Changes to waste collections during the festive period
Bin collection schedule changes during festive period
To give the waste collection crews a well-deserved break, the regular waste collection dates will be adjusted temporarily over the Christmas and New Year period.
All rubbish and recycling collections, including garden waste, from 25 December 2023 to 12 January 2024 will change to a revised schedule:
- There will be no collections on Christmas Day (25 December), Boxing Day (26 December) and New Year’s Day (1 January).
- Crews will work on Saturdays during this period (30 December, 6 January and 13 January).
- Garden waste collections will follow the same schedule.
- Normal collections will resume from Monday 15 January.
You can check the revised collection schedule on Wokingham Borough Council’s website to find when your waste will be collected.

Full Council Meeting – 5 December 2023

Please click here to view the full agenda for this meeting.
You can watch this meeting live, or after the event via a recording, on the Council’s YouTube channel.
Second stage of A329 cycling & walking consultation
Wokingham Borough Council is inviting residents to give their views on the second stage of a proposed new cycling and walking link between Wokingham town centre and Winnersh, this time covering a 270m section of the A329 Reading Road from Emmbrook Road to Mill Close.
The survey is open until Thursday, 21 December on this part of the route, which the council hopes to build along a 1.6-mile (2.5km) stretch of the A329 if external funding is available. This would support its ongoing efforts to encourage sustainable travel and address the climate emergency.
This second phase, incorporating the Woosehill Spine Road junction, could include the installation of toucan crossings to help pedestrians and cyclists to cross the roundabout safely and more conveniently, without needing to use the existing subway.
Design work is being paid for through the Government’s Active Travel Fund. Construction, which is subject to residents’ views, would be funded by further external grants and contributions from housing developers. No funding is confirmed yet, but the council is looking for opportunities.
Access the survey HERE.
A safer, greener link between key destinations
The overall goal is for a better, safer cycling and walking route along both sides of the A329 between Sadler’s Lane at Winnersh, near the M4 overbridge and petrol station, and the western end of Broad Street in Wokingham town centre.
It would have a one-way cycle track, separated from both the road and the pavement, plus safer junctions at side roads with raised crossings to help pedestrians and give cyclists priority along with new toucan crossings. Bus stops would also be separated from cycle traffic.
The A329 would remain two-way for motor traffic, but the speed limit would be reduced from 40mph to 30mph to make it safer for everyone.
The scheme is going forward with Wokingham Town Council and Winnersh Parish Council’s guidance and will help meet the goals of the council’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP). This long-term, high-level vision strategy was extensively consulted on, then adopted in March 2023.
Listening to the community at all stages
Earlier this autumn, residents’ views were sought on the first phase between Sadler’s Lane and Emmbrook Road. A total of 486 people responded, mostly those living near the area, including 279 (57.4 per cent) expressing support and 52 people (10.7 per cent) either neutral or uncertain.
Some 74 people either expressed concern about the design or suggested amendments, and these comments will be passed to the designer for consideration in the next stages. To view the second phase plans and give feedback, visit
Cllr Paul Fishwick, executive member for active travel, transport and highways, said: “We’re pleased that so many people gave their views on the first phase of this project and hope this will continue.
“Given that most short commutes under 5km (three miles) are made by car, we need to provide people with a sustainable alternative and want to be sure our proposal will be helpful.
“We know from consulting on the LCWIP that there are concerns about personal safety and traffic speeds in this area, so it’s important to remove any barriers that deter people from travelling in a far healthier and less polluting way.
“This is just one of many proposals to reduce air pollution and lower carbon emissions to meet our climate commitments, and we promise to keep consulting our residents as these move forward.”
What’s set to happen next
There will be further consultation on the remaining two phases, with the third continuing eastwards until just before Station Approach and the fourth ending at the western end of Broad Street.
This will be carried out as soon as possible, and all comments will be considered before the designs are finalised and the next steps decided.

