vandalism and graffiti at woodford park play area

Vandalism to canopy trail slide at Woodford Park to cost £2500

We are disappointed to report that the metal panels at the top of the canopy trail slide in the play area in Woodford Park have been vandalised.

The cost to repair the damage, which appears to have been caused by bolt cutters, will cost £2500.


There was also extensive graffiti and obscene images written and drawn on various areas of the slide and along the wooden fencing in the toddler area, as well as bottles of baby oil dispensed down the slide tube. 

Local schools

We will also once again contact the local schools to make them aware of the vandalism and continued graffiti and request for schools and parents to discuss with their young people the importance of respecting our parks and facilities and the community of Woodley.

Report any suspicious behaviour

The incident has been reported to the police. If you have any information that might help identify the culprit(s) please do get in touch with us or contact the police.

Please can we also ask residents to report any incidents of anti-social behaviour or vandalism in our parks and at our facilities to us or to the police. Thank you.

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