
We have tried to signpost you to some ideas you might consider when looking to reduce your impact on the climate on our Waste & Recycling, Food, Consumables & Goods, Travel & Transport, Homes & Energy, and Carbon Offsetting pages.

However, there are a lot more resources available on the internet, with a wealth of information which may help you, as an individual or family, to contribute to reduce the effects of climate change. 

Climate Emergency Warming Stripes
WBC Climate Emergency Hub

Wokingham Borough Council have now published their own Climate Emergency Hub, bringing together information and practical guidance to act as a central point for everyone in the borough to find out more about how to reduce their carbon footprint.

The hub features information on local initiatives, with separate sections for residents, businesses and schools for more targeted information.

Carbon Literacy

If you feel you don’t fully understand the climate emergency, and terms such as carbon neutral, or greenhouse gas emissions, then the Carbon Literacy Project website is an excellent place to start.

As an individual, you can look into taking part in one day training course which, at the end, will mean you are certified as carbon literate.


Carbon Footprint Calculator

If you are starting to look at your impact on the climate, then calculating your carbon footprint may be one of your first steps.

We have provided a carbon footprint calculator on our website for you to be able to do just that, powered by Carbon Footprint, but other tools are available.

Whilst the results of the calculator can only ever be an estimate of your footprint, based on assessing the data you enter in line with approved methodology, it helps you to get an idea of your own impact, to spot where reductions may be made, and to track your progress.

Calculator with Tonnes CO2 on the display
Wokingham Borough Council logo
Planet Pledge

If you are committed to taking steps to address the climate emergency, then you may wish to commit to the Wokingham Borough Council’s Planet Pledge.

The pledge is a promise to tackle the climate emergency, and share the actions you aim to take.

Net Postive Life (App)

The Net Positive Life app is a paid-for app which can help you to learn the impacts of your decisions, and plan actions to reduce your impact.

The associated website also has some helpful information on actions you might be able to take.

Close up of person holding a mobile phone
We are possible logo
We Are Possible

Possible are an organisation with the aim of inspiring people in the UK to take action to tackle the climate crisis.

Through a variety of projects, they are seeking to increase meaningful public participation in climate action.

Zero Carbon Britain

The Centre for Alternative Technology (CAT) seek to create practical solutions for a changing planet, with their mission “to inspire, inform and enable humanity to respond to the climate and biodiversity emergency”.

‘Zero Carbon Britain’ explores how Britain can achieve the end goal of being carbon neutral by, or before 2050.

Centre for Alternative Technology logo
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