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new play area at Woodford Park

New play area for Woodford Park

Help us to choose the equipment for the new play area at Woodford Park

Please click HERE to choose your favourite design. You can also scan this QR code:

Woodley Town Council has secured £200,000 from Section 106 Developers monies – through Wokingham Borough Council, specifically for the creation of a new play area in Woodford Park.

This exciting project gives us an opportunity to deliver a fantastic new play space for residents and visitors and we want your views and comments on the designs we have received.

Seven design tenders were received and these have been shortlisted to 3 designs which best met the criteria we set out.


The proposed location is to the rear of the Oakwood Centre (where the existing old play area is located – this will be removed) and utilises space on the other side of the path – in the area around the skate park.


One of the key criteria for the play space is inclusive and accessible play for all children. These designs incorporate features that are exciting and stimulating for children with a wide range of abilities and challenges. Some of these features include an opportunity for wheelchairs to access higher levels, sensory features providing texture and sound and an overall design that does not exclude children on the basis of their physical or mental abilities. 


We are consulting with local stakeholders and specialists such as the team at Addington School to make sure we deliver the best possible play space for Woodford Park.

We’d like as many local residents to take part in our consultation and let us know which items of equipment you really like, which overall design you prefer and any other comments on the project.

We will then consider the consultation responses and appoint a contractor in August 2021. We hope to deliver the project toward the end 2021.

To be part of the consultation and see more images and details, please click HERE. You can also scan this QR code:

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wokingham borough waste bags

Waste bag collections

wokingham borough waste bags

From 15th June our reception desk will be open every Tuesday (13.00-15.00) and every Thursday (10.00-12.00) for the collection of waste bags.

June opening hours Woodley Town councill

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Roadworks sign

Road repairs Loddon Bridge Road

Upcoming work on Loddon Bridge Road


SGN will shortly begin a major gas network upgrade in Woodley, with work starting on Loddon Bridge Road on 21 June.

This is to allow the replacement of an old metal gas main with new plastic pipe.

Temporary traffic lights will be in place for approximately 10 weeks, with work taking place between Just Tiles roundabout/Crockhamwell Road and Vauxhall Drive. The lights will be manually controlled between 7am and 7pm to assist traffic flow.

For more information you can visit the SGN website, call the SGN Careline on 0800 975 1818 or get in touch by email.

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Woodley Town Mayor Janet Sartorel

Woodley Town Elector’s – stories of help and hope

Woodley Town Elector’s meeting highlights the outstanding and sometimes challenging help received by residents during the Covid 19 pandemic

The Town Elector’s meeting followed a new format this year, where participants shared and celebrated how the community of Woodley had come together during the Covid 19 pandemic, with presentations from organisations the Council supports sharing stories of how they had worked with local residents.

Following the Town Mayor Cllr Janet Sartorel’s welcome, presentations were heard from:

  • Jake Morrison, CE of Citizens’ Advice Bureau Wokingham
  • Peter Absolon, from Readibus
  • Marjie Walker, from The Link Visiting Scheme
  • Jayne Streak, from The Friendship Alliance
  • Richard Davies, Woodley Food Bank
  • Tracy Wand, Woodley Volunteer for Covid 19 Facebook Group.

Highlights of the presentations were:

Citizens’ Advice Bureau Wokingham

Jake Morrison highlighted that during the period 2020-21, 750 people in Woodley were supported; a 48% increase on the previous year. He talked of several case studies, including helping a resident with mental health issues to access the service, a resident who was supported to resolve a debt issue with their water and energy companies and a couple to access food support during the pandemic, as well as arranging for them to obtain a specialised bed due to illness. 


Peter Absolon shared stories of some of the residents who had used the Readibus service during the pandemic, many who described the service as a lifeline and how safe it made them feel, taking the worry out of travel. One local resident who had lost her husband during the pandemic, relied on the service as her only means to get out and expressed her thanks to Woodley Town Council for supporting the Readibus service.

The Link Visiting Scheme

Marjie Walker noted that the service which supports those isolated or lonely, grew from supporting 350 people to just over 700; 78 of which lived in Woodley. The organisation also joined with other local charities and Wokingham Borough Council to form the Community Response Team. 556 people in Woodley were supported and following referrals from Adult Social Services, a further 25 individuals within Woodley during the second lockdown. 

The Friendship Alliance

Jayne Streak talked about how an online café was set up during the lockdowns, with people meeting for two hours every Wednesday via Zoom. Following the relaxation of restrictions, the group has been able to meet twice in Woodford Park for a walk followed by a coffee. The project is now seeking to set up in-person Friendship Tables.

Woodley Foodbank

Richard Davies told of how the pandemic created a significant increase in demand for support from people who had traditionally not needed support; this included the clinically vulnerable, as well as those who were cautious, shielding, furloughed, newly unemployed or unable to work. He added that the community support during the pandemic had been outstanding with a tremendous team effort of the community supplying the food and volunteers packing and delivering. 

