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wokingham borough council

Statement from John Halsall, leader of Wokingham Borough Council on COVID-19

“We are living in the shadow of Covid-19, an unprecedented international, national and local emergency.

Already many people are suffering from Coronavirus and people have died across the country. Tragically, this will increase significantly over the coming weeks. We must face that reality without self-deception: this is the greatest challenge the country has faced since the Second World War.

However, it is a challenge for which we have prepared. We have well established emergency plans in place with our Public Health colleagues. Our technology is robust; our staff are resilient and determined to provide the services people rely on. We are meeting daily to oversee response and are working closely with our partners and providers.

Our response will be defined by kindness, professionalism and robustness. It will be focussed on those who most need our support and on providing the essential services that nobody else can offer. We are fortunate in Wokingham Borough that we have communities that will, with our support, take care of each other and it has been inspiring (although I would say not surprising) to see how people have rallied to support neighbours and to join community and voluntary sector groups to help.

The situation is moving quickly but the two constants we have kept are to follow expert advice and to fulfil the duty of care we have to all in our communities.

Our statutory duties are wide-ranging, from the children we look after as a corporate parent, to older people in care homes, and from maintaining safe highways to collecting your waste and recycling. My commitment is that, while the way we fulfil these duties will change in the months ahead, and we may have to reduce some in order to prioritise others, we will always be here for those most in need and will continue to serve you with all our endeavours.

So, today, I am setting out our eight-point pledge to residents: 

1. We will deliver our statutory health responsibilities for all: With our partners, we will do all we can within our joint resources to protect the health and wellbeing of everybody living and working in the borough.

2. We will target our efforts on those who are at greater risk from coronavirus: By careful planning and through redeploying resources when necessary, we will support high risk groups (such as the elderly, those with pre-existing long term conditions and pregnant women). This will include working with our local hospitals to support transfers of care, by supporting providers of social care, and ensuring other vulnerable groups are assisted through our social care services.

3. We will be there for other key vulnerable groups to reduce inequalities: Self-isolation and the inevitable disruption to lives that Coronavirus is bringing will lead to an increase in safeguarding and vulnerability issues. We are aware of those at risk (including the homeless, those who use food banks, those at risk of domestic abuse and those with existing multiple and complex needs) and are working closely with providers and voluntary organisations to be vigilant and mitigate the threats.

4. We will co-ordinate the community’s response: Our people are strong, compassionate and keen to help and our hundreds of voluntary groups are committed to supporting all communities.What they need is coordination, which is what we can provide. We are bringing together our community organisation partners to offer a joined up way for people to volunteer and a single point of contact for those who need help. Our teams will continue to work in communities, in partnership with the police, other providers and the voluntary sector to maintain community safety.

5. We will support our businesses: This pandemic will hit our economy just as it will all those around the globe. We await details of the Government’s financial support package but welcome its unprecedented scope and will play our role in administrating and communicating to businesses. Furthermore we will consider what measures can be put in place for those who are clearly struggling. We will work with business groups, our business tenants and the Local Enterprise Partnership on the best way to shield them from the shock waves Coronavirus is spreading.

6. We will care for our staff and continue to serve the community: We are implementing carefully made plans to deliver home working across all services thanks to our robust IT systems. Services will be delivered differently and some will be reduced in order to prioritise. But the council is here for you.

7. Capture financial and organisational impact: Wewillcollate financial impact of additional burdens and loss of income for services to reduce organisational risk, and the impact of decisions taken by other organisations such as transport providers. 

8. We will keep you informed: We have a comprehensive and regularly updated webpage and will use social media and other channels to issue very regular updates on this plan and our delivery of it.

In practice, all this will mean difficult decisions. We have already taken some, such as the decision to postpone those public council meetings that cannot go ahead in alternative formats until suitable arrangements can be made. We are seeking technological solutions as swiftly as possible because democracy must continue. 

I know there will be people struggling at this time – either with the strain of self-isolation or illness, or through the financial problems it is creating. Please do not suffer in silence: we have worked with the voluntary sector to create a single point of contact for all those in need of community support. This is through the CAB and can be reached on 0300 330 1189 (if prompted enter 0118 978 7258) or by emailing . 

