woodford park leisure centre

Removal of pergola at Woodford Park Leisure Centre

woodford park leisure centre

The old pergola and wisteria at the front of Woodford Park Leisure Centre will be removed during the week beginning 29th March.

The structure has deteriorated over time and will be removed to keep the area safe. We are using this as an opportunity to smarted up that area with new planting in the flower beds and making use of the space for outdoor exercise classes.

Keep an eye out for more information on this via WPLC’s Facebook Page.

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Road resurfacing in Woodley


Wokingham Borough Council’s road resurfacing team will be returning to several sites across the borough for anti-skid works from 29th March, with overnight works, 8pm to 6am at Butts Hill Road and Headley Road.

To find out the exact schedule, please click HERE.

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charity hub wokingham

Charity and community hub to open in the Borough

In September, the first Charity and Community Hub will open in Wokingham town centre.  

This is an ambitious project which builds on from the positive partnership developed between Wokingham Borough Council and the voluntary, charity and community sector during the Covid-19 pandemic.  

During the past year, it has become clear residents have really benefitted from the coordinated way the council and the voluntary, charity and community sector have worked together to ensure people get the help and support they need.   The hub will bring a number of voluntary, charity and community organisations under one roof.  The first hub will be based at Waterford House in Wokingham, and it will provide high quality information, advice and support to enable people to access the right services to meet their individual needs and circumstances at the right time. 

This is the first hub of its kind in Wokingham, and there are aspirations to roll out further hubs elsewhere in the borough during the coming years, as identified in Wokingham Borough Council’s voluntary and community sector strategy agreed in 2020.   

Wokingham Borough Council has submitted a planning application to refurbish Waterford House, ready for the Charity and Community Hub to open its doors later this year. Waterford House would be redecorated, and office space reconfigured to make it more appropriate for the voluntary, charity and community organisations moving into the building. Proposals also includes an application for a change of use – details can be found on the council’s website at and search ‘planning applications’ (planning application number: 210797). Subject to planning permission, refurbishment work would start in the summer. 

Cllr Charles Margetts, executive member for health, wellbeing and adult services, said: “The Wokingham Charity and Community Hub is the first of its kind in the borough and I am delighted we are making progress and turning our ambitions into reality.   “Planning for this hub has got off the ground thanks to the partnership approach between the borough council and the voluntary, charity and community organisations. The first hub’s location is at the heart of the town centre. It will allow the voluntary, charity and community sector to work closely together, sharing resources where possible and delivering services as close as possible to people in their own communities, which is great news for our residents.”

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5G mast Woodley

Woodley Town Council objects to proposed 5G mast in Vauxhall Park

Woodley Town Council Members support local residents in the objection of a planning application for the installation of a 20m high telecommunications mast and ancillary equipment on land to the North East of Vauxhall Drive, namely Vauxhall Park. 

At the Town Council’s Planning & Community Meeting on 23rd March, Members noted there had been in excess of 200 responses to this planning application, the vast majority of which objected to the proposals. Three members of the public attended the virtual meeting to voice their objections. 

Council Members noted these objections related to the siting of the mast in Vauxhall Park, and not the general need to erect a telecommunications mast in the area, which they acknowledged to be a necessity to allow 5G rollout. 

Members also noted the Town Council had previously responded to Wokingham Borough Council’s draft Local Plan consultation recommending Vauxhall Park, amongst other green spaces, be designated as a Local Green Space in the Local Plan update. 

Council Members agreed with the objections cited by residents, both at the meeting and in comments submitted to the planning authority, and fully supported the view locating the mast in Vauxhall Park was not appropriate. 

Woodley Town Council has consequently written to Wokingham Borough Council’s planning authority to recommend refusal of this planning application on the grounds that the proposal will: 

  • Lead to the reduction of available green space for recreation and enjoyment
  • Impact on local biodiversity and wildlife 
  • Compromise the safety of park users during construction 
  • Dominate the local skyline and nearby dwarf trees and houses
  • Have a negative impact on a vital local amenity for residents
  • Be contrary to the Town Council’s recommendation to designate Vauxhall Park as a Local Green Space as part of Wokingham Borough Council’s Local Plan Update. 

The application is 210668, and can be viewed at The consultation ends on March 26th.