Woodley Volunteer for Covid 19 Facebook Group

Tracy Wand explained that, after two individual groups had initially formed at the start of the pandemic, a combined Woodley Volunteer for Covid 19 Facebook Group was set up with membership now at around 1,500 members. The group helped with a variety of support across Woodley, from gifts for those struggling financially, to distributing bottles of water and snack bars to key workers. They also arranged an out of hours collection point for the Food Bank and helped to link residents needing support with the organisations and volunteers who could help them. 

Woodley Town Council

Following these presentations, the Woodley Town Council Town Clerk provided an updated on the Council’s activities over the past year, and its response to the pandemic.

Highlights included that by April 2020, the Town Council had set up new ways of working, including home working, Covid risk assessments, and buildings had been adapted to meet Covid guidelines. The Council was also able to continue providing space at the Oakwood Centre for blood donations and family support sessions, which have continued during lockdown, as well as more recently for Covid vaccinations.

The Town Clerked thanked the Friends of Woodford Park for managing the flower beds, which have looked amazing during the year, and to all colleagues who have kept services running in the face of ever-changing guidelines.

Looking ahead, during the next year, there is a project to install a new play area in Woodford Park and the Council is seeking views from members of the public on the three possible designs. Other projects include removing the algae in the lake at Woodford Park using barley sausages, completing the refurbishment of the Maintenance Depot, replacing the low fencing in Woodford Park, restricting unauthorised access to Malone Park and putting pathways into the little play area, and developing a SLA to support Young People in Woodley.

The year also sadly saw the passing of two serving Councillors; Jon MacNaught and Dave Mills, who was the serving Mayor. The Town Clerk expressed her appreciation for all their work and stated that the Council’s and residents’ thoughts go out to their families.

We received a few questions and suggestions from the public; two of which were answered at the meeting discussing the town centre garden and youth provision support in Woodley. Both issues are actively being actioned by the Council. 

Woodley Town Mayor Janet Sartorel
Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel

Closing the meeting, Town Mayor Cllr Sartorel said: “I’d like to thank those who have taken part and shared stories of help and hope. I am humbled and moved by each and every one. I’d also like to thank those residents who have attended or viewed the meeting.

The Council hopes to expand on the format of this meeting next year, and to continue to celebrate the wonderful town of Woodley.”

The full minutes of the meeting can be read on our website ( and the meeting watched on our YouTube channel 

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Woodley Walks

Woodley Walks

Get your walking shoes on – 16 Woodley Walks now available on our website. Perfect for the Bank Holiday weekend!

Click HERE to access the walks or scan the QR Code

One of the positive aspects of the Covid 19 pandemic has been the importance of getting outdoors for both physical and mental wellbeing.

Wanting to help our residents access the many beautiful green spaces in and around Woodley, we have worked closely with volunteers from Loddon Valley Ramblers to create 16 Woodley focused walks that use the network of quiet footpaths around the town and out into neighbouring areas. 

Each individually designed walk has comprehensive route notes, photographs and maps, while some include tracks and waypoints in .gpx format for GPS use. All start and finish points are shown on the map and all of the routes can be downloaded via the links, ready to be printed or used on a smartphone or tablet. 

The majority of the walks are ‘circular’ and start and finish at the same place. However, two are ‘linear’ walks, starting and finishing at different places and may require the use of public transport to get you back home or to your car. Where this is the case, details of bus routes, stops and numbers, and train alternatives, are provided. It is advisable to check bus and train times before you set out. All walks are accessible by public transport; the route notes identify the bus number and bus stop of the starting points. Appropriate car parking at, or near, the starting points is also noted. 

Accessible walks

We wanted to include all of our residents and therefore the walks will suit the young (under supervision), the ‘not-so-young’ and everyone in between. School-age children will love discovering the area and following the instructions as they lead their parents around the walks. 

Some walks have been specifically designed with wheelchair users in mind and are marked with WCA. All ‘buggy friendly’ walks include gravel or dirt paths, which may be muddy and puddled, and across parkland that may be soggy. Extremely muddy paths have been excluded from this category. 

Please report any problems with the walks to and they will be directed to the appropriate authority for investigation. Comments about the walks should be sent to the same address. 

The Council wishes to thank Reading University (for allowing the use of its campus) and Loddon Valley Ramblers for their knowledge, expertise and enthusiasm. 

Although all efforts have been made to confirm the accuracy of the information provided, walks are undertaken at the walkers’ own risk. 

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Woodley library

Woodley Library now open

May 2021

Wokingham, Woodley and Lower Earley libraries are now open

Woodley library

Wokingham, Woodley and Lower Earley libraries have reopened for book browsing, borrowing, and a click and collect service.