Help at Christmas
Where you can get help and support this festive season

Help on Christmas Day
Anyone who might be spending Christmas Day alone can get help from the Link Visiting Scheme.
They’ll be offering a traditional Christmas dinner on 25 December at a local venue in the borough, with people to talk too and a gift of treats. Open to anyone who might be spending the day alone:
Cowshed Christmas sacks for children

The Cowshed’s Christmas project aims to provide children with a memorable and joyous holiday experience.
Each sack will be filled with approximately five thoughtfully selected presents, a book, stocking fillers, and a delicious selection pack of treats. All gifts will be provided wrapped and in fabric sacks made by the Cowshed’s Craft Group Volunteers.
- The Cowshed will contact families to confirm children’s preferences
- Refer those who most need help
- Capacity is capped at 2,000 children – refer early
- Referrals are online
- Gifts are for children only
Make a Christmas sack referral to the Cowshed on its website. If you have any questions contact
A Christmas Presence
A community Christmas project brought to you by First Days Children’s Charity, SHARE Wokingham, Wokingham Foodbank and other local charities and Christas.

A Christmas Presence helps Wokingham Borough families which cannot afford gifts for their children or Christmas food items.
The teams will be transforming the Elevate Centre in Denmark Street into a Christmas Grotto, and setting up a ‘shop’ where parents/carers are invited to come and choose exactly what they know their children will love.
Anyone struggling to afford everything they need for Christmas can request help.
Anyone who works with people who may need this help, can apply on their behalf. Please ensure that the resident knows you are passing on their contact details and has given permission for you to share their details.

Help with food
Wokingham Foodbank will be:
- Closed on the bank holidays but otherwise open
- Delivering food parcels only between Christmas and New Year
- Emergency energy support vouchers will be distributed throughout the festive period
If you need help before Christmas, check the help with food page in Wokingham Brough Council‘s cost of living help hub.

Wokingham Salvation Army Christmas support
Wokingham Salvation Army (RG40 2HD) services are operating as normal during the festive period:
- Coffee shop on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays from 10am to 1pm, last day before Christmas is Monday 20 December. Reopens from Wednesday 3 January
- Advent services run at 10.30am on the 3, 10, 17 and 24 December
- Christingle service and Carols by Candlelight, from 6pm on Sunday 17 December
- Christmas Day service from 10am on Monday 25 December
- Service will run at 10.30am on Sunday 31 December
Anyone needing help between Christmas and New Year can visit between 10am and 12 noon on 29 December.

CLASP will be running a full December timetable for people with learning disabilities, full of festive events and fun.
Check the what’s on information on the CLASP website for full timetables.
Free bus travel when you get on a most stops in the borough on Saturdays in the run up to Christmas:

- Wokingham Borough Mayor Cllr Beth Rowland is running a reverse advent calendar appeal with Woodley Foodbank – donate food items for Christmas for those in need
- Wokingham Foodbank is also running a Reverse Advent Appeal you can donate to
- You can donate to support The Link Visiting Scheme’s festive programme, including Christmas Day
- You can donate to support the Cowshed’s Christmas gift sacks
- You can donate to support a Christmas Presence through donating, buying gifts or volunteering.

Upcoming climate change initiatives in Wokingham Borough
COP28 in Wokingham Borough
This year’s United Nations’ Climate Change Conference, COP28, will run from 30 November to 12 December at the Expo City in Dubai. The conference aims to bring the world together to tackle climate change. The annual event will take place in the United Arab Emirates and will deliver an ambitious agenda.

As part of COP28 week, Wokingham Borough Council is running two events at Wokingham Library at Carnival Hub which will focus on its ambitious Climate Emergency Plan (CEAP), the work that the Council is doing to tackle the climate emergency locally and how you can help to play your part.
The climate emergency talks will be hosted by Executive Member for Climate Emergency and Resident Services Cllr Sarah Kerr and take place on:
Sign up online using the links above or call Wokingham Library on (0118) 978 1368.
Professor Ellie Highwood from the University of Reading and Royal Meteorological Society will be giving a free talk at Wokingham Library on Wednesday 29 November, from 10.30am to 11.30am. In the run-up to these important international discussions at COP28, come and hear the latest evidence for climate change and its impacts, learn how to spot misinformation and find out the most useful things you can do to play your part.
Places must be booked in advance and can be done by clicking HERE.
Competition for youngsters to design a climate poster

