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Happier and healthier Berkshire

Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy for Berkshire West

Joint Health & Wellbeing Strategy for Berkshire West

The Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy for Berkshire West: Reading, West Berkshire & Wokingham

What is the Joint Health and wellbeing strategy?

A Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategy sets out where professionals across health and social care will work together to improve the health of the population.

This year, for the first time, the Health and Wellbeing Boards in Reading, West Berkshire and Wokingham have joined together to produce a new 10-year plan to improve the health and wellbeing of people who live across Berkshire West.

Why is this strategy important?

The new strategy will be the focus for health and social care working in partnership across all three areas to improve your health and wellbeing. It is a declaration of where we all think it is important to work together to make a difference, and so will affect decisions about where money is spent and where resources are put over the next 10 years.

How can I make a difference? 

We have spoken with professionals and looked at data to see what areas we think are important to include. Through this, we have created a list of 11 possible priorities but now need your help to decide which of these should be included in the final strategy.

All 11 of these areas are important, but we think it is essential to focus on a smaller number and so make sure we can do them right, making a real difference to people’s lives. We want to understand what is important to you and where you want us to focus our time, energy, resources and commitment.

What can I do?

We will be hosting three virtual public meetings on 13th, 20th and 27th January. If you would like to attend, please let us know at

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Woodley library December 2020

Woodley Library to re-open 7th December

Wokingham, Woodley and Lower Earley library buildings will reopen from Monday 7 December, following the end of the national lockdown and the introduction of new Tier 2 (High) restrictions. 

All will operate at reduced hours, enabling them to deliver an in-person library service in the safest way possible.

Opening hours

Under current plans, Wokingham Library will be open between 9.30am and 1.30pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, Woodley Library between 9am and 1pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and Lower Early between 9.30am and 1.30pm on Monday and Thursday. 

This will help staff to safely manage and quarantine books that are returned, which is particularly important as there are currently 32,000 books on loan across the borough.

Re-deployment of staff

In November, the council took the decision to close both Wokingham and Woodley library buildings to enable staff members to be redeployed into other statutory services to help manage the spread of the virus and protect the vulnerable within our communities. 

Following a successful month of effort in these areas during the latest lockdown, some of these staff are now able to return to their substantive roles, whilst others are still directly supporting our most vulnerable residents.

Safe places to visit

Cllr Parry Batth, executive member for environment and leisure said: “We are delighted to be re-opening our three largest libraries, enabling us to meet demand and deliver the service as safely as possible. Prior to the national lockdown, our Wokingham and Woodley libraries had been successfully operating with Covid-19 public health measures since re-opening in the summer, and residents were making repeated use of our services. 

“We are very pleased to also be re-opening our Lower Earley library, which has been closed since the first national lockdown, and we have a range of measures in place to ensure that all of our libraries are safe places to visit.” 

Please note, services are currently limited to the lending library and waste sack collection. Other library services such as computer facilities and events are still unavailable at this time.

Social distancing efforts

In terms of social distancing, all three libraries have one-way systems in place which people must follow, as well as hand sanitiser stations in the entrances for use when entering and leaving the premises. 

Face coverings must be worn inside the buildings and visitors should try to minimise their handling of books while browsing. If a book is touched, but not booked out, it must be taken to the returned books area where it will be put into quarantine for 72 hours before it can be returned to the shelves.

Online library service still available

“For anyone who is unable to visit our libraries once they re-open, we do have a digital service available. This continues to be a popular option and we were very pleased with the uptake of our online offering during lockdown”, says Cllr Parry Batth. 

“This includes an expanded range of digital books, magazines, music streaming and virtual events, which are available for residents free of charge.”

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Friendship Alliance Wokingham

Friendship Alliance Newsletter December 2020

Please note that the ‘Find Out More’ buttons in the Newsletter are not linked. For more information, please contact Jayne Streak, Project Lead at the Friendship Alliance on: / 07464 834949 / 0118 979 8019.

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wokingham borough council

Wokingham Borough Council announces further discretionary business grants

wokingham borough council

Wokingham Borough Council is finalising plans to provide financial support to local businesses impacted by the current national lockdown restrictions, which were in place until 2 December. It is hoped that this will also extend to any businesses affected by Wokingham Borough’s move into the new Tier 2 restrictions.

For businesses required to close as a result of the current lockdown restrictions, and who are registered for business rates (commercial premises), there is the option to apply for a mandatory grant under the Local Restrictions Support Grants (Closed) Addendum. To date, more than £529,000 has been paid out to local businesses, and eligible companies can continue to apply via the form on the council’s website.  

However the Council recognises that there are many businesses who have been impacted by the recent 4 week restrictions, but who do not pay business rates and who aren’t eligible for other financial support. To support these organisations, it is finalising details for Phase 1 of a Discretionary Grants Scheme (also known as Additional Restrictions Grants). 

Subject to final approval from the Council’s Executive this week, it hopes to be able to offer grants of £1,500 to help business whose cash-flow has taken a nosedive in the last four weeks; either because they have been required to stop trading, or because a significant proportion of their income relies on trade with businesses who have been forced to close.