  • Woodley Library is open on Mondays (9am to 1pm), Wednesdays (9am to 1pm) and Thursdays (1pm to 5pm)
  • Wokingham Library is open on Tuesdays (1pm to 5pm), Wednesdays (9.30am to 1.30pm) and Fridays (9.30am to 1.30pm)
  • Lower Earley Library is open on Mondays (9.30am to 1.30pm), Tuesdays (1pm to 5pm) and Thursdays (9.30am to 1.30pm)

All three libraries are open for click and collect only on Saturdays (9.30am to 1pm). 

Orders can be placed on the Library website or by phone on 0118 978 1368 .

Measures are in place at all three sites to allow for safe visiting; including social distancing, a one-way system, a requirement to wear masks and hand sanitizer stations.

Find out more here or check on the Library website or social media pages for changes to library services, as we move through the Covid-19 recovery roadmap. 

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town electors meeting woodley

Town Elector’s Meeting

Town Elector’s Meeting – Tuesday 25th May 2021 19.00-20.00

Town Electors’ Meeting – Your Town, Your Say

The Town Elector’s Meeting will have a new focus this year, looking back at the past 12-18 months and how the local community of Woodley has pulled together during the Covid 19 pandemic.

We want to celebrate the support and help the local residents of Woodley have received, and we will therefore have presentations from:

  • Jake Morrison, Citizens’ Advice Bureau
  • Peter Absolon, Readibus
  • Marjie Walker, The Link Visiting Scheme & Jayne Streak, Friendship Alliance
  • Richard Davies, Woodley FoodBank
  • Tracy Ward, Woodley Volunteer for Covid 19 Facebook Group
  • Deborah Mander, Woodley Town Council Town Clerk

The Town Elector’s Meeting will also give local residents the opportunity to have their say and ask any questions on the areas of Woodley that we look after. These include:

  • Centre Stage 
  • The Oakwood Centre
  • The Garden of Remembrance
  • The allotments at Reading Road
  • Community activities and events 
  • Halls for hire (Coronation and Chapel Halls)
  • Youth support work
  • Woodford Park Leisure Centre and The Gym on the Park
  • Woodley Town Centre Management Initiative
  • Local parks (Woodford Park, Malone, Wheble Parks & Bulmershe Open Space)
  • Maintaining designated bus shelters, the public toilet, street lighting, noticeboards, and public seating.

Do you have a question you would like to ask the Council about one of these areas?

Would you like to see more youth activities and events?

Would you like an annual Picnic in the Park or a Music Festival at Centre Stage?

Would you like to see any additional services or improvements to our parks and green spaces?

We’re encouraging local residents to join us on the evening of Tuesday 25th May at 19.00 via Zoom, when you will have the opportunity to ask your question. To obtain a link, please email

If you are unable to attend and would still like to submit a question, then please email or send your questions to our Facebook or Twitter pages. 

The meeting can also be watched live on the night on our YouTube channel

Please note that we will be unable to answer any questions related to Wokingham Borough Council and will ask you to contact them directly.

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Woodley Town Council 17 may

Lockdown restrictions 17 May 2021

Step 3 of lockdown lifting confirmed

Today, Monday 17 May 21, Step 3 of the roadmap out of lockdown will go ahead. The main changes are:

  • People will be able to meet in groups of up to 30 outdoors
  • Up to six people, or two households, will be able to meet indoors
  • Domestic overnight stays will be allowed with people not in your household or bubble
  • Pupils and students will no longer need to wear masks in the classroom or communal areas
  • Pubs, restaurants, and other hospitality venues will be able to seat customers indoors
  • Indoor entertainment such as cinemas and museums will be able to open
  • Hotels, hostels and B&Bs will be able to reopen
  • Adult indoor group sports and exercise classes will be able to restart
  • Performances and sporting events in indoor and outdoor venues will be able to resume with capacity limits
  • Up to 30 people will be able to attend significant life events such as wedding ceremonies, receptions, and christenings
  • The legal limit on the numbers of mourners at funerals will be lifted, though legal limits will be set by venues based on capacity.

Visit the Government website for a full overview of how the rules will change on 17 May.

Woodley Town Council

woodley town council

Woodley Town Council offices remain closed. Waste bags can be collected from other local collection points. Please see HERE for where to collect and how to order.

The Oakwood Centre

Oakwood Centre

The Oakwood Centre continues to take bookings in line with Covid 19 restrictions and rules. Please email: for further information. 

Brown Bag Cafe

Brown Bag Café opens today (17 May) and the public toilets in the Oakwood Centre will also be open during the café’s operating hours. Monday – Saturday: 08.00 – 17.00; Sunday: 09.00 – 16.00. 

Woodley Town Council 17 may

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Woodley Town Council

Woodley Town Council election results

Woodley Town Council election results

Robert Horskins, was voted Conservative councillor for Coronation East Ward.

Wokingham Borough Council election results for Woodley

Anne Chadwick, was voted Conservative Wokingham Borough Council councillor for Loddon ward.

Shahid Younis, was voted Conservative Wokingham Borough Council councillor for Bulmershe & Whitegates.

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