I would like to end with a note of optimism, a vital commodity even in these difficult times. We have had an unprecedented response from people wanting to volunteer. The most basic thing we can do is to look after each other – if there are people self-isolating or vulnerable groups living near you, put a note through their door to offer help. Or, if you are fit and well and have any time to spare, please contact one of our community and voluntary sector groups that we are working with to provide support. 

If you want to help but don’t know where to go, contact the Wokingham Volunteer Centre at”.

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woodley town centre

Woodley Town Centre

In response to the latest UK government advice regarding Coronavirus, the Woodley Town Centre Manager,Brian Fennelly has issued a statement:

Woodley Town Centre Management has been actively reviewing all their planned events. As a result we have cancelled a number of events including the Classic Car Show. The VE 75th anniversary and the Children’s Fun Day.

After carefully considering the Government advice on social distancing and in view of the fact that the Car Boot Sale normally attracts a relatively small number of people I decided to let the Car Boot Sale go ahead.

However, with the situation changing daily I have now taken the decision to cancel all future Car Boot Sales until further notice.”

To stay up to date with the Town Centre, please click HERE.

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Woodley Town Council logo

Coronavirus Update 5 March 2020

Latest advice and information as at 5 March 2020

Please stay up to date on our dedicated Coronavirus Page

Please use the following links;

Wokingham Borough Council


Central Government


The following information and advice has been issued by Wokingham Borough Council.

Follow the Public Health England advice to:

Wash your hands thoroughly and frequently using soap and water – this is the best way to kill the virus.

Catch coughs and sneezes in a tissue, and then throw it away.

If you have questions about coronavirus, Covid-19 and your health – such as what the symptoms are and how to stop it spreading – then you should refer to the NHS website for information.

If you have questions about the situation – such as the number of cases and where they are, and what countries are affected – then you should refer to the Public Health England (PHE) website for information.

We’ve received a number of questions about what it means if you have had contact with someone who is then required to be self-isolating. Here’s an update from David Munday, the lead Public Health Consultant for Berkshire:

“Covid-19 is like most coronaviruses and we think primarily spreads from person to person via respiratory droplets, for example when someone coughs or sneezes. You catch it from someone who is showing symptoms. That’s why the most important advice is to catch your cough or sneeze in a tissue, and to wash your hands frequently and thoroughly.”

“Self-isolating is another word for quarantine. It means staying in-doors and away from other people to avoid spreading the virus. You only need to self-isolate if you have been in contact with someone who is confirmed to have Covid-19 and have been told to by Public Health England or the NHS. You don’t need to self-isolate if you have been in contact with someone else who had contact with the confirmed case. For example, Willow Bank Infant School had a confirmed case. Staff and children who were in contact with the person have been asked to self-isolate. But if you visited the school, played with other children or talked to a parent – even if they had contact with the confirmed case – you don’t need to self-isolate.”


Someone has a confirmed case of Covid-19Isolated in hospital and treated

Someone had contact with a confirmed case of Covid-19 while that person was having symptomsPHE will assess how much contact there was and ask the person to self-isolate / monitor closely for symptoms.

Someone had contact with a person who in turn has had contact with a confirmed case (but has no symptoms and is not a confirmed case themselves)No action needed – no contact with a confirmed case

Rest of populationNo action needed – no contact with a confirmed case

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2020 Precept Leaflet

Click below to download the 2020 Precept Leaflet. This leaflet provides information on the services provided by the Council.

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roadworks woodley

Local roadworks update – 03 March

Local roadworks update – 21 January

A404m From M4 J8/9 Roundabout To J9a N, Windsor And Maidenhead, Windsor and Maidenhead

05 March – 06 March

Delays likely – Diversion route

Name: Diversion

Location: A404m From M4 J8/9 Roundabout To J9a N

Description: Streetworks / License – Streetworks

Responsibility for event: Windsor and Maidenhead

A404m From M4 J8/9 Roundabout To J9a N, Windsor And Maidenhead, Windsor and Maidenhead

06 March – 11 March

Delays likely – Diversion route

Name: Diversion

Location: A404m From M4 J8/9 Roundabout To J9a N


Description: Streetworks / License – Streetworks


Responsibility for event: Windsor and Maidenhead

A4 London Road, Earley, Wokingham

04 March — 05 March

Delays likely – Lane closure

Works location: left hand Lane 1 closure

Works description: Bridge bearing inspections

Responsibility for works: Wokingham

Headley Road East, Woodley, Wokingham

06 March — 12 March

Delays likely – Traffic control (two-way signals)

Works location: On Headley Road East outside Hawkehurst House.

