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Wokingham Borough Council

Wokingham Borough Council fighting speculative planning applications


Wokingham Borough Council


Wokingham Borough Council’s decision-making executive has approved a £630,000 ‘fighting fund’ to help it defend its planning decisions against speculative developers’ appeals to the Planning Inspectorate.


The council is facing an increasing number of speculative planning applications for developments in unsustainable locations, on land not allocated for development. Although these applications are being refused by the council, developers can appeal to the national Planning Inspectorate against the locally-made decision.


Wokingham Borough Council knows it will have to defend at appeal a number of its decisions in coming months including: its refusal of 216 homes on land east of Finchampstead Road (application number 190286) and its refusal of 118 homes on land north of Nine Mile Ride in Finchampstead (181685). Other appeals coming up include land south of Cutbush Lane in Shinfield.


There has not yet been an appeal lodged against the Cemex decision at Bridge Farm earlier this year but the applicant has until 23 February 2020 to do so.


“We have been robust in refusing planning applications when it is the right thing to do, but we can’t be complacent. Developers have the right of appeal and, when they do, decisions are made by a nationally appointed planning inspectors after legal arguments,” said Cllr Wayne Smith, executive member for planning and enforcement.


“We cannot change the law, but we can make sure our legal arguments are as strong as possible and this fighting fund will help us do that. In total, we have appeals already set that could mean more than 600 homes and we know there will be more to come. That is why this fighting fund is so important.”


One of the key reasons the Wokingham Borough is prey to speculative planning applications, in unsustainable areas outside those allocated for new homes, is because the council’s long-term strategy (the Local Plan) to provide the homes required is coming to its end and needs to be extended. The council is working on this new plan and has carried out large scale public consultation in recent years to guide it and is due to consult again early in the new year before a final plan is put forward.


“The need to make progress on our Local Plan and the need to allocate extra funds to defending our current planning policies are linked. The fighting fund will help us in the short term and the Local Plan will safeguard us in the longer term,” said Cllr Smith.


“We know our residents don’t want the sort of housing target central government is pushing for, but we also know we must continue to ensure our Local Plan is up-to-date or we will be vulnerable to more and more proposed development in unplanned and unsustainable locations. We are working on a strategic vision that squares that circle and will be able to publicise it later this autumn.”


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Christmas poster winner woodley town centre 2019

Woodley town centre Christmas poster winners


The competition to design a poster to advertise the annual Woodley town centre extravaganza received a number of fantastic entries and we would like to say a huge thank you to those children who participated. It was, as always, very difficult to choose the three winners but, after much deliberation, these are the three chosen winners for 2019.


Christmas poster winner woodley town centre 2019

  Lauren Watkins, Age 10, Beechwood Primary


Christmas poster winner woodley town centre 2019

Sian Watkins, Age 10, Beechwood Primary


Christmas poster competition winner woodley town centre 2019

Yvie Hardy, Age 10, St Nicholas CE Primary


The judges also highly commended the following posters:


Violet Hardy, Age 7, St Nicolas School Hurst


Roxanne Allen, Age 9, St Dominic Savio Catholic Primary School


Owen Winship, Age 9, Rivermead Primary School


The competition winners will have the privilege and honour of turning on the Christmas lights in Woodley town centre on 23rd November 2019.

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remembrance garden woodley

Garden of Remembrance closed today


remembrance garden woodley


The Garden of Remembrance will be closed today due to essential tree works. We appreciate your patience and cooperation.

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New adult care social department at Wokingham Borough Council


support in Woodley

Wokingham Borough Council has launched a new streamlined adult social care department that will provide vulnerable adults across the borough with a more efficient and improved quality of service.



The council has brought statutory functions previously carried out by Optalis (a local authority company jointly owned with the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead) into their adult services in order to improve the quality of service and gain more control of these functions.


Previously, Optalis delivered parts of the council’s adult social care statutory service provision* with the remaining statutory services provided directly by Wokingham Borough Council and it has always been the intention to create a seamless pathway in order to deliver the best service to residents.


“We are always striving to provide the best service for all our residents, especially those who are vulnerable and as the demands on our adult services continues to increase we continue to evolve,” said  Cllr Charles Margetts, executive member for health, well-being and adult social services


“Wokingham Borough Council and Optalis both have excellent, hard-working, caring staff and we thank them all for providing an excellent service, especially throughout this structural change. By improving processes and removing barriers we will be able to provide a joined up service that allows a more efficient and customer-focused practice.”


Direct control

The change has involved the transfer of about 50 staff from Optalis to WBC and mean that the council have direct control of all statutory adult social care functions. This will now allow the council to focus on improving this area and Optalis to continue to provide high quality care services. It would not require any additional money and is funded from existing budgets.