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cycle and walkways wokingham borough

Have your say: new walking and cycling infrastructure in Wokingham Borough

Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan for Wokingham Borough


Wokingham Borough Council is developing a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP).

The aim is to determine where best to focus future investment in active travel infrastructure to support walking and cycling across the borough. This might include providing new cycle routes, improving footways and crossings, creating ‘school streets’ or reducing the impact of through-traffic in local neighbourhoods.

The Council is at an early stage in the plan development process and would like input from across the local community to help shape the outcome.

This is your opportunity to share your views. The platform provides an interactive map where you can place a ‘pin’ on any location in the borough and leave specific comments.

This engagement platform will remain open for comments until Sunday 18 April. You can access it HERE.

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wokingham borough waste bags

Wokingham Borough Waste update

Deliveries continue across the borough

Rubbish collection crews are now seeing more and more waterproof recycling bags in use across the borough.

More than 12,000 households have now had their delivery bundle, which includes two waterproof recycling bags, 80 blue general waste bags and 100 food waste recycling bags.

Wokingham Borough Council remain’s on track to deliver to all households by mid-April. Delivery crews will also be working weekends to ensure all residents get their items as quickly as possible – so keep an eye out for yours. 

You can use WBC’s website to check when your delivery is due by and how to report if you think your delivery has been missed. You can also watch its YouTube video on how to use the bags.

Finding a new use for your black boxes

Now thousands of you have your bags and are using them, you might be wondering what to do with your old black recycling boxes.

If you have got your first two bags, you can keep using the black boxes for now but only with non-paper and non-card items. We will advise you in due course how you can order more bags if required.

Once you have enough waterproof recycling bags for all your recycling, please only use these and repurpose your black boxes. Suggestions to reuse the boxes include:

  • Use for storage in the garage, shed or loft
  • Make a garden planter
  • Use to grow vegetables
  • Store your glass for the bottle bank
  • If you don’t want them your neighbours might, ask around to see if others want them

Do not leave your black boxes out for collection if you can’t repurpose them. There will be a dedicated collection period later this year. We will let you know when collections will be.

Renew your garden waste subscriptions

All you green fingered residents across Wokingham Borough will soon be able to apply for a garden waste collection for 2021-22.

Anyone signed up for a collection for 2020-21 will get an email or letter asking them to sign up to use a brown wheelie bin for the new financial year.

Residents will be directed to sign up via our website from next week, with the cost covering the period from 1 May 2021 until 30 April 2022.

The price of a garden waste collection has increased slightly by £5 to £65 for the year. The price of individual brown garden waste sacks, which have a 75-litre capacity, has also increased, from £1 to £1.10. This is the first price increase since the service launched in 2012 and is to cover increased running costs.

How to dispose of a home Covid-19 test

Thousands of children returned to school across the borough this week, with families now being able to access at home lateral flow tests.

If you’ve used these kits at home, you should then dispose of them in the following way:

  1. After use put all the test kit contents, including the sachets, swabs and extraction tubes, into the small waste bag provided with the kit and seal it
  2. Place this bag into your blue general waste bags
  3. The outer packaging, including cardboard box, cardboard sleeve and leaflet, can be recycled in your waterproof recycling bag (or black recycling box until your recycling bags are delivered) once you are finished with the series of tests

These tests are available to households and support/childcare bubbles of school staff and all school pupils. You can order tests online through the website.

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Woodley Town Council

Woodley Town Council Tax (precept) Summary

Please download our Annual Woodley Town Council Tax (precept) Leaflet, which summarises the year 2020-21, including the budget plans.

For any enquiries please email or phone 0118 9690356 (M-F: 10.00-14.00).

Please download HERE.

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wokingham libraries

Library update


You are now able to request and collect books from Wokingham Borough libraries. You can request up to 10 books using the Library website or by phone. Or if you know the specific title you would like then you can reserve it directly from the catalogue using the ‘Place reservation’ button. You can return any borrowed books, when you collect.  The books can then be collected from Wokingham LibraryWoodley Library or Lower Earley library.

Virtual Events for Adults

Authors Online Event – March 2021

Authors online is back! On Tuesday, March 30 at 6:30pm, local poet and author Claire Dyer will be joining us to talk about her newly published poetry anthology, Yield, her inspirations and her writing processes.

