Community Heroes Awards 2024

Community Heroes Awards 2024

8 August 2023

It’s that time of year again when we ask you to nominate your local heroes, whose good work benefits the community of Woodley. 

Perhaps it’s a neighbour who goes above and beyond to help others in Woodley, or the young child who picks up litter in their spare time. Maybe you know someone who gives up their time to volunteer and help others in need or someone who is championing charitable causes that benefit people in Woodley. 

Give them the recognition they deserve and nominate them now for one of our Community Heroes Awards.


Community Heroes – Neighbour of the Year

Community Heroes – Volunteer of the Year

Community Heroes – Voluntary Group of the Year

Community Heroes – Climate Champion of the Year

Community Heroes – Young Person of the Year

Community Heroes – Mayor’s Outstanding Contribution Award

For more information on the awards, and how you can make your nomination, please click on the link below:

Community Heroes Awards (link)

Deadline: 15th December 2023

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