
Category: Uncategorized

stamp out the damp

Stamp out the damp

stamp out the damp


Wokingham Borough Council has launched a new campaign appealing for dry paper only in recycling bins


Due to global economic changes, recycling plants are no longer accepting wet paper and card and recent batches sent from Wokingham Borough have been rejected for being too damp – meaning they have ended up not being recycled.


The Council will react quickly to this challenge and is looking at the best options, but nothing can be delivered immediately. By the time a solution is found, hundreds of tonnes of potentially recyclable paper and card might go out of recycling loop – at significant environmental and financial cost. So, in the short-term, the council is launching its ‘Stamp Out the Damp’ campaign to encourage as many residents as possible to keep their paper and card recycling dry.


Wokingham Borough Council director of customer and localities Sarah Hollamby said: “We know the people of Wokingham Borough are passionate about recycling and that is why we believe our Stamp Out the Damp campaign will be successful. We do realise we are asking people to go that extra mile to keep their paper and card dry but there are simple ways it can be done.”


Ways that will help keep your card and paper dry, when it’s wet outside, include:

  • Cover your recycling box with something waterproof
  • Keep your recycling inside if you have space
  • Keep your recycling in your garage or shed
  • Stack your black boxes with the paper filled one at the bottom
  • Put your black boxes out on the morning of collection rather than night before.


stamp out the damp

stamp out the damp


Despite the setback caused by this unforeseeable change in world markets, Wokingham Borough’s recycling has been soaring in recent months, with only about 1% of our waste now ending up in landfill and recycling rates of more than 55%.


The council is targeting a 60% rate – and keeping paper and card dry is essential for this.


“Food waste recycling has been a huge hit and has helped push our recycling rates up to unprecedented levels, and the way our residents have taken to that makes us confident they will also want to keep paper and card dry,” Sarah continued. “Targeting 60% and higher is a tough challenge but we believe it is essential given the environmental crisis the world faces. As part of this we are taking stock of our current waste and recycling services and are reviewing potential options that help us boost rates – and solve the damp paper problem.”

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Weekly scheduled roadworks – 03 December

Woodley roadworks

Colemans Moor Road, Woodley, Wokingham

03 December — 03 December 

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals) 

Works location: Junction of Oak Drive 

Works description: Carriage way patching

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


Crockhamwell Road, Woodley, Wokingham

03 December — 03 December 

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals) 

Works location: Junction of Drovers Way

Works description: Carriage way patching

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council

Headley Road East, Woodley, Wokingham

08 December — 08 December

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals)


Works description: Locate and excavate 1 blockage in existing duct,locate and excavate 1 subsequent blockage in existing duct 

Responsibility for works: Openreach


Miles Way, Woodley, Wokingham

04 December — 06 December

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals)


Works description: locate and excavate 5 subsequent blockage in existing duct

Responsibility for works: Openreach


Suttons Park Avenue, Earley, Wokingham

07 December — 08 December

Delays likely – Road closure

Works location: Approach to Suttons roundabout

Works description: Plane and resurfacing works

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


The Bader Way, Woodley, Wokingham

04 December — 06 December

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals)


Works description: locate and excavate 1 subsequent blockage in existing duct

Responsibility for works: Openreach


Western Avenue, Woodley, Wokingham

05 December — 06 December 

Delays likely – Traffic control (multi-way signals)



Responsibility for works: T-Mobile (UK) Limited


A4 London Road, Earley, Wokingham

05 December — 09 December

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 28m from the roundabout in the grass verge.

Works description: Connect existing chamber in the footway to Cell site located in the grass verge.