Book Chat March 2021

Sign up for Wokingham Libraries online Book Chat session! You are invited to join members of staff to chat about books. Our theme this month is Feminist Fiction. You are welcome to bring along any books you would like to recommend too.The session will take place on Tuesday March 16 at 2pm.

Book your place for these events by emailing

Join Wokingham Libraries and Bracknell Forest Libraries for a free talk on Tuesday March 23 at 3pm with Anthony J Quinn, author of nine novels acclaimed internationally, to discuss books, writing and his latest novels, “Turncoat”. To register for this event, go to To register for this event click here.

Virtual Events for Young People

Storytime for British Science Week on Wednesday March 10 at 11am and 4pm. We will be sharing a science themed story and experiment. Suitable for families with children aged 8 and under.

Teen Writing Group with Author Sarah Hagger-Holt on Saturday March 13 at 10.30am. Suitable for young people aged 11 to 18 years old.

Twelfth Night for Children on Tuesday March 16 at 11am and 4pm. Join Victoria in this reading of twelfth night in rhyme for Shakespeare and some Shakespeare Facts to celebreate Shakespeare Week. Suitable for families with children aged 6 to 10 years.

Space Storytime on Tuesday March 30 at 11am for storytime. We will be sharing some Space themed stories. Suitable for families with children aged 7 and under.

To sign up just email with your name and library card number and you will be sent details of how to join.

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Woodley walks

Woodley walks

We would like to expand the information provided on our website regarding walks in and around Woodley. Please send us your suggestions for local walks and particularly accessible walks that are wheelchair-friendly. Please send your walks to: 

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census 2021

Census 2021

Every ten years, the Office for National Statistics organises a census to provide a unique snapshot of our society. 

Participation in the census is required by law and by taking part you will help make sure that your community is counted in decisions on services and funding.

For local authorities, census population estimates underpin both planning and provision of public services. Getting the best possible response rates for the census will make sure that decisions are based on accurate, high-quality data. 

The next census will take place on Sunday 21 March 2021. 

A digital-first Census

For the first time this will be a digital-first census, but paper versions will be available for those who need it.

All households will receive an invitation to fill out the census questionnaire with a household access code and information to help them to take part online.

For those people who’ll find accessing the census online challenging, there will be a full range of support services. 

These include: 

  • comprehensive guidance and support in many languages and formats 
  • help in local centres with trained staff and online access 
  • a contact centre to provide help via telephone, web chat 
  • and social media 
  • field staff contacting households that have not yet responded 
  • accessible census questionnaires, for example in large print 
  • the option to request paper questionnaires.

Please note that no one from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) or working for the Census will ever ask for payment to help anyone fill in their questionnaire. 

Please look out for your census invitation pack in the post, which will be arriving from 22nd February. 

For further information, please visit the ONS website.

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stay safe covid 19

Wokingham Borough Covid 19 update

Share your thoughts

Unfortunately, Covid-19 has hit some people financially. In order to understand this impact in more detail, Wokingham Borough Council is asking anybody affected to share their experiences.

There is a very short online survey on its consultations page and those taking part will have the choice to be contacted to give more details if they wish.

The information provided will be incredibly useful for the Council when it plans services to tackle poverty and help communities. All information provided will be kept confidential and anonymised.

Take Covid 19 survey for your chance to win

In light of the Covid-19 pandemic, improving the health and wellbeing of members of our communities has never been more important. Over the next ten years, the Borough Council’s health and wellbeing strategy will aim to make life happier and healthier for everyone in Wokingham; and they want to hear from as many people as possible about what’s important to them, their families and their communities.

Help the Council to understand your experiences, your thoughts about health and wellbeing in the borough and your priorities for the future by taking its short health and wellbeing survey and you’ll be entered you into its prize draw to win £100 shopping vouchers!

Take the survey by midnight on Sunday 28 February.

Update on cases in Wokingham Borough

Infections are continuing to drop during the national lockdown. The current weekly rate per 100,000 people is 123.9 (up to 6 February). It’s very important that we continue to stick to the rules; this means regularly washing our hands, wearing a face covering, making space from others and reducing our social contacts.

