Woodley Town Council has received the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel appointed to review the allowances paid to councillors of Wokingham Borough’s Parish and Town Councils for 2023/24.
This report has provided recommendations from the parish remuneration panel in relation to allowances.
These recommendations are for an allowance for elected members of up to 5.1% of the Wokingham Borough Council’s Basic Allowance, or £400 per year and an allowance for the Chair of the Council of up to 15.4% of Wokingham Borough Council’s Basic Allowance, or £1200, in addition to the basic members allowance.
Copies of the report of the Independent Remuneration Panel are available from the Town Council in electronic format or in printed format at a cost of £1 per copy, by request to the Town Clerk:
townclerk@woodley.gov.uk or 0118 9690356