Responsibility for works: Vodafone

Mohawk Way, Woodley, Wokingham

03 December — 03 December

Delays possible – Traffic control (give & take)

Works location: Just up from Junction of Walrus Close

Works description: Carriageway patching

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


Nightingale Road, Woodley, Wokingham

03 December — 05 December

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 84

Works description: Serv Pipe Relay Inc Fitting Sz P Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Tiverton Close, Woodley, Wokingham

05 December — 06 December 

Delays possible – Traffic control (multi-way signals)


Works description: SIGNAL HEAD PLACEMENT

Responsibility for works: T-Mobile (UK) Limited


Duncan Road, Woodley, Wokingham

11 December — 19 December

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: O/S NO 27 


Responsibility for works: Scottish and Southern Power Distribution


Shackleton Way, Woodley, Wokingham

06 December — 10 December 

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 37


Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER

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fly tipping A329m

Fly tipping in Woodley



fly tipping A329m



Wokingham Borough Council recently announced that thirteen tonnes of fly-tipping was cleared from an embankment on the A329M, by a team working on behalf of the Council. Working from the hard shoulder of the motorway, the team spent a week removing the five tonnes of dumped car tyres and eight tonnes of general litter. The clearance was timed to avoid morning and evening rush hours to minimise disruption on surrounding roads.


The clearance is part of the Borough Council’s crackdown on illegal fly-tipping. This crackdown involves ensuring residents and businesses (including home-based ones) understand it is their own legal responsibility to ensure their waste is disposed of correctly. Fly-tipping nationally has increased.



In line with this, Woodley Town Council compiled a list of fly-tipping ‘hotspots’ in the Woodley area which was presented at the recent Planning & Community Committee Meeting and has also been passed to Wokingham Borough Council.


The list of fly-tipping hotspots suggested by Members of the Council was:


  • The area around the bin at the footpath end of Nightingale Road
  • Along the footpath at the end of Nightingale Road
  • In the vicinity of Tesco Express in Hurricane Way
  • Around the Highwood area
  • Bideford Close – adjacent to 78-94 Hazel Drive
  • The car park next to Southlake supermarket
  • The entrance near to the children’s play area off Kingfisher Drive
  • The garage area off Rickman Close.


We would be grateful if local residents would contact us if there are any other areas that are fly tipping hotspots. Please email: or call 0118 9690356. We appreciate your support.


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woodley town centre toilet

Radar key at public toilet not working


woodley town centre toilet


The Radar Key lock is currently not working at the public toilet in Woodley town centre. We aim to get this fixed within the next few days. The toilet can still be accessed paying the 20p charge. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause.

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Bikeability wokingham borough

Children’s Bikeability training extended


Bikeability wokingham borough


A further 1,400 children in the Wokingham Borough will now be able to benefit from Bikeability cycle training thanks to a grant from the Department for Transport (DfT).


The £61,000 DfT grant to Wokingham Borough Council means this successful and popular scheme can continue in the borough for another year, until April 2021.


During the past seven years, more than 10,000 children in the borough have taken part in Bikeability training. This equates to 78 per cent of Year 6 children locally.


“Parents who’ve experienced Bikeability tell us they value it because of the confidence and skills it gives their children,” said Sarah Hollamby, the council’s director of locality and customer services. “And the children say they really enjoy it. So, to be able to train even more youngsters in this way is fantastic.


“But Bikeability also has other benefits. It helps reduce child obesity and research shows children who cycle regularly are also more likely to become active adults. There’s also the positive environmental impact by reducing CO2 emissions and air pollution.”


My Journey Wokingham runs Bikeability on behalf of the council. It also runs courses during Easter and summer for children who have missed out on training at school, and those privately or home-educated.


Bikeability training is offered at three levels, based on a child’s age and experience. It starts with basic bike handling in a controlled traffic-free environment and builds up to on-the-road training. The aim is to create confident and skilled young cyclists in a variety of traffic conditions on different types of roads.

For more information, please see:




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Woodley town centre Christmas lights

Christmas is coming to Woodley


Last weekend, Saturday 23rd November, the lights on the town centre Christmas tree were turned on by the Christmas poster competition winners and was followed by the annual Carol Concert.


Woodley town centre Christmas lights


This weekend, the 23rd Woodley Christmas Extravaganza will take place on Sunday 1st December. Starting at 11.15, there will be plenty of stalls and entertainment to delight all, including a Rodeo Rudolph and Father Christmas!


Woodley extravaganza

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Santa Dash Dinton

Santa Dash run at Dinton

Santa Dash Dinton



Dust off your running shoes and join the ever-popular Dinton Santa Dash, on Saturday 14 December. Hosted by Barnes Fitness, residents across the borough are invited to take part in the third consecutive event this winter.