Alongside this, you must get tested if you have symptoms – even if they’re mild. Please book a test using the national booking system. If you’re a keyworker who is regularly leaving home to go to work, and you have no symptoms, you can book a rapid test at one of our test centres.

The Borough Council has listened to feedback and have extended the opening hours at its Microsoft Campus test centre to 8am-8pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays. To find out more, check if you’re eligible, and to book your test, please visit the Council’s website.

Latest on Covid-19 vaccinations

Until now, the NHS has asked people to wait until they are contacted to help ensure that those who are most vulnerable are protected first, and this remains the case for most people.

However, to ensure absolutely everyone is offered the vaccine, people aged 70 or above are now being asked to contact the NHS for their Covid-19 vaccination, if they haven’t had it already. You can do this through the NHS website, or by calling 119.

To help residents understand more about the Covid-19 vaccine, Wokingham Borough Council has linked up with Dr Amit Sharma from Brookside Surgery in Earley to produce some handy videos which answer common questions, explain about the three available vaccines, run through the Covid-19 vaccine priority list, and cover why it’s so important to get vaccinated.

Stay safe this half term

Parents, carers, teachers and school staff have worked extremely hard over the last six weeks and half term will come as a welcome relief to many. That said, it’s important not to drop your guard – stay safe, stay at home and stick to the rules.

If you’re stuck for ideas on what activities you can get up to, the Borough Council has put together a handy guide for you. From pancake making competitions and virtual museum tours; to at-home assault courses and family challenges. Check it out here.

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Woodley Town Council

Woodley Town Council Tax to only rise by 56p per month

woodley town council

Woodley Town Council confirms lower than expected Town Council Tax (precept) increase of only 56p per month

  • Precept for 2021-22 set at an average increase of 56p per month for a Band D property
  • Town Council continues to provide services to its residents during the pandemic and retain staff
  • Town Council to use its reserves to continue its services in 2021-22

The emergence of the Coronavirus pandemic in late March 2020, has had a severe impact on Woodley Town Council’s income levels. Instead of an anticipated income of £762,287, it is estimated that this year’s income will reach just £270,383. 

The Council has made reductions where possible while avoiding enforced redundancies, any permanent closure of its facilities and without a reduction in the services it provides to residents.

Anticipating another difficult financial year for 2021-22, the Town Council took an unprecedented step late last year to ask every household in Woodley what Town Council Tax (precept) increase they could accept. 

Of the 10,755 households in Woodley who received the survey, one in five households responded. 

In summary:

  • 42.5% found a 50% (extra £1.09 per week) increase acceptable
  • 22.6% found a 40% (extra 87p per week) increase acceptable
  • 10.2% found a 30% (extra 65p per week) increase acceptable
  • 20.2% found a 20% (extra 43p per week) increase acceptable
  • Overall 95.5% found an increase of at least 20% (extra 43p per week) acceptable. 

Many respondents to the consultation provided comments varying from thanking the Town Council Officers for their hard work during these difficult times to suggestions that the Council should first make cuts or changes to facilities, services, staffing and councillor costs or use its reserves. 

Precept level 2021-22

Taking the results of the survey into account, and the estimated income due to the ongoing pandemic, the precept level has been set at £1,293,034 for the 2021/22 financial year, an increase of £89,846 on last year’s precept figure. 

Approved at the Full Council meeting held on 9 February, the precept level of a Band D property charge will increase from last year’s figure of £112.88 to £119.65 in 2021/22; an increase of £6.79 per annum – 56p per month.

This will raise a total of £1,293,034, with the Council allocating £111,414 from its general reserve to support its 2020/21 expenditure. 

Speaking at the Full Council meeting, Town Council Leader Cllr Keith Baker said: “This pandemic has caused huge financial stresses for the Town Council and I would firstly like to thank the Town Clerk and her team of Council Officers for their diligence and determination to continue to provide an excellent service in what has been quite unmanageable circumstances.

“We responded to these financial challenges by asking local residents how much of an increase in the Town Council Tax they could accept. Unprecedented across the Borough, we received a response from one in five households and I would like to thank those who took part. 95.5% of the respondents accepted the lowest increase option, however, the Council has been able to keep the increase to less than a third of this at only 56p per month.”

Cllr Keith baker woodley town council leader
Cllr Keith Baker, Woodley Town Council Leader

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