Weekly scheduled roadworks 27 May – 02 June

Woodley roadworks

Loddon Bridge Road, Woodley

28 May — 29 May

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals)

Works location: Outside 221

Works description: Locate and excavate 1 blockage in existing duct

Responsibility for works: Openreach


Mohawk Way, Woodley

28 May — 30 May

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: Outside 37

Works description: Hand digging to expose existing telecoms infrastructure to provide service to new customer

Responsibility for works: Openreach


A4 Bath Road, Sonning

29 May — 31 May

Delays likely – Traffic control (two-way signals)

Works location: Islands 

Works description: Removal and installation of lights and signage

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


Loddon Bridge Road, Woodley

29 May — 31 May

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 143

Works description: Customer leakage repairs

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Mohawk Way, Woodley

29 May — 31 May

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 25

Works description: B Box Exchange <33mm Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Woodlands Avenue, Woodley

29 May — 31 May

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: Outside 70

Works description: Service Pipe Repair >33mm Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Waingels Road, Charvil

30 May — 02 June

Delays likely – Road closure & diversion route

Location: Full road

Description: Streetworks / License – Streetworks – for more information see the link in the road name above

Responsibility for event: Wokingham Borough Council


Wallace Close, Woodley

31 May — 04 June

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: Outside 3

Works description: Hand digging to expose existing telecoms infrastructure to provide service to a new customer

Responsibility for works: Openreach


B3270,A329 Loddon Bridge And The Bader Way Interchange, Winnersh, Wokingham

03 June — 07 June

Delays likely – Diversion route

Name: Diversion – southbound

Location: Loddon Bridge And The Bader Way Interchange

Description: Streetworks / License – Streetworks – For more information please see the link in the road name above.

Responsibility for event: Wokingham Borough Council


B3350 Church Road, Earley

04 June — 06 June

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals)

Works location: Traffic island at Woodlands Avenue roundabout

Works description: Installation of signage

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


Church Road, Woodley

04 June — 06 June

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: Outside ‘Cedar Rise’ corner of Glendevon Road & Butts Hill Road junction

Works description: Removal and installation of lighting posts

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


B3350 Pitts Lane, Earley

05 June — 07 June

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 18

Works description: New post installation

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


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Wokingham Borough Libraries

Wokingham Borough Library half term events


During the May half term, libraries across Wokingham Borough will be hosting free events for children

Elmer Storytime – Celebrate Elmer Day with a story and colouring activity

Wokingham Library       Saturday May 25                              11am to 11.30am

Woodley Library           Saturday May 25                              11am to 11.30am

Explore Learning – Piece of Cake

Children take a trip to the bakery as they learn to divide up their favourite treats to help the master their fractions and decimals. How much cake will they get if they need to split it between the whole? Free session with Explore Learning for children aged 9 to 11 years old. Places must be booked.

Woodley Library            Tuesday May 28      10.45am to 11.45am

Wokingham Library      Thursday May 30      10.45am to 11.45am

Lower Earley Library     Friday May 31         10.45am to 11.45am

Explore Learning – Put a spring in your step!

Children can jump straight into this comprehension workshop and learn some fantastic skills that they can apply to any text they read. Can they help us predict what will happen next? And why did that character say that? Free session with Explore Learning, for children aged 7 to 9 years old. Places must be booked.

Woodley Library        Tuesday May 28          9.30am to 10.30am

Wokingham Library      Thursday May 30           9.30am to 10.30am

Lower Earley Library        Friday May 31      9.30am to 10.30am

Get Arty

Arts and crafts fun on for children aged 4 to 10 years old. Just drop in, £1.50 charge

Wokingham Library          Friday May 31      10.30am to 11.30am

Outdoor Let’s Explore

A fun and creative session exploring the outdoors and nature with the rangers from Dinton Pastures. For children aged 3 to 8 years old. Places must be booked.

Wokingham Library    Wednesday May 29      9.30am to 10.15am

Woodley Library      Wednesday May 29       11.30am to 12.15pm

Read Me, Make Me

Drop in and join in with our Read Me, Make Me, craft activity. For children aged 7 and under. Just drop in!

Wargrave Library          Saturday June 1      10.30am to 11am


Rhymes for under 5’s and their parents, Just drop in! Free Event

Lower Earley Library     Tuesday May 28   10.30am to 11am

Finchampstead Library        Friday May 31        11am to 11.30am

Sand Art

Just drop in and create a sand art picture with Kids Bee Happy with Maddi. £4 per picture, for children aged 4 to 11 years old.

Woodley Library           Tuesday May 28    10.30am to 12.30pm

Lower Earley Library        Thursday May 30      10.30am to 12.30pm


Stories and rhymes for children aged 5 and under. Free

Wokingham Library           Tuesday May 28          4pm to 4.30pm

Wokingham Borough Libraries at Dinton Fun Day

Come and join us at Dinton Pastures Country Park for outdoor themed stories and craft activities, free colouring and more. Charges may apply.

