Local residents given the opportunity to ask Woodley Town Council about matters in Woodley
We were delighted with the attendance at our recent Annual Town Meeting, which was held in the Theatre at the Oakwood Centre on Thursday 23rd May.
Community Heroes Awards
The evening started with our newly appointed Town Mayor, Cllr Juliet Anderson, awarding local community heroes as nominated by the community of Woodley.
In summary:
- Vikram Singh was awarded Neighbour of the Year for supporting people in Woodley to stay safe online and avoid being scammed.
- Woodley Lunch Bunch were awarded Volunteer Group of the Year for their continued work providing a packed lunch delivery service to families in Woodley who are having a difficult time financially, or in other ways, during the school holidays.
- Peter Hawkins was awarded Volunteer of the Year for his dedication helping others and encouraging individuals to take up and enjoy bowling.
- Former Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, awarded Shane Mason from the Good Companions Pub, for his work providing meals on Christmas Day and Boxing Day to the elderly & vulnerable, alongside providing a free soup kitchen during the winter.
Full details of the winners can be found in an article on our News Page.
Pictured with Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Juliet Anderson.

Climate Emergency
A presentation on Climate Emergency was delivered by Climate Officers Resh Thorpe and Mhairi Adams from Wokingham Borough Council (WBC) and Matthew Filmore, Woodley Town Council Deputy Town Clerk. The presentation provided an update on actions taken so far by the Borough and Town Councils and also focused on the importance of individual participation to help reduce carbon emissions.
Several members of the audience asked questions about climate issues in the Borough. These included how short car journeys to school could be addressed. WBC Officers advised that by 2025, all schools in the Borough will need to have an individual Climate Emergency Action Plan (CEAP).
A question was asked as to whether methane emissions from Ashenbury Park, which was once a landfill site, could be harvested. WBC Officers said that this comment would be passed on to the climate team at WBC.
A question was asked regarding how young people could be discouraged from discarding disposable vapes and drinks cans/bottles inappropriately. WBC Officers advised that this could form part of the discussion in schools and feed into their CEAPs. It was also noted that there was a planned campaign regarding the correct disposal methods for vapes.
A question was asked about the amount of waste generated by the Carnival and whether this was recycled. Cllr Anderson, as a member of the Carnival Committee, responded that some work had been done on this and the general waste bins this year will have recyclable materials separated by the waste contractor after collection.

General questions
The public were then invited to ask questions specific to Woodley Town Council. These included if whether a map could be produced showing the location of all publicly accessible defibrillators in Woodley. The Town Clerk agreed to look into this.
A question was asked regarding the Sunflower Hidden Disabilities Scheme and whether the profile of this could be raised in Woodley. The Deputy Town Clerk advised that Woodley Town Council had signed up to the scheme and the Town Clerk agreed to take the details of the resident and discuss this further.
A question was asked as to what happened to the old graffiti wall in Woodford Park. Cllr Baker advised that the wall was removed some years ago as it was old and in poor condition. He added that a suggestion had been made regarding the reinstatement of something similar but that this had yet to be formally considered.
A question was asked if more lighting could be installed in Woodford Park and whether the net on the basketball hoop could be replaced. The Town Clerk advised that the potential for additional lighting in the park would need to be carefully considered so as not to encourage people to gather in certain areas and that the damaged hoop basket would be removed.
A request was submitted to provide facilities for Padel Tennis at Woodford Park Leisure Centre. It was noted that this would be forwarded to the Town Council working group that was currently looking at future sports provision at the centre. The Deputy Town Clerk advised that there was currently a public consultation survey available for all users and non-users of the centre to feed ideas into, and that this had received around 1000 responses so far.
Cllr Baker rounded off the Q&A session by advising residents that if they wished to object to planning applications affecting them, they must respond to Wokingham Borough Council as the planning authority, and also to contact their Borough Councillor to request that the application be ‘listed’. This process means that the application will be considered fully by Borough Councillors, rather than simply decided by Planning Officers.
Other questions relating to areas covered by Wokingham Borough Council were recorded and will be referred to WBC. Full details of these and minutes of the meeting can be read here.

The evening concluded with a Cheese & Wine reception in the Carnival and Maxwell Halls at the Oakwood Centre.