Bridge repairs at Sandford Lane

bridge repairs at Sandford lane Woodley

22nd August 2023

 Sandford Lane, Woodley – Essential Structural Maintenance to the Bridges 29/8 – 1/9

Wokingham Borough Council will be carrying out essential routine maintenance to the bridges along Sandford Lane, Woodley between Davis Street and Mohawk Way. These works will take place from 9.30am to 4pm on 29th August to 1st September

Road closures

To allow these works to be carried out safely, a road closure will be in place between 9.30am to 4pm every day. The diversion in place during these works will be Davis Street, Reading Road, The Bader Way, and Mohawk Way or by this route in reverse.

A map of this diversion can be viewed HERE

Access for vehicles will be restricted during the works, but access for residents and businesses will be maintained throughout the closure. 

If the works are delayed due to weather or any other reason, a sticker will be placed on the advanced warning signs, notifying of the delay.

Contact details

If you have concerns or have any special requirements, please contact Wokingham Borough Council’s Capital Projects team HERE

You can report any issues with roads and streets online, including streetlights, problems with traffic lights, potholes, damaged street furniture, problems with road markings and removal of dead animals, directly to Wokingham Borough Council HERE

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