Optalis will continue to provide a large proportion of adult care services on behalf of WBC, which it has done since 2011. During that time, Optalis has consistently delivered high quality care.


The Care Quality Commission considers Optalis services to be good or outstanding. This is a fantastic achievement and is a credit to the leadership and all of the staff. It will continue to provide care and support services for Wokingham Borough residents as it does now”.


*The statutory services previously carried out by Optalis cover annual reviews for all residents receiving support, brokerage to ensure personal budgets are used in the most effective ways, some long-term support packages and services to maximise assistive technology.

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Weekly scheduled roadworks – 05 November

Woodley roadworks

For more information on each instance of roadworks, please click the link in the road name or contact the responsible organisation.

A3290 A3290 Alpha, Earley, Wokingham

05 November — 07 November

Delays likely – Lane closure

Works location: Thames Valley Park to Winnersh ALPHA lane one closure

Works description: Bi annuals

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


A3290 A3290 Alpha Off to Bader Way, Woodley, Wokingham

11 November — 13 November

Delays likely – Lane closure

Works location: Slip off to Bader Way Alpha

Works description: Bi-annuals 

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


A329M A329m Alpha On From Bader Way, Woodley, Wokingham

11 November — 13 November

Delays likely – Lane closure

Works location: Slip on from Bader Way Alpha

Works description: Bi-annual

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


B3270,A329 Loddon Bridge and The Bader Way Interchange, Winnersh, Wokingham

05 November — 07 November

Delays likely – Road closure 

Works location: Bader Way to Wharfedale roundabout

Works description: Plane and resurfacing works

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


B3270,A329 Loddon Bridge and The Bader Way Interchange, Winnersh, Wokingham

07 November — 08 November

Delays likely – Road closure



Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


Crockhamwell Road, Woodley, Wokingham

06 November — 08 November

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals)

Works location: OPP 58A 

Works description: Chamber Repair Sml Cway in Carriageway.

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Loddon Bridge Road, Woodley, Wokingham

11 November — 13 November 

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals) 

Works location: 49 in cust block driveway

Works description: B Box Exchange <33mm Cway in Carriageway. 

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Woodlands Avenue, Woodley, Wokingham

10 November — 10 November 

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals) 

Works location: Woodlands Ave opp The Birches to jcn of Howth Drive Woodley Berkshire RG5 3EU

Works description: Safe access to underground footway and carriageway boxes for fibre cabling and jointing works for a new customer connection.

Responsibility for works: Openreach


Crockhamwell Road, Woodley, Wokingham

06 November — 08 November

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: OPP 58 

Works description: Chamber Repair Sml Cway in Carriageway.

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Crockhamwell Road, Woodley, Wokingham

10 November — 13 November

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: Waitrose

Works description: B Box Repair <33mm Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Fairwater Drive, Woodley, Wokingham

12 November — 14 November 

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 135

Works description: Sluice Valve Box replace Fway in Footway. 

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Austin Road, Woodley, Wokingham

06 November — 08 November 

Delays unlikely – Traffic control (give & take) 

Works location: os 22

Works description: Dropped kerb works

Responsibility for works: Wokingham


Carrick Gardens, Woodley, Wokingham

12 November — 14 November

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 35

Works description: B Box Exchange <33mm Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Cornfield Road, Woodley, Wokingham

06 November — 08 November 

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: O/S 13 AND 15 CORNFIELD ROAD , WOODLEY, READING , RG5 4QA ,


Responsibility for works: Openreach


Duncan Road, Woodley, Wokingham

12 November — 18 November

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: O/S NEW BUILD NO 29


Responsibility for works: SGN


Highgate Road, Woodley, Wokingham

08 November — 12 November

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 47

Works description: B Box Exchange <33mm Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Knowle Road, Woodley, Wokingham

08 November — 12 November 

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 45 

Works description: Boundary Box Install Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Wroxham Road, Woodley, Wokingham

07 November — 09 November

Delays unlikely – Traffic control (give & take)

Works location: os 1 

Works description: dropped kerb works 

Responsibility for works: Wokingham


Update from Wokingham Borough Council 07/11/19.

The following road closures will be in place:

“Tennyson Road, Woodley between its junctions with Keats Road and Oban Gardens.

The alternative route for all vehicles affected by this restriction shall be via Keats Road and Clivedale Road, or by this route in reverse. 

Works requiring this restriction will take place between 25th November and 27th November 2019

The reason for these prohibitions is to allow Thames Water contractors to undertake service pipe relay work in safety.”

