Woodley Town Council Grant Scheme continues to support local services

Woodley Town Council grants

We are delighted to continue to provide funding to local organisations that deliver essential community support services in Woodley, through our grant award scheme. 

Leisure Services

Five grants were approved at the recent Leisure Services Committee Meeting:

  • Chattertots – Towards the cost of providing weekly early interventions for children with Downs Syndrome, with main sessions running from Woodley Baptist Church.
  • ARC Youth Counselling – Towards the cost of providing weekly early interventions for children with Downs Syndrome, with main sessions running from Woodley Baptist Church.
  • First Days’ Children’s Charity – Towards the cost of providing weekly early interventions for children with Downs Syndrome, with main sessions running from Woodley Baptist Church.
  • Home-Start Wokingham District – Towards the cost of providing weekly early interventions for children with Downs Syndrome, with main sessions running from Woodley Baptist Church.
Cllr Darren Smith
Cllr Darren SMITH (Conservative)

“We’re proud to continue investing in Woodley’s community through our grant award scheme,” said Cllr Darren Smith, Chairman of the Leisure Services Committee. “These grants enable local organisations to provide essential support services to our residents when they need it most. By supporting these services, we are helping to support those most in need in Woodley.”

Strategy & Resources

Meanwhile, at the recent S&R Committee, a grant was approved to Me2 Club for the organisation to recruit and screen five new volunteers within Woodley who can be matched with five Woodley children waiting for support from the charity. If you, or someone you know, would like to volunteer for Me2, please visit their website to find out more. 

Our Grants

More information about our grants, including full guidelines and application forms, can be found on our Grants Page.

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