
Police and Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley calls for retailers to stop selling e-scooters

Matthew Barber, Police & Crime Commissioner for Thames Valley, has written to four major retailers in an effort to prevent the sale of illegal e-scooters.

In his letter to Argos, Currys, Decathlon and Halfords, Matthew Barber commented that while the sale of e-scooters is perfectly legal as they can be used on private land, the use of privately owned e-scooters in public places is currently illegal and asked the retailers to “consider the continued sales to be consistent with being a responsible corporate citizen”.

He added: “I fully understand that there is nothing to prevent you selling these products, but I would ask you to consider if it is responsible to continue to do so… I would ask if you would be content for your children to ride an e-scooter illegally, potentially putting themselves and others at risk and urge you to reconsider your position.”

You can read Matthew Barbers full statement on the Thames Valley Police & Crime Commissioner website.


We’d like to remind you that e-scooters are not permitted to be used in the precinct or in public places around Woodley. 

We have previously published a summary of the rules and regulations from Thames Valley Police. 

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School sign

Dangerous parking outside Woodley schools

Members of the Planning & Community Committee have recently raised concerns about parking issues outside of Woodley schools at drop off and pick up times. 

Members have witnessed inconsiderate, and often illegal, parking at schools, which has caused near misses between pedestrians and vehicles. This has been particularly noted around secondary schools, when older aged children are leaving at the end of the day. 

Concerns were also raised that traffic speeds were high, and due to illegal or inappropriate parking along the road, some students are often seen walking in the middle of the road, putting themselves in danger of being in an accident. 

Members are looking to hold discussions with Wokingham Borough Council and the My Journey team to consider ways of improving the situation, as well as requesting additional civil enforcement activities to enforce any illegal parking. 

Members will raise this again as a future agenda item. 

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Woodley Town Council logo

Planning & Community Committee Meeting – 27 February 2024

Notice of Planning & Community Committee Meeting - 27 February 2024 - 7.45pm - The Oakwood Centre
Please click here to view the full agenda for this meeting.
You can watch the meeting live, or after the event, via the Town Council’s YouTube channel.

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vandalism and graffiti at woodford park play area

Vandalism to canopy trail slide at Woodford Park to cost £2500

We are disappointed to report that the metal panels at the top of the canopy trail slide in the play area in Woodford Park have been vandalised.

The cost to repair the damage, which appears to have been caused by bolt cutters, will cost £2500.


There was also extensive graffiti and obscene images written and drawn on various areas of the slide and along the wooden fencing in the toddler area, as well as bottles of baby oil dispensed down the slide tube. 

Local schools

We will also once again contact the local schools to make them aware of the vandalism and continued graffiti and request for schools and parents to discuss with their young people the importance of respecting our parks and facilities and the community of Woodley.

Report any suspicious behaviour

The incident has been reported to the police. If you have any information that might help identify the culprit(s) please do get in touch with us or contact the police.

Please can we also ask residents to report any incidents of anti-social behaviour or vandalism in our parks and at our facilities to us or to the police. Thank you.

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winning cake of woodley schools bake off competition

Woodley Town Deputy Mayor judges Woodley Schools’ Bake-Off competition!

Four Woodley Primary Schools took to the kitchen recently for the annual Woodley Schools’ Bake-Off competition, held at The Bulmershe School

Budding bakers from Beechwood, Highwood, St Dominic Savio and Willow Bank Junior schools designed showstopping cakes at home and school, then came together to bake and decorate them from scratch.  The Year 5 children worked in pairs, supported by some fantastic Year 9 student Transition Leaders, and they showed great teamwork and perseverance, adapting to deal with any unforeseen issues. 

The children also undertook an icing task, set by Nicola Jolliffe from the Jolliffe Cake Company, where they created beautiful icing roses.  


Woodley Town Deputy Mayor, Cllr Juliet Anderson, Cllr Keith Baker and Nicola Jolliffe judged the competition and chose a pair from St Dominic Savio School as the overall winners with their wonderful creation, Pollination Sensation. However, they all agreed it was a very difficult decision as the standard of all the cakes was so high again this year.

School Challenge Days

The Bake-Off is one of four Challenge Days that Woodley’s local schools take part in throughout the year. They are designed to give children the opportunity to work with pupils from other schools on tasks that they do not get the chance to do in school.  

Woodley Town Council recently awarded a grant to the schools to cover the costs of the projects, for example, the ingredients for this recent Bake-Off, which enables the schools to take part.  

The Schools’ Cluster team look forward to being able to use this grant to provide more Challenge Days, so that children in all year groups can benefit.