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woodley town council

Equality and Diversity Policy


woodley town council


Woodley Town Council has adopted a policy statement regarding the Public Sector Equality Duty. As an employer, the Town Council has a duty to encourage and promote equality in providing its services and in carrying out its public functions and the Equality and Diversity Policy sets out how the Council will do this. An Equality and Diversity Statement was also agreed by the Council. Both documents can be viewed here:

Woodley TC Equality Duty statement

WTC – Equality and Diversity Policy

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plastic kerbs in Wokingham

Wokingham Borough Council to trial plastic kerbs


plastic kerbs in Wokingham


The innovative scheme will be run by Wokingham Borough Council alongside its highways contractor Volker Highways.

Using plastic kerbs reduces the amount of carbon produced in manufacturing, transport and construction by about 40 per cent compared to concrete kerbing.

Plastic kerbing, which looks almost identical to concrete kerbs, contains about 88 per cent recycled material and is cut with hand tools so, unlike concrete, it does not create crystalline silica dust.

As the kerbs weigh less than traditional materials, it also reduces handling injury risks and can be installed without the need for mechanical equipment.

This can help to speed up installation, as well as being environmentally friendly. Initial locations for the trials will be:

-Elm Road, Earley

-Old Forest Road, Wokingham

-Easthampstead Road, Wokingham

These locations have been chosen as they are high-use areas, particularly by HGVs, where kerbs have previously been damaged.

The plastic kerbs will be installed in small areas on these roads to see how they stand up to use, and will be monitored over a period of time.

The council may also look to trial other areas, such as drop kerbs for new access points, to see how they perform.

As part of the trial the council will review the performance and resilience of the kerbing along with the environmental benefits.

“I am excited by our trials of this innovative type of kerbing,” said Cllr Pauline Jorgensen, executive member for highways and transport.

“We are looking for ways to make our services greener and this solution allows us to find an effective use of recycled materials while carrying out important highway maintenance across our network.”

It follows on from the success of the council’s on-going greenways project, where material using up to 75 per cent former rubber tyre has been used to lay new surfaces for walkers, cyclists and horse riders.

These have been installed in locations such as Dinton Pastures and California Country Park, as well as on footpaths and byways across the borough.

“Exploring further use of recycled products like these kerbstones are the type of changes we are looking into as we aim to be a carbon neutral borough by 2030,” said Cllr Gregor Murray, executive member for climate emergency.

“I look forward to reviewing the success of these trials to see if the kerbing could be rolled out to other locations in the future.”

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volunteer in wokingham

Review of Borough’s voluntary sector



Wokingham Borough Council is to launch a five-week consultation that will inform the production of the “Voluntary Sector Strategy”, which will be supported by Involve, one of its key partners.

The consultation will look at:

We are lucky in the Wokingham Borough to have a truly vibrant and effective voluntary and community sector (VCS) who have supported our residents with distinction for many years. However we all must recognise that this is a time of great change in the delivery of health and care, both locally and nationally. We have listened to key stakeholders, including sector leaders, and it has become clear that there is an appetite for setting a strategic direction for our work with the sector for the medium term.

After careful consideration we have already taken the decision to extend all existing contracts to March 2021. This gives us the time to have a genuinely co-produced and co-delivered strategy which will give opportunities for transformation within the sector. It also gives us time to work with you on how we commission in the sector for the next 5 years.

We wish to be very clear in stating that we are not seeking to cut funding to the sector.  We wish to move towards a model where we contract individual services over a longer period of time. This will give you more certainty over your funding going forwards

We are seeking to deliver a strategy:

  • that has vulnerable residents at its heart
  • to bring the voluntary and community sector together and maximise its potential
  • that will connect people, places and services in the community to enable people to live healthy, active and independent lives for as long as possible
  • that will manage demand within existing resources
  • that will enable greater value through more effective use of resources and whole community assets
  • to enable the building and sharing of knowledge, expertise and resource across the sector
  • to enable access to harder to reach groups and communities with a focus on socially isolated users and carers
  • that aligns to, and is able to benefit from, other council strategies.


Take part

There are several ways to take part in the consultation. The Council has produced a survey which it is keen for anybody with an interest in the sector to fill out.