Wokingham Borough Council is inviting young people in the borough to design a footprint poster to inspire the community and highlight ways in which we can reduce our carbon footprint to help tackle climate change. The winner for each age category will win a £20 book voucher.
The age categories include:
- Four to seven-years-old
- Eight to 11-years-old
- 12+ years-old
You can be as creative as you like, for example you could draw around the biggest foot in your household and design a poster to show all the different ways in how we can all play our part.
To take part, you will need to design your poster on an A4 piece of paper and drop it into your local Wokingham Borough library, with your name, age and parent’s email address by Friday 15 December.
Alternatively, on Saturday 9 December, you can pop into Wokingham, Lower Earley or Woodley libraries where you can create your poster. The Council will judge the entries along with its Libraries Team and winners will be notified by email.
Mock COP28 to be held at Holme Grange School

Holme Grange School in Wokingham will be holding a mock COP28 event on 5 December.
Students in nursery, early years and education system (EYES), Pre-Prep and Prep school will take part in a range of activities that are being discussed at this year’s COP28 Climate Change Conference. The school will address sustainable development goals, education, leadership, skills, competency and empowerment.
Holme Grange School’s mock event will follow the same format of the actual COP28 conference and will include secondary students from a number of schools, including St Crispins School in Wokingham.
The students will be put into small groups to represent a particular country and discuss climate issues, share ideas and actions in helping to tackle climate change. Executive Member for Climate Emergency and Resident Services Cllr Sarah Kerr will also be attending the event.
Free webinar for businesses looking to go electric

As part of COP28 and Wokingham Borough Council’s CEAP, businesses and non-profit organisations in the borough are invited to attend a free, zero-emission vehicle webinar hosted by The Energy Saving Trust, which is an independent organisation, working to address the climate emergency and we are pleased to be working with them.
The webinar takes place on 6 December at 8.30am to 9.30am and aims to provide information on how your business can go electric. Topics include:
- Outlining where electric vehicles fit into the sustainable transport hierarchy
- Information about electric vehicles, including types, charging options and costs
- Benefits of choosing a zero-emission vehicle.
Please book your place HERE.

Climate change workshop to be held at CLASP
Wokingham Borough Council is working in partnership with The University of Reading Institute of Education, to run a climate change workshop for CLASP on 8 December.
CLASP is a self-advocacy group for people with learning disabilities in Wokingham Borough. The workshop will raise awareness about climate change and extreme weather events, with an opportunity for CLASP members to create a flood and heatwave resistant eco home model.

Make a planet pledge for COP28
Wokingham Borough Council is asking all residents who live in the borough to make a planet pledge for COP28.
A planet pledge is a solemn promise an individual chooses and delivers over the course of the year to tackle the climate emergency.
If you’re stuck for ideas, you could pledge to:
- Shop more responsibly at local stores
- Re-use old textiles for cleaning purposes (cloths)
- Heat the rooms you spend time in, to save on electricity bills
- Freeze left over food to prevent food waste.
There are lots of great pledges residents have already shared on the Council’s Engage Wokingham Borough platform.
Submit yours HERE.

Woodley Town Council
We continue to stand by our commitment to climate change and details of our Climate Emergency Action Plan can be found HERE.
Eat Well, Get Active survey
Wokingham Borough Council needs your help!
Wokingham Borough Council needs your feedback to help it understand how the places you live supports, or does not support, you in being active and eating well and how different factors affect the decisions you make.
Please fill in its short five-minute survey asking about your eating and activity habits, what has and hasn’t worked for you before and your ideas on what might encourage you to eat healthier and be more active in the future.
All results will be completely confidential and will be used to help shape services on offer in the borough.
Complete the Eat Well, Get Active survey before Sunday 26 November 2023. You can also request a paper copy of the survey by emailing or calling (0118) 974 6000.
Please follow the link to complete the survey: Eat Well, Get Active Engage page

Christmas events in Woodley Town Centre 2023
Woodley Christmas Carol Concert
Please join our community to watch the Christmas lights switch on in Woodley Town Centre on Saturday 25th November, 4.30pm – 5.30pm. The winners of the Christmas Extravaganza poster competition will turn on the lights with Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel.
Woodley Christmas Extravaganza
The Christmas Extravaganza is on Sunday 3rd December, 10am-3pm. There’ll be lots of stalls and entertainment throughout the day.
Woodley Town Centre Manager
As usual, both events are run by the Town Centre Manager so please contact Brian Fennelly for any further information:
📞 07506741591
FREE bus travel & parking
There will be free bus travel within Wokingham Borough on any Saturday between 18 November and 23 December on certain routes and free parking on Sunday 3rd December in Wokingham Borough Council car parks in Woodley for the Extravaganza.
Find out more about which buses and car parks are free.