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Woodley Town Council precept 2024 to 2025

Woodley Town Council Precept 2024-25

Woodley Town Council reduces Precept by £3.06 per Band D household for 2024-25

Each year, the Town Council considers its proposed budget for the coming year and assesses the funding that will be required to deliver its services. 

It is estimated that the Council’s total expenditure in 2024/25 will be in the region of £2,294,718. This will be funded from anticipated income of around £964,377 from the Council’s businesses and income generating activities, £165,841 from the Council’s general reserve, and £1,164,500 from the precept levy on Wokingham Borough Council. 

This equates to a charge of £106.69 for a band D property in Woodley, to deliver the Town Council’s services. This is a reduction of £3.06 per band D household from the 2023/24 precept level. Income from Woodford Park Leisure Centre, The Oakwood Centre and the community halls has been strong through the year and we are investing in these facilities to ensure they continue to provide high quality services for residents.

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Blue bags delivery

Last blue bag deliveries before waste collection changes

A final roll of 20 blue general rubbish bags will be delivered to most households in Wokingham Borough over the six weeks between Monday 12 February and Friday 22 March.

These are to cover the period from April until mid-August, when the council will be switching most properties to fortnightly rubbish collections from a 180-litre black wheeled bin.

Households which are moving to the new service will get their bin from late May onwards, but should not use it straight away and should continue aiming to put out one blue bag a week until mid-August.

Residents can look up their blue bin bag delivery date on Wokingham Borough Council’s website.

New waste collections

Find out more from Wokingham Borough Council

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Community pantry opens

New community pantry for Wokingham Borough

Roots Community Store opens its doors

Roots will offer low cost food, including fresh fruit and vegetables, to prevent customers from needing to access emergency food provision

Wokingham Borough’s first community pantry opens its doors this week.

Roots Community Store has been set up to run from Norreys Church in Wokingham to help residents who can’t afford a full, healthy diet. 

The membership-based store has been set up and is being jointly run by SHARE WokinghamWokingham Foodbank and First Days Children’s Charity.

The seed funding of £32,000 needed to set the store up was provided by Wokingham Borough Council through its Hardship Fund.

Roots will offer low cost food, including fresh fruit and vegetables, to prevent customers from needing to access emergency food provision, support healthy food choices and positive health outcomes.

How it works

It will initially be launched as a pilot during the next few weeks to ensure its processes and procedures work. Fifty households who already use services from the organisations involved will be used for this.

Customers will pay a £5 per week membership fee which allows them about £25 of goods each week. This provides a top up to regular shopping.

The organisations involved have worked together to get it up and running. SHARE provided the location, while Wokingham Foodbank has set up the membership structure.

Both are supporting with ongoing stock and supplies for the pantry.

First Days has managed the project, as well as providing staff to run the pantry now the doors are open.

Emma Cantrell, CEO at First Days Children’s Charity, said: “It’s been a huge team effort to get this set up in recent months with all three organisations pulling together to get this open as quickly as possible once funding was awarded in the autumn.

“Demand for support for this type of service in the borough has grown in recent years with food hardship increasing. The pantry provides a way for people who are struggling to get higher value for a small membership contribution.”

Three month transformation

The community store has seen transformation during the last three months in an area at Norreys Church by SHARE to provide a home for the pantry.

Although Roots is the borough’s first pantry they are available across the country. They provide groceries at a lower cost than supermarkets or shops, as well as helping to reduce food waste.

SHARE redistributes 40 tonnes of food from local supermarkets and food suppliers that would otherwise go to waste each week.

The Community Pantry provides a range of fresh fruit and vegetables, fridge and freezer items as well as, foods with a longer shelf life including pasta, tins and cereal etc.

A range of toiletries and cleaning items will also be on offer. There will be limits for how many items of each type a household can take each week.

‘The next way to support our communities’

Claire Revie, founder of SHARE, said: “Since SHARE has become established we’ve wanted to find the next way we can support our communities.

“The community store gives members the ability to choose what they want to use their money on and what’s most important for them and their household. It also gives us another way to help with our goals for reducing food waste locally.”

The community store provides a step between emergency food provision such as foodbanks, and being back on your feet. The pantry is a sustainable option for residents experiencing food insecurity.

It means services like the foodbank can focus on people in acute crisis rather than providing ongoing help, which has become more common due to the cost of living crisis.

Impacts of the rising cost of living

Annette Medhurst, manager at Wokingham Foodbank, said: “We’ve seen a huge increase in demand to the foodbank for support in recent years due to the rising cost of food and other essentials.

