Every ten years, the Office for National Statistics organises a census to provide a unique snapshot of our society. 

Participation in the census is required by law and by taking part you will help make sure that your community is counted in decisions on services and funding.

For local authorities, census population estimates underpin both planning and provision of public services. Getting the best possible response rates for the census will make sure that decisions are based on accurate, high-quality data. 

The next census will take place on Sunday 21 March 2021. 

A digital-first Census

For the first time this will be a digital-first census, but paper versions will be available for those who need it.

All households will receive an invitation to fill out the census questionnaire with a household access code and information to help them to take part online.

For those people who’ll find accessing the census online challenging, there will be a full range of support services. 

These include: 

  • comprehensive guidance and support in many languages and formats 
  • help in local centres with trained staff and online access 
  • a contact centre to provide help via telephone, web chat 
  • and social media 
  • field staff contacting households that have not yet responded 
  • accessible census questionnaires, for example in large print 
  • the option to request paper questionnaires.

Please note that no one from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) or working for the Census will ever ask for payment to help anyone fill in their questionnaire. 

Please look out for your census invitation pack in the post, which will be arriving from 22nd February. 

For further information, please visit the ONS website.

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