New electric vehicle charge points across Wokingham Borough
Wokingham Borough Council installs new vehicle chargers across the borough

Electric vehicle charge points are now available in 18 more locations thanks to a £173,500 contribution from the Office for Zero Emissions Vehicles (OZEV).
The Council has installed them in residential streets and car parks – and Flowbird, the supplier, is also helping towards the cost, to ensure there is no net expense to taxpayers.
They work on using Flowbird’s pay-as-you-go smartphone app, which is free and easy to use, and are available around the clock.
- Wokingham – William Heelas Way, Pigott Road, St Paul’s Gate and Rose Street, Denmark Street and Cockpit Path car parks
- Twyford – Station Road, Polehampton Close (East) permit holders’ car park
- Earley – Westminster Way, Maiden Place, Station Road car park
- Winnersh – Chatsworth Avenue
- Woodley – Wheble Drive, Pitford Road and Headley Road car parks
- Arborfield – Bramshill Close
- Finchampstead – Roycroft Lane
- Wargrave – Braybrooke Road
Wokingham Borough Council is grateful to Scottish and Southern Energy Networks (SSEN) and Volker Highways for supporting the installation works.
Apply for one on your street
Wokingham Borough Council is applying for more OZEV funding soon, so if you think your street could benefit then let Wokingham Borough Council know.
Free Christmas bus travel & parking in Wokingham Borough
If you board a bus within Wokingham Borough on any Saturday between 18 November and 23 December, you won’t need to pay

Travel free by bus
If you’re travelling outside the borough, you will need to pay for your return journey, unless a similar scheme is in place in the area where you board.
This will only be on local buses, operated by Reading Buses and Thames Valley Buses and won’t be provided on services such as park and rides or football specials.
Find out more, including the routes HERE.
Free bus travel to Woodley Extravaganza & Wokingham Winter Carnival
Additionally, the Lion 4/X4 will be free on 26 November for the Wokingham Winter Carnival and the Orange 13/14 on 3 December for Woodley Christmas Extravaganza.
Free parking for Woodley Extravaganza & Wokingham Winter Carnival
Free parking will be available for visitors to Wokingham and Woodley town centres for their festive events to help support local businesses and stallholders, many of whom are charities.
Wokingham Winter Carnival takes place on Sunday 26 November, and on this date all council owned Wokingham town centre car parks will be free to use.
The weekend after, Sunday 3 December, the Woodley Town Christmas Extravaganza takes place and on this date all council owned car parks in Woodley town centre will be free to use.
More information is available HERE, however, please note the ticket machines and RingGo will not be changed on these dates, and you will not need to enter a registration or purchase a ticket. If you do purchase a ticket, regrettably refunds will not be available. Notices will be on display in the car parks on these dates.
For any further information regarding this, please contact Wokingham Borough Council.
Woodley Christmas Carol Concert & Extravaganza
Please join our community to watch the Christmas lights switch on in Woodley Town Centre on Saturday 25th November, 4.30pm – 5.30pm. The winners of the Christmas Extravaganza poster competition will turn on the lights with Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel.
The Christmas Extravaganza is on Sunday 3rd December, 10am-3pm. There’ll be lots of stalls and entertainment throughout the day.
As usual, both events are run by the Town Centre Manager so please contact Brian Fennelly for any further information:
☎ 07506741591

Malone Park now open
Thank you for your patience while we made renovations to Malone Park. The works are now completed and the play area is open to use.



Waste & recycling
We have installed a new waste bin with a general waste and recycling area. These bins will be installed in our other parks in due course.