The Council recognises how challenging these current restrictions have been for many businesses and so are actively encouraging early applications from potentially eligible businesses so that we can be ready to pay out that grant as quickly as possible if the scheme is approved.

More details and an application form can be found on the Council’s website.

The Council wants to make sure it helps as many businesses as possible so if you are aware of any companies that may have been impacted, perhaps as part of your own supply chain, then please pass this information on.    

Please note this phase of discretionary grants just covers the recent 4 week restrictions and the Council will be looking at further phases and other support schemes to help local businesses over the next few weeks and months.  

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Free festive parking in Wokingham Borough car parks

Wokingham Borough Council-owned car parks in towns and village centres across the area will offer free parking on 5, 12 and 19 December.

It’s especially important for communities across the borough to support their local high streets this year, with many independent businesses dealing with disruption due to Covid-19.

Where car parking is free

Car parks included in this festive offer are:

  • Polehampton Close, Twyford 
  • School Lane, Wargrave 
  • Shute End, Wokingham 
  • Denmark Street, Wokingham 
  • Easthampstead Road (East and West), Wokingham 
  • Cockpit Path, Wokingham 
  • Headley Road, Woodley 
  • Crockhamwell Road, Woodley 
  • Lytham Road (East and West), Woodley 
  • Former M&S car park/Rose Street car park, Wokingham
  • Carnival Pool Multi Storey car park, Wokingham

Supporting local businesses

Cllr Pauline Jorgensen, executive member for highways and transport, said: “We’re pleased to be able to offer free Saturday parking again this year in the run up to Christmas, with it being especially important to support local shops and traders this year. 

“We know our residents want to support businesses in the borough in the run up to Christmas and make the most of the fantastic shops we have to offer, providing parking on these days free of charge helps them to do this.”

Further information

Although parking will be free on the three Saturdays before Christmas, maximum stay limits and disabled parking bays will still be enforced and any vehicles breaching these regulations will be subject to the usual Penalty Charge Notices being issued.  

It should also be noted that the free parking offer applies only to council car parks, and does not apply to privately managed car parks.

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healthwatch wokingham

Understanding carers in the community during Covid 19

Many people  across Wokingham Borough  became unpaid carers overnight when lockdown was imposed in March, increasing their responsibilities to look after  older, disabled or seriously ill  loved ones and relatives instantly.   

Some carers found themselves in a particularly challenging position. Healthwatch Wokingham is launching its Caring During Covid-19 campaign to give unpaid carers a voice.  

Healthwatch Wokingham  want to hear what  caring during the pandemic  has been like and how things need to change going forward, particularly with the virus still in circulation.   

Neil Bolton-Heaton, Head of Healthwatch Wokingham, said: “Many unpaid carers have already told us their stories about caring during Covid; these have included issues accessing services, medication and general support but also that their caring responsibilities have increased. Through our project Caring During Covid-19, we want to have a greater understanding of the issues they face and would encourage all those caring for a family member or loved one to come forward and speak with us.”

Carers can take part in the survey in  a number of  ways:   

Write to:    Healthwatch Wokingham,    Town Hall, Market Place  , Wokingham, RG40 1AS  .

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tier two 2 December

Woodley to be in Tier 2 High Alert from 2 December

For more information and detailed guidance visit the UK Government’s website HERE.


No mixing of households indoors, apart from support bubbles. Maximum of six outdoors.


Pubs and bars must close, unless operating as restaurants. Hospitality venues can only serve alcohol with substantial meals. Venues must stop taking orders at 10pm and must close by 11pm.




Everyone who can work from home should do so.


Early years settings, schools, colleges and universities open. Childcare, other supervised activities for children, and childcare bubbles permitted.








Permitted with household or support bubble.


15 guests for weddings, civil partnerships, wedding receptions and wakes; 30 for funerals.




Open, but cannot interact with anyone outside household or support bubble.


Reduce the number of journeys you make and walk or cycle if possible. Avoid busy times and routes on public transport. Avoid car sharing with those outside of your household or support bubble. Avoid travelling outside your area, or entering a Tier 3 area, other than where necessary such as for work or education. Further exemptions apply.


Classes and organised adult sport can take place outdoors, but cannot take place indoors if there is any interaction between people from different households. Organised activities for elite athletes, under18s and disabled people can continue.


COVID-secure arrangements such as substantial screens, visiting pods, and window visits. Outdoor/airtight visits only (rollout of rapid testing will enable indoor visits including contact).


Sport, live performances and business meetings limited to 50% capacity or 2000 people outdoors (whichever is lower) and 50% capacity or 1000 people indoors (whichever is lower)

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Christmas Woodley Town Centre

Christmas is coming to Woodley!

Join in with the Christmas spirit while you #StaySafe and #StayHome! 🎁🎄🎅

Woodley Town Centre Management Initiative is providing the residents of Woodley and their nearest and dearest with a virtual Christmas lights & carols celebration!🎁🎄🎅

Details will be revealed soon but make sure to put 28th November at 18.00 in your diaries! 🎁🎄🎅

Take a sneak peek HERE and HERE (YouTube links)!

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Notice of conclusion of audit 2020

Notice of conclusion of Audit 2020

Notice of conclusion of audit 2020

You can view the report HERE.

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