Dinton Pastures Country Park         Saturday June 1      10am to 3pm

Wokingham Borough Libraries Contact details

Arborfield Library 0780 1664520Finchampstead Library (0118) 908 8176 Wargrave Library (0118) 940 4656Winnersh Library (0118) 979 7519
Lower Earley Library (0118) 931 2150Spencers Wood Library (0118) 988 4771 Wokingham Library (0118) 978 1368Woodley Library (0118) 969 0304
Twyford Library (0118) 934 0800

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woodley town council woodley carnival

Woodley Carnival 2019

Come and see Woodley Town Council and the Oakwood Centre’s stall at this year’s Woodley Carnival as we go Back to the Future…


FREE entry for adults!


Woodley carnival 2019 Woodley town Council oakwood centre win a prize


back to the future prize woodley town council


FREE entry for children!

Woodley town council woodley carnival

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Woodley Town Mayor and deputy mayor

New Woodley Town Mayor and Deputy Mayor


Woodley town mayor kay gilder

Woodley Town Mayor 2019-2020 Cllr Kay Gilder



Woodley Town deputy mayor Dave Mills

Woodley Town Deputy Mayor 2019-2020 Cllr Dave Mills


Woodley Town Mayor and deputy mayor

Woodley Town Deputy Mayor Cllr Dave Mills & Woodley Town Mayor Cllr Kay Gilder

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Weekly scheduled roadworks 20 – 26 May

Woodley roadworks

Western Avenue, Woodley

21 May — 21 May

Delays likely – Traffic control (two-way signals)

Works location: Twin Oaks

Works description: Reinstate carriageway. Our intention is to complete the Permanent Reinstatement in the same phase

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Kittiwake Close, Woodley

22 May — 24 May

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 3

Works description: Water meter replacement/installation in footway

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Rivermead Road, Woodley

24 May — 28 May

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: Outside 59

Works description: Hand digging only to expose existing telecoms infrastructure to provide service to a new customer

Responsibility for works: Openreach


Loddon Bridge Road, Woodley

28 May — 29 May

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals)

Works location: Outside 221

Works description: Locate and excavate 1 blockage in existing duct

Responsibility for works: Openreach


A4 Bath Road, Sonning

29 May — 31 May

Delays likely – Traffic control (two-way signals)

Works description: Remove signage and lighting installation

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council



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Woodley residents survey 2018

Woodley Town Council Resident’s Survey results

Woodley residents survey 2018

Woodley Resident’s Survey 2018

The independently commissioned and produced Woodley Resident’s Survey 2018 is now available to view.

Please click HERE to view the 2018 and previous years’ results.

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community awards 2019

Woodley Town Council community grants



Woodley Town Council community awards 2019

(L-R top): Sean Riordan, David Provins, Bob Hansford, Chas Randle, Mark Rozzier (L-R bottom): Lindsay Browne, Liz McDaniel, Cllr Sam Rahmouni, Jackie Baines, Hannah Evans

At the first Annual meeting of Woodley Town Council and its new councillors, community grants were given to the following charities and individuals.


1stWoodley Boys Brigade  –  represented by Bob Hansford

£250 – to purchase camping equipment, sports & games equipment, expedition equipment and storage solutions.


2ndWoodley Scout Group  –  represented by Chas Randle

£250 – to purchase camping equipment and activity equipment.


Emmanuel Church, Woodley  –  represented by Sean Riordan

£250 – towards the cost of running a 48 hour “Fun Days” event for all residents of the Drovers Way / Southlake Crescent area.


Friends of Woodford Park  –  represented by David Provins

£250 – to purchase spring flowering bulbs and to replace any plants in need.


Me2 Club  –  represented by Liz McDaniel

£250 – towards the cost of recruiting and screening 5 new volunteers within Woodley.


School Days Project  –  represented by Lindsay Browne

£250 – towards the cost of purchasing new uniform items that are not available through donations.


Woodley Festival of Music and Arts  –  represented by Jackie Baines

£250 – to help towards the cost of providing the Festival of Music and Arts in 2019.


Woodley United FC  –  represented by Mark Rozzier                       

£250 – towards the cost of running a girls’ academy to encourage increased girls’ participation in football.




Hannah Evans  (Archery GB)

£100 – towards the cost of upgrading her equipment to remain competitive in higher level competitions.


The awards were presented by outgoing Mayor Cllr Sam Rahmouni.


The new Mayor for Woodley was announced as Cllr Kay Gilder, to be deputised by Cllr Dave Mills.


Keith Baker remains leader of the Council, while Shadi Brindley remains Deputy Leader.

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Woodley Town Council

Woodley Town Council Annual Meeting tonight

Woodley Town Council

Woodley Town Council will meet for its first Annual Meeting at the Oakwood Centre this evening – Tuesday 14th May 2019 – from 20.00. Local residents are welcome to attend.