“Households across the country are facing the biggest income squeeze in a generation. Due to this situation some people have understandably become reliant on getting help repeatedly. The pantry will offer these people a way to get higher value for the money for what they put it.

“The foodbank will still be there for those with urgent needs in a crisis but Roots will provide a better route for support for many.”

The project is also being supported by Wokingham Lions, which is helping to manage collection of stock. Citizens Advice Wokingham will be able to refer residents into the project.

Once the project is up and running successfully, its offer will be scaled up to help more people. This includes a mobile store and support in other areas of the borough.

Cllr Rachel Bishop-Firth, executive member for equalities, inclusion and fighting poverty, said: “Our £250,000 Hardship Fund was established for projects exactly like this.

“Thanks to the work of the voluntary and community sector, the seed funding from Wokingham Borough Council has been turned into an asset which can support our community for years to come and deliver benefits worth many times the value of the initial investment.

“All the organisations involved already make a huge difference to residents who are struggling in difficult times. They have come together to offer even more help to those who need it most and we look forward to seeing Roots Community Pantry’s progress and potential expansion to help even more people.”

Help and support for you

Details on the ramping up of the project and opening up of memberships will be published in due course.

These projects are informed by the borough’s Tackling Poverty Strategy.

Roots Community Pantry was seed funded through the council’s £250,000 Hardship Fund.

Projects to help with improving access to low/no cost uniform and a project to make the school day affordable for all have also been funded. Funding for other projects will be announced in the spring.

This strategy and fund aims to support people out of poverty, strengthen community resilience to prevent people falling into poverty and improving life opportunities for those living in poverty. 

All the latest cost of living help and advice for the borough can be found on our Cost of Living page.

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new parking restrictions in Wokingham borough

New parking restrictions in Wokingham Borough

Wokingham Borough Council has approved new on-street parking restrictions are coming to almost 60 roads across the borough after requests from residents and councillors

Following on from the call-in period ending, during which councillors had the chance to request that a decision reviewed, the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) will now come into force with some exceptions as set out below.

Find out where

full list of the roads and restrictions are available on our webpage, as well as information including objections to schemes and officer response.

You can also search an Interactive Map of all parking restrictions online.


All proposals were approved with the exception of London Road in Woodley, which is to be amended to single yellow lines rather than double yellow lines, and Colemansmoor Road in Woodley, where parking issues will be further investigated before a decision is made.

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Woodley Town Council grants

Community and Youth Grants

Woodley Town Council awards Community and Youth Grants

At the recent Strategy & Resources Committee Meeting, on 23 January, the following grants were awarded by Woodley Town Council.

Community Grants

Friends of Woodford Park – £350 – To pay towards the cost of restocking shrubs and plants in the flower beds in Woodford Park. 

You can find out more about our partnership with the Friends of Woodford Park on our page about Woodford Park.

Youth Grants

  • Arc Youth Counselling – £5000 – To pay towards the cost of providing ARC’s youth counselling service in schools.
  • Promise Inclusion Limited – £2500 – To support the service, providing support for children and adults with learning disabilities and / or autism.
  • First Days’ Children’s Charity – £5100 – To pay towards the charity’s costs to provide Woodley Toy Library, a mobile outreach service, one to one coaching, and access to essential items for vulnerable families.
  • Home-Start Wokingham District – £5660 – To help fund the charity’s home visiting support service for vulnerable, disadvantaged and isolated families.
  • Parenting Special Children – £2500 – To pay towards the charity’s provision of specialist support services to vulnerable families of children and young people with special educational needs, disabilities, and early life trauma. 

Our Grants

During the current financial year, Woodley Town Council has allocated funds to make the following grants:

  • Community Grants – Up to £250, for community groups / organisations either based in or supporting residents of Woodley, to fund one-off costs such as specific projects or purchases.
  • Individual Grants – Up to £100, for individuals under the age of 21 living in Woodley, excelling in sporting or cultural activities, to fund representation at county, regional, national or international events.
  • Youth Grants – Up to £3,000 (although exceptions will be considered), for organisations, to assist and facilitate projects that reach, engage and support young people (those aged 21 and under) in Woodley.
  • Annual Grants – No cap, for fully constituted ‘not for profit’ organisations either based in or supporting residents of Woodley, to fund annual running costs or specific projects.

Should you wish to apply for a grant, then full guidelines and application forms can be found on our Grants Page.

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Woodley Town Council logo

Full Council Meeting – 6 February 2024

Please click here to view the full agenda for this meeting.

You can watch this meeting live, or after the event via a recording, on the Council’s YouTube channel.

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