Message from Woodley Town Mayor Cllr Kay Gilder
Dear Woodley residents,
While we are indeed living in very strange circumstances during this Covid-19 pandemic, I would like to commend our ever-present community spirit as we all do our bit to help curb the spread of coronavirus by following the Government recommended guidelines for staying at home.
The guidelines outline four reasons for leaving our homes that we must all adhere to:
- shopping for basic necessities, for example food and medicine, which must be as infrequent as possible.
- one form of exercise a day, for example a run, walk, or cycle – alone or with members of your household.
- any medical need, or to provide care or to help a vulnerable person.
- travelling to and from work, but only where you cannot work from home.
Play areas are now closed, however, please continue to use our beautiful green spaces to exercise, being mindful not to drive to these areas and to stay 2 metres away from people not in your household and to wash your hands as soon as you get home.
If you have symptoms of coronavirus please follow the self-isolating rules of seven days and 14 days for your household members. If you have underlying health conditions please also follow the advice to keep yourself self-isolated to reduce your chances of contracting coronavirus. Advice can be found at: www.nhs.uk/coronavirus.
If you are feeling vulnerable or need help and support I urge you to contact the Citizen’s Advice Bureau (Please call 0300 330 1189 and enter 0118 978 7258 when prompted) who can provide advice and put you in touch with local charities, including the Wokingham Borough Community Hub, which is distributing food, toiletries and essential items to the vulnerable.
Many neighbours are also happy to help and we are lucky to have such a great community in Woodley, which I urge you to either ask for or offer help. If you are in a position to offer help, then please consider signing up as a volunteer at: www.wokinghamvolunteercentre.org.uk. If you are concerned about a vulnerable adult, please call Adult Social Services on 0118 9746000, or 01344 786543 out of hours and for concerns regarding children please call 0118 9088002.
The Woodley Town Council website (www.woodley.gov.uk/coronavirus-update) is updated regularly with Covid-19 related news and advice, so please access this if you can or check its posts on Facebook and Twitter.
I would also like to praise those working in key worker positions for all their help and support, particularly those who may have to leave their families to protect them and us. I’m sure you will join me in also thanking our community for joining in with the national Clap for the NHS last Thursday evening. It was a very moving moment to feel everyone united in their thanks and support.
I wish you all the best of health and look forward to seeing you all back in our community in the very near future.
Cllr Kay Gilder, Woodley Town Mayor