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Weekly scheduled roadworks 13 – 19 May

Woodley roadworks


B3350 Pitts Lane, Earley

14 May — 16 May

Delays likely – Traffic control signalling (Stop/Go boards)

Works location: From junction with Town Lane to junction off Old London Road (A4 Service Road) near Kwikfit.

Works description: To re-lay anti-skid along approximately 50m of trench

Responsibility for works: Scottish and Southern Power Distribution



Rivermead Road, Woodley

14 May — 16 May

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: Outside 51 – 53

Works description: Hand digging only to expose existing telecoms infrastructure to provide new services for a new customer

Responsibility for works: Openreach


Erleigh Court Gardens, Earley

16 May — 20 May

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 19/22 Erleigh Court Gardens, Earley

Works description: Service Pipe Repair <33mm Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Western Avenue, Woodley

21 May — 21 May

Delays likely – Two-way traffic control signalling

Works location: Twin Oaks

Works description: Reinstate carriageway in Carriageway. Our intention is to complete the Permanent Reinstatement in the same phase

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Kittiwake Close, Woodley

22 May — 24 May

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 3

Works description: Water meter replacement in footway

Responsibility for works: Thames Water

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Wokingham wellbeing week logo

Wokingham wellbeing week

Wokingham wellbeing week 
Wokingham Wellbeing Week 2019 begins next week, 13th – 19th May, and showcases the work of many of the organisations around Wokingham town that are working to improve local wellbeing. 
There will be events held every day all week for all ages, highlighting the importance of wellbeing through talks, storytelling, art, performance art, music, health and fitness, meditation and relaxation, discussion and more.  
The week finishes on Sunday 19th May 12.00-15.00 with a Community Picnic and entertainment held at Howard Palmer Gardens. 
Please see a short video explaining more:  https://bit.ly/2V4KeEF   
Full details of all events can be found here:  https://www.facebook.com/wokinghamwellbeingweek/  

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Wokingham borough council

Foster carers needed in Wokingham Borough



Foster carer Steve Allum with his daughter, Jo-Anna, and dog, Minty


More than 10 local foster families are urgently needed to join the 46 Wokingham Borough Council fostering homes for some of its children and young people in care who want to be fostered close to their families and friends in the Borough.

With the annual national Foster Care Fortnight (13 to 26 May) about to start, the Borough Council wants to reach out to would-be foster carers for teenagers, siblings, and asylum seeking and disabled children who desperately need foster carers in the borough.

The Council always looks for homes for the 100 plus children and young people currently in care with its own Council carers first.


Additional financial assistance in the form of council tax exemption is offered as part of a wide range of benefits and incentives.

Executive member for children services, Cllr Pauline Helliar-Symons said: “We’d like to find local homes for all our children and encourage more local residents to come and talk to us about how fostering can change lives.”

She added: “Our foster carers find fostering enormously rewarding. Children go into foster care for all sorts of reasons, usually not their own fault, but the work our foster carers do gives youngsters a happier and more supported life. We are really grateful to them and value them enormously.  Please give some thought as to whether you could be one of these special people.”

Foster carers

Foster carers, Steve and Monika Allum, are proud to foster. Steve said: “Since joining Wokingham Borough Council as a foster carer, three years ago, we feel part of a big family. We used to foster for an agency and nearly gave up because of the lack of support. Looking after young people in care is challenging but we can’t see us doing anything else after seeing what a positive impact we have on their lives.”

Regardless of culture, background, sexual orientation and whether you are a homeowner or tenant, if you have a spare room, are aged 21 and over with life experience, live within twenty miles of the borough and have time for a child, you could foster. What matters most, is that you are the right family or person for our children.

As a foster carer, the council offers attractive remuneration packages, council tax exemption, excellent training including a specialist therapeutic programme, as well as one-to-one and out-of-hours support. Fees increase with experience often resulting in the equivalent of a reasonable salary, which could provide a complete change of career. For example, an experienced foster carer at Level 2, who cares for two children all year, could earn more than £25,000 p.a. excluding allowances for the child.

Information day

During Foster Care Fortnight, the council is holding a drop-in information day on Thursday May 23 at the Diamond Jubilee Room in Wokingham Town Hall. Foster carers will share their experiences and discuss the positive life changes created for the children and young people involved. People can drop-in anytime between 1pm and 7.45pm.


The application process is also probably much quicker than you think. To find out more, call Jackie Ross, Recruitment & Marketing Officer on (0118) 974 6204 for an informal chat or visit www.fostering.wokingham.gov.uk

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Woodley residents discounted compost bins

Woodley residents can access discounted compost bins



Woodley residents discounted compost bins

International Composting week

As part of a Wokingham Borough-led initiative, in partnership with Re3Recycling and Get Composting, Woodley residents are able to take advantage of discounted compost bins, including an offer of ‘buy one get one half price’.

Further details are available HERE

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