Weekly scheduled roadworks 13 – 19 May

Woodley roadworks


B3350 Pitts Lane, Earley

14 May — 16 May

Delays likely – Traffic control signalling (Stop/Go boards)

Works location: From junction with Town Lane to junction off Old London Road (A4 Service Road) near Kwikfit.

Works description: To re-lay anti-skid along approximately 50m of trench

Responsibility for works: Scottish and Southern Power Distribution



Rivermead Road, Woodley

14 May — 16 May

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: Outside 51 – 53

Works description: Hand digging only to expose existing telecoms infrastructure to provide new services for a new customer

Responsibility for works: Openreach


Erleigh Court Gardens, Earley

16 May — 20 May

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 19/22 Erleigh Court Gardens, Earley

Works description: Service Pipe Repair <33mm Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Western Avenue, Woodley

21 May — 21 May

Delays likely – Two-way traffic control signalling

Works location: Twin Oaks

Works description: Reinstate carriageway in Carriageway. Our intention is to complete the Permanent Reinstatement in the same phase

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Kittiwake Close, Woodley

22 May — 24 May

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 3

Works description: Water meter replacement in footway

Responsibility for works: Thames Water

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