This year the run will raise funds for local charity, Daisy’s Dream which supports children and their families who have been affected by the life threatening illness or bereavement of someone close to them.


This fun and festive run is suitable for the whole family. Little ones are invited to complete the 2km Mini-Dash at 10.30, running a one loop course taking in sights of both White Swan and Black Swan Lake. If you’re looking to work off the mince pies, why not opt for the full 5km Santa Dash at 11.00, following paths around three of the breath-taking lakes at Dinton Pastures Country Park including; Black Swan, Sandford and White Swan.


All entrants will receive a full Santa suit to wear whilst completing the race. If that wasn’t enough to get race goers in a merry mood, they will also receive a medal and a mince pie upon crossing the finish line.  There’s further festive prizes on offer for the first three males and females to cross the line in the 5km Santa Dash & 2km Mini-Dash.


“We are delighted to once again host the Dinton Santa Dash. The event is well known with locals for its fun and festive atmosphere. I love seeing entrants dressed up in their Santa’s outfits running around the country park and crossing the snowy finish arch.” said Tanya Lee, the Dinton Activity Centre manager.


Race organiser, Ellie Barnes of Barnes Fitness, added: “It’s exciting to see the Dinton Santa Dash return for the third time. This year we are honoured to be raising money for local charity Daisy’s Dream. The work that they do with children and families who have been affected life threatening illness or bereavement is truly invaluable.”

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solar panels

Solar panels to be installed at the Oakwood Centre


solar panels


Solar Panels will be installed on the Oakwood Centre during the week of 2 December. This is the next step in Woodley Town Council’s commitment to reducing its carbon footprint.


Scaffolding will be in place along the sides of the building between 2 – 7 December to facilitate the installation.


The project will be delivered in partnership with Reading Community Energy Society and will produce renewable energy back to the grid, while providing a low, fixed rate for daytime electricity for the duration of the contract (20 years).


Panels were installed on Woodford Park Leisure Centre in January 2019 as part of the project. The electricity generated so far has an equivalent carbon saving of 6.5 tonnes.


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Weekly scheduled roadworks – 26 November

Woodley roadworks

For more information on each set of roadworks, please click the link in the road name or contact the responsibly organisation.

A3290 A3290 Alpha, Earley, Wokingham

30 November — 01 December

Delays likely – Lane closure

Works location: TVP to Winnersh

Works description: Bi annuals

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


A3290 A3290 Alpha Off to Suttons Park, Earley, Wokingham

30 November — 01 December

Delays likely – Lane closure

Works location: slip off to suttons alpha

Works description: bi annual slip

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


A3290 A3290 Alpha On From Suttons Park, Earley, Wokingham

30 November — 01 December 

Delays likely – Lane closure 

Works location: SLIP on from suttons alpha

Works description: bi annual slip road

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


A3290 A3290 Bravo, Earley, Wokingham

30 November — 01 December 

Delays likely – Lane closure 

Works location: winnersh to tvp bravo lane 2 closure

Works description: bi annuals

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


A3290 A3290 Bravo Off to Suttons Park, Earley, Wokingham

30 November — 01 December

Delays likely – Lane closure

Works location: slip off from suttons BRAVO

Works description: bi annuals 

Responsibility for works: Wokingham Borough Council


Culver Lane, Earley, Wokingham

26 November — 28 November 

Delays possible – Traffic control (give & take)

Works location: OS 26 CULVER LANE

Works description: SECT81 TO REPAIR THE CW BOX

Responsibility for works: CITYFIBRE METRO NETWORKS LTD


Vauxhall Drive, Woodley, Wokingham

27 November — 29 November

Delays possible – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 58 

Works description: Trial Hole Excavation Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Anthian Close, Woodley, Wokingham

27 November — 29 November

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 15

Works description: Boundary Box Exchange Unmade in Private – Unmade.

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Arundel Road, Woodley, Wokingham

27 November — 29 November 

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 37, ARUNDEL ROAD, WOODLEY, READING, RG5 4JP 

Works description: B Box Exchange <33mm Fway in Footway.

