in the garden area. Thank you. 

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Oakwood Centre

Oakwood Centre remains closed

12th April 2021

The Oakwood Centre remains closed to the general public. 

However, we are able to take bookings that fall within the Covid 19 allowed parameters. Please contact for further information. 

Brown Bag Cafe remains closed. Please contact them directly for more information. 

wokingham borough waste bags

Waste bags can be ordered to be delivered from Wokingham Borough Council or collected from Woodley Library. Please contact Wokingham Borough Council directly for more information.

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Wokingham borough council

Statement of the persons nominated for election as a Borough Councillor in Woodley

Borough Council and Woodley Town Council elections 6 May

On Thursday 6 May, Wokingham Borough residents will head to the polls for the Borough Council and Police and Crime Commissioner for the Thames Valley Police Force area elections.  There are also Town Council by-elections in Wokingham and Woodley. (Please see below for persons nominated.)

Voters have a range of options for casting their ballot – in person, by post or by appointing someone they trust to vote in their place, known as a proxy vote.

The deadline to apply for a postal vote is5pm on 20 April, and for a proxy vote the deadline is5pm on 27 April.  

For those who choose to vote in person, polling stations will be safe places to vote on 6 May. Voters are encouraged to keep themselves and others safe by:

  • Wearing a face covering
  • Bringing their own pen or pencil
  • Cleaning their hands when entering and leaving the polling station
  • Keeping a safe distance.

Voters should not attend the polling station if they have symptoms of Covid-19, or if they have been asked to self-isolate. There will be provisions in place to apply for an emergency proxy vote if required due to health circumstances.   

Andrew Moulton, assistant director governance, said: “It’s important to make sure your voice is heard at the elections in May, and we are putting measures in place to help you cast your vote safely. You can vote either vote at a polling station, by post or by proxy.  “You can find more information about how to apply to vote by post or proxy on our website at: (search for “elections 2021”).
“However you choose to vote, you must be registered in order to have your say at the elections – the easiest way to register is online at” 

The deadline to register to vote in this coming May’s elections is 11:59pm, Monday 19 April.  Residents will receive a polling card informing them of the elections taking place in their area including details of when and where to vote. Individuals do not need their polling card with them to vote but will be asked to provide their name and address to a member of staff on duty. 

Residents can find out more information, including their ward and where to vote on our (search for “elections 2021”).

Please Click HERE to view all persons nominated in the Wokingham Borough area.

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HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

The death of The Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh 1921 – 2021

We are very sorry to announce the passing of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh.

Woodley Town Council and the Woodley Town Deputy Mayor mourn the passing of the late His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh

Following the passing of the late His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, we would like to share our sadness at this time with the local residents of Woodley, as we remember with affection and gratitude the lifetime of service given by the Duke of Edinburgh. 

Due to Covid 19 restrictions and guidance, we will not have a Book of Condolence available to sign. However, the Royal Family website is accepting and encouraging members of the public to sign its online Book of Condolence, which can be found on its website:

In accordance with public health advice during the current Covid 19 pandemic, local residents are asked to continue to follow the current Government guidelines, particularly on avoiding meeting in large groups and on minimising travel, to keep themselves and others safe. We therefore please ask not to gather or leave floral tributes locally. Instead, local residents may wish to consider donating to a charity of their choice, or one of The Duke of Edinburgh’s Patronages in memory of His Royal Highness.

The Deputy Town Mayor Cllr Anne Chadwick will send a letter of condolence to the Private Secretary of His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh to pass on the town’s condolences to the family. 

“His Royal Highness The Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh will be remembered with great affection for his support to Her Majesty The Queen Elizabeth II, Great Britain and the Commonwealth, and for his many public roles. Our thoughts are with the Royal family as they grieve the loss of a husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather. 

“I would also like to thank the residents of Woodley for continuing to respect the Covid 19 restrictions and guidelines during this period of mourning.”

The funeral of His Royal Highness The Duke of Edinburgh will be held on Saturday (17 April) at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor Castle and there will be a nationwide minute’s silence observed at the beginning of the service at 3pm. We ask our residents not to travel to any Royal Residences or gather in large crowds, and mark this safely in their homes instead.

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Woodley Town Council

Woodford Park – Electricity Supply Works

Works will commence from 7 April to install a new electricity supply to the Maintenance Yard in the park. This is due to a cable failure in the existing supply cable. The new cable will reinstate power to the yard with increased capacity which is more fit for purpose.

This work will involve digging a trench from the substation next to the tennis court, across the grass to the rear of the leisure centre and 3G pitch to the yard. The trench will be fenced off throughout the work with crossing points installed to allow safe pedestrian access across the park. The new electric cable will be laid by Southern Electric on 15/16 April and the work should be complete by 17th April.

We apologise for any inconvenience during this essential work.

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walled garden woodley town centre

Walled garden in Woodley Town Centre


Wokingham Borough Council will be carrying out crown lifting works to the trees in early summer,  in advance of the Town Council planting the garden.

Unfortunately we need to wait for the tree works so that the new planting isn’t damaged when this is carried out. The Town Council has allocated £4,500 toward the planting and we have a planting plan which will add colour and sensory elements to the space and will be involving volunteers in the planting and ongoing maintenance. 

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