Celebrating our elder community

celebrate elderly age woodley


celebrate elderly age woodley

Celebrate age


To celebrate the International Day of Older Persons on 1 October, Wokingham Borough Council along with partners is hosting a Celebrate Age event at the newly refurbished Loddon Valley Leisure Centre, from 10.00-15.00. If you are feeling lonely or isolated, this is the ideal opportunity to get out there and see what the borough has to offer.


Taster sessions

The day will be packed with taster sessions, activities and arts and crafts, all free of charge.


The council’s sport and leisure team will be doing blood pressure checks and advising on the latest sporting developments, while activities such as Tai Chi, Zumba Gold, cycling and ballroom dancing are also due to be on offer. Local clubs and societies will be on hand to speak to with Sporting Memories, Aging Actively or Talking Therapies to name a few. Officers from the Thames Valley Police and Berkshire Fire Service are also due be available sharing their tips on staying safe and risk free.


In addition to the array of informative and advisory stalls such as assistive technology, housing needs, benefits and social care, local businesses will be present – beauticians, dietary experts and massage specialists giving demos and presentations, brightening the day up.



Light lunch will be provided for a small cost of £1 and those with a sweet tooth will be able to purchase and enjoy hand-crafted cakes and treats made by students from Addington School.


“I’d like to personally invite all of our senior residents to this wonderful celebration. The day looks incredibly promising with many fantastic stalls, activities and information stands. It’s all about coming together as a community and having a great time. We’ve got lots to celebrate after all! I look forward to welcoming everybody on the day,” said Wokingham Borough Mayor, Cllr Bill Soane.


For more information about the event, please contact the sport and leisure team via email at: sport@wokingham.gov.uk

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