Annual Town Meeting 23 May 2024

Annual Town Meeting May 2024

Each year, we host our Annual Town Meeting for the electors living in Woodley to find out about Council activities and to make statements on relevant matters.

When & where

This year, we are holding the Annual Town Meeting on Thursday 23rd May, 7-9pm, in the Alan Cornish Theatre at the Oakwood Centre.

Community Heroes Awards

The evening will start with the presentation of our Community Heroes Awards to local individuals and organisations in recognition of exceptional service to the town.

Climate Emergency

This will be followed by a presentation from guest speakers from Wokingham Borough Council’s Climate Emergency team providing on climate change, and what residents can do to play their part in tackling the crisis.

Resident’s Forum

Electors will have the opportunity to raise any issues and concerns with Councillors, as their elected representatives, on any topic, activity or subject matter they believe to be affecting Woodley. 

Cheese & wine reception

The meeting will conclude with a cheese and wine reception.

We look forward to welcoming you.

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