Works description: Excavation in path, required to lay and connect the new site main to theparent main. in Carriageway.

Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER

Bingley Grove, Woodley, Wokingham

11 March — 24 March

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion



Responsibility for works: Scottish and Southern Power Distribution

Bodmin Road, Woodley, Wokingham

10 March — 12 March

Delays unlikely – No carriageway incursion

Works location: 10


Responsibility for works: THAMES WATER

Crockhamwell Road, Woodley, Wokingham

11 March — 23 March

Delays unlikely – No carriageway incursion

Works location: jcn drovers way

Works description: Replace LV Network Box

Responsibility for works: Scottish and Southern Power Distribution

Donaldson Way, Woodley, Wokingham

03 March — 05 March

Delays unlikely – Some carriageway incursion

Works location: o/s 71 Donaldson Way

Works description: interim to perm

Responsibility for works: VIRGIN MEDIA

A4 Bath Road, Woodley, Wokingham

03 March-04 March

Delays likely: Traffic control (two way signals)

Replace one jointbox

responsibility for works: BT

Loddon Bridge Road, Woodley, Wokingham

01 March-04 March

Traffic control (give and take)

Serv pipe relay

Responsibility for works: Thames Water

Colemans moor Road, Woodley, Wokingham

28 February-05 March

Delays possible: some carrriageway incursion

Boundary box install

Responsibility for works: Thames Water

A4 London road, Earley, Wokingham

13 February-03 April

Delays possible: some carrriageway incursion

Opposite 240 by the roundabout

To allow joint bays to be excavated

Responsibility for works: Scottish and Southern power distribution

B3350 Church road, Earley, Wokingham

27 February-04 March

Delays possible: some carrriageway incursion

Fault locating and excavation

Responsibility for works: Scottish and Southern power distribution

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Declaration of Results

By-election result

Below is the result of the Woodley Town Council by-election for Coronation East Ward.

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Big tidy up

The annual Clean Up Day will take place on Saturday March 28th – meeting at 10am at Woodford Park Leisure Centre. If you’d like to help by collecting litter on the day please come along.

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Raised brickwork

Town Centre Tree Garden

A joint project between Woodley Town Council, Woodley Town Centre Management Initiative and Wokingham Borough Council will see the end of the dangerous trip hazards surrounding the trees at the end Southern end of the Town Centre. For some time the participants have been considering ways to keep the trees and at the same time remove the potential trip hazards caused by their roots. Any solution should also have minimal impact on the events held in the Town Centre. After much discussion only one option emerged which satisfied both of these requirements.

The solution is to turn the area immediately surrounding these trees into a raised community garden thus removing the restrictions on their roots and providing a pleasant visual area. This area will have some form of retaining wall for the garden and the suitable options are either a low level brick wall or timber sleepers to provide a more natural feel. At either end of this new garden will be seating for visitors complete with a notice board in the same style as those in Woodford Park. Pedestrians will still be able to walk on either side of this new garden to get to the shops.

Garden Wall Options

The actual content of the garden has yet to be decided with current thoughts of a school community garden, a variety of grasses or even the use of moss to absorb carbon from the atmosphere, or a mixture of uses. Whatever is chosen needs to be easy to maintain.

Click the link below to view the plan for the garden.

Tree Garden Plan

If you have any comments or suggestions for the use or content of the garden please email

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food waste bags wokingham woodley

Food waste bags


food waste bags wokingham woodley


Please note that food waste bags will not be delivered with blue bin bags, instead they are available to collect from various places including Woodley Town Council at the Oakwood Centre and Woodley Library.

For any enquiries regarding this please contact Wokingham Borough Council: 0118 976400 /

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Woodley Town Council

Poll Cards for By-Election on 27 February 2020

Residents in Coronation East ward of Woodley Town Council will have recently received a poll card for the above by-election. Unfortunately, there is a mistake on the poll card in that it refers to Wokingham Town Council instead of Woodley Town Council. Please be assured that the remaining details given on the card are correct.

Polling will take place in St John’s Church, Church Road, Woodley from 7am to 10pm on 27 February.


Registration – Tuesday 11 February

Apply to vote by post – Wednesday 12 February at 5pm

Appoint a proxy – Wednesday 19 February at 5pm

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