Climate Emergency Information Hub

climate emergency image of a hand holding a glass globe in front of a forest

Woodley Town Council publishes Climate Emergency information on its website to help the community of Woodley to contribute to Climate Change

In October 2019, Woodley Town Council declared a Climate Emergency. Alongside becoming a carbon neutral organisation by 2030, the Council committed to work with all parts of the community to aid the reduction of harmful greenhouse gas emissions, as well as supporting Wokingham Borough Council with the implementation of its Climate Emergency Action Plan. 

While we continue to make plans and carry out actions in line with our Climate Emergency Action Plan, we have updated our website to include a dedicated section with information to help our residents when considering how they can reduce their impact on climate change.

The information is divided into six key areas:

  • Waste & Recycling
  • Homes & Energy
  • Food, Consumables & Goods
  • Travel & Transport 
  • Carbon Offsetting
  • Other Resources.

Each section has information about local and national initiatives, with references to useful apps and ways in which everyone can contribute to reducing their carbon footprint and the impact it has on climate change. You can access our Climate Emergency Information Hub HERE

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