Please complete the below form if you wish to suggest a location within Woodley which is suitable to be monitored by the local Community Speedwatch group.

As a reminder, for a location to be considered appropriate for monitoring, it must not be:

  • In sight of an existing speed camera
  • Within 100 metres of a speed limit change
  • Near to parked vehicles
  • Near a busy junction

Equipment musta also be able to be setup on even ground, without obstructing any pedestrian footpaths, with volunteers a safe distance from the road and with a suitable escape route.

Once you have submitted your request, Speedwatch coordinators will check the location and determine if it is suitable for monitoring. If so, it will be submitted to the Thames Valley Police who will then verify the location meets the criteria for monitoring. Only after the location has been authorised by Thames Valley Police can monitoring take place.


Data Privacy Notice

Woodley Town Council is the data controller for your data. By submitting this application, you consent to the Council storing and processing the personal data you have provided for the purpose for which it was submitted.

Where necessary the Council may share your personal data with other third-party data controllers with whom the council works. Personal data will be stored securely, and will be deleted or anonymised when it is no longer required. For full information on how we will process your data, including who it may be shared with, where it will be stored, how it will be protected, and how long it will be stored, please see our General Data Privacy Notice.

Woodley Town Council, The Oakwood Centre, Headley Road, Woodley, Berkshire, RG5 4JZ.

Contact: Tel – 0118 969 0356 / Email –

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