The survey can be accessed here:

There will also be a series of meetings for stakeholders over the course of the next five weeks at the council offices in Shute End. Regular feedback and updates will be provided through the involve Newsletter  (to sign up for the newsletter please click  ) and council social media pages.


volunteer in wokingham


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Weekly scheduled roadworks – 29 October

Woodley roadworks

A3290 A3290 Alpha, Earley

05 November — 07 November 

Delays likely – Lane closure

Works location: Suttons business park to Winnersh ALPHA lane one closure

Works description: Bi annuals 

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


A3290 A3290 Bravo, Earley

04 November — 06 November 

Delays likely – Lane closure 

Works location: Winnersh to Suttons business park BRAVO lane one closure

Works description: BI annual

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


B3270,A329 Loddon Bridge and The Bader Way Interchange, Winnersh

31 October — 07 November 

Delays likely – Road closure

Works location: Whardale roundabout to Bader Way roundabout 

Works description: Plane and resurfacing works

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


B3350 Church Road, Earley

31 October — 31 October 

Delays likely – Traffic control (give & take)

Works location: Outside 67

Works description: Footway patching 

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


Crockhamwell Road, Woodley

06 November — 08 November 

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals)

Works location: opposite 58A

Works description: Chamber Repair Sml Cway in Carriageway.

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


The Bader Way, Woodley

30 October — 04 November

Delays likely – Traffic control (two-way signals) 

Works location: 1st point Bader Rd 1 day 9.30-3.30 TM in place Opposite lampost 36 2nd point Bader Rd 1 day 9.30-3.30 TM Opposite lampost 16 vrg

Works description: Hand Dig Methodology to replace failed anodes in the verge, two way traffic lights will be required to park van on carriageway. Works can take place between 9.30-3.30am, Traffic Lights will be removed each day from the road. 

Responsibility for works: SGN


Crockhamwell Road, Woodley

03 November — 06 November

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion 

Works location: Waitrose

Works description: B Box Repair <33mm Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Crockhamwell Road, Woodley

06 November — 08 November 

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: Opposite 58

Works description: Chamber Repair Sml Cway in Carriageway.

Responsibility for works: Thames Water



Fairwater Drive, Woodley

29 October — 31 October 

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 135 

Works description: Sluice Valve Box replace Fway in Footway. 

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Howth Drive, Woodley

29 October — 31 October

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 58

Works description: Customer side leakage repair

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Loddon Bridge Road, Woodley

29 October — 31 October 

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion 

Works location: 248

Works description: B Box Exchange <33mm Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: Thames Water


Austin Road, Woodley

06 November — 08 November 

Delays unlikely – Traffic control (give & take)

Works location: Outside 22 

Works description: Dropped kerb works

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


Cornfield Road, Woodley

06 November — 08 November 

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion 

Works location: Outside 13 and 15

Works description: Hand digging to expose existing telecoms infrastructure to provide service to a new customer

Responsibility for works: Openreach

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Remembrance Day Woodley Town Council

Remembrance Day 2019

Woodley Town Council will be hosting a Remembrance Day ceremony on Monday 11th November 2019, with local schools, councillors and guests. Members of the public are very welcome to join us at 10.45am. If you would like to lay a wreath during the organised wreath laying, please contact Linda Matthews on either 0118 9690356 or You are also very welcome to lay a wreath separate to the Council’s ceremony.


Remembrance Day Woodley Town Council

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illegal dumping Woodley

Crackdown on illegal dumping

Wokingham Borough Council is cracking down on illegal waste dumping and fly-tipping by conducting spot checks on businesses. Companies found not to be complying with the law will be given a chance to improve, but if they continue to ignore the law, the council will look into prosecution.


Following an increase in fly-tipping in recent months, the council’s localities officers have begun visiting sites across the area to ensure commercial waste is being disposed of correctly. Localities officers are authorised to inspect a business’s waste contract and arrangements to ensure the business has proper storage and sufficient space for the amount of waste produced, as well as the correct number of collections.


More importantly, the officers will check current waste removal practices to ensure that businesses are legally dealing with their commercial waste. Most businesses dispose of their waste correctly but some business choose not to, instead fly-tipping their waste. This has a detrimental effect on areas across Wokingham borough and can attract vermin.


It is a legal responsibility under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and other related legislation to safely contain and legally dispose of any waste produced. The law also applies to anyone with a home-based business, such as garden clearances, packing, delivering, crèche or child minding, small businesses, offices, hairdressers, sun bed shops, second hand shops and many others.


Examples of waste can include anything which is no longer required such as old mail, cleaning products, food waste, cardboard, plastics, sweepings, or damaged goods that cannot be returned.


Responsible staff at businesses across the borough are encouraged to make sure an up to date copy of their waste contract, or any associated receipts for the disposal of waste, to hand when the localities officer visits.


“Those people who chose not to dispose of their litter properly can make life a misery for the majority of people across the borough who don’t want to see litter and rubbish dumped in grass verges or in country lanes,” said Cllr Parry Batth, executive member for environment and leisure.


“I’m pleased that the council is continuing to explore all opportunities to reduce the prevalence of fly-tipping within the borough and to find ways of holding to account those that feel the need to do it.”


illegal dumping Woodley


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