Wokingham Borough Council Christmas opening hours

wokingham borough council

Wokingham Borough Council has announced its office opening hours for the Christmas and New Year period.  

DateShute End offices
Thursday 24 December9am to 3pm
Friday 25 December  (Christmas Day)Closed
Saturday 26 December   (Boxing Day)Closed
Sunday 27 DecemberClosed
Monday 28 December (Boxing Day substitute day)Closed
Tuesday 29 DecemberNormal opening hours (9am to 5pm)
Wednesday 30 DecemberNormal opening hours (9am to 5pm)
Thursday 31 December (New Year’s Eve)9am to 3pm
Friday 1 January 2020(New Year’s Day)Closed

The emergency out-of-hours telephone number during the holiday period is (0800) 212 111. Social services emergencies out-of-hours telephone number is (01344) 786 543.

The telephone number for reporting out-of-hours repairs to council properties is (0800) 515 287 for general repairs and (0800) 389 8789 for heating repairs and gas servicing. The calls will be managed by the council’s out-of-hours call centre and passed to the appropriate contractor.

The community mental health crisis team will be providing out-of-hours urgent care service, available on (0300) 365 9999.

Waste and recycling
The Civic Offices at Shute End in Wokingham will be open on the days stated above, with Covid-19 safe restrictions in place to allow residents to access essential waste and recycling items only. Those purchasing blue bags or garden sacks will need to pay in advance on our website and then bring the receipt with them.

The only entry point will be via the main entrance off Biscoe Way, operating on a one in, one out basis. All enquires will be triaged on arrival and visitors will be asked to provide track and trace details.  Social distancing must be followed at all times, with distancing signage in place as a reminder.


All Wokingham Borough Libraries will be closed on Friday 25 December, Saturday 26 December, Sunday 27 December, Monday 28 December and Friday 1 January.

Wokingham Library

Wokingham Library will be open on Tuesday 29 December and Wednesday 30 December from 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Woodley Library

Woodley Library will be open on Wednesday 30 December from 9am to 1pm.

Lower Early Library

Lower Earley Library will be open on Thursday 24 December and Thursday 31 December from 9.30am to 1.30pm.

Other libraries in the borough remain closed due to the council’s Covid-19 response. Further details can be found online at www.wokingham.gov.uk/libraries

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