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Corbett Gardens, Woodley, Wokingham

27 November — 05 December

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion 

Works location: 6

Works description: Rectifiy Dangerous rein defect – non-pay in Carriageway. Our intention is to complete the Permanent Reinstatement in the same phase 

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Dunbar Drive, Woodley, Wokingham

27 November — 29 November

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursiom 

Works location: 20 DUNBAR DRIVE

Works description: Sluice Valve Box replace Fway in Footway. 

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Quentin Road, Woodley, Wokingham

27 November — 29 November

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 43 

Works description: Serv Pipe Relay Inc Fitting Sz P Fway in Footway. 

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Welford Road, Woodley, Wokingham

26 November — 27 November

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: 41

Works description: Rectifiy Dangerous rein defect – non-pay in Footway. Our intention is to complete the Permanent Reinstatement in the same phase 

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER


Update from Wokingham Borough Council 07/11/19.

The following road closures will be in place:

“Tennyson Road, Woodley between its junctions with Keats Road and Oban Gardens.

The alternative route for all vehicles affected by this restriction shall be via Keats Road and Clivedale Road, or by this route in reverse. 

Works requiring this restriction will take place between 25th November and 27th November 2019

The reason for these prohibitions is to allow Thames Water contractors to undertake service pipe relay work in safety.”


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prostate cancer uk Woodford park leisure centre

Christmas fun at WPLC

Woodford Park Leisure Centre offers its facilities to raise money for the Mayor’s charity Prostate Cancer UK


prostate cancer uk Woodford park leisure centre

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citizen's awards woodley 2019

Citizen’s Awards

Do you know of a local hero who helps people in a voluntary capacity in the Woodley area?


Each year, Woodley Town Council celebrates local heroes at its Citizens’ Awards ceremony for individuals whose good works and deeds benefit an individual or organisation in Woodley. These might be people carrying out voluntary work, or those who care for people in our community, or neighbours who go above and beyond in their help and kindness. Nominees can be any age and there is a youth category for nominees aged 19 or under. Mayor Cllr Kay Gilder will present the awards at a Civic Reception on the evening of 27 March 2020 to which the award winners, their family and friends, and the nominators will be invited. If you know someone you think deserves recognition for their work in Woodley, you can make a nomination by filling in the form and returning it to the Council offices at the Oakwood Centre by Monday 20 January 2020. Forms are available on the Council website: or please call to request one on 0118 9690356.


citizen's awards woodley 2019

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LINK visiting scheme Christmas celebration

LINK visiting scheme Christmas celebration


Do you know someone who will be on their own this Christmas?


LINK visiting scheme Christmas celebration


The LINK Visiting Scheme Christmas Day celebration is open to those living in the Wokingham Borough community who are alone on this day. They provide an opportunity to spend the day in the company of others, enjoying delicious food and a festive, party atmosphere. A team of volunteers give up their time to provide transport, catering, hosting and entertaining – everything it takes to ensure it’s a special day. It’s been running for seven years, with the number of guests growing each year.


The scheme is also reaching out for donations to help run the cost of the event and also to provide a present for those attending.

Could you donate a Christmas gift up the to value of £10?

It could be toiletries, winter gloves or scarves, socks, books, puzzles or games, chocolates, or special hamper style goodies.

All donations can be dropped off at its office (Westcott Annexe, Westcott Road, Wokingham, RG40 2ER) between 08:30 – 14:30, Monday – Friday, or call 0118 9798019 to arrange a pick up time.

Donations will be so gratefully received before the Christmas Party on December 8th or before Christmas Day.


Alternatively, can you donate one of the following:

Christmas wish list

Could you donate any of the items below for our Christmas celebrations?

  • Supermarket Gift Cards (for the purchase of food for our events)

  • Red or white paper tablecloths

  • Christmas serviettes

  • White paper plates

  • Battery operated fairy lights for the table

  • Mulled Wine (Kindly donated by Ludgrove School. Thank-you!)

  • Gift Bags of Various Size

  • A fully decorated Christmas Tree!

  • Food – Chocolate, Biscuits, Christmas Puddings, Brandy Butter


To find out more and to apply to attend the event, please follow this LINK.

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