Wokingham Borough Council have advised that they intend to close a section of the A329(M) between 7am and 4pm on Saturday 17 & Sunday 18 August 2024.
The closure will be in effect in both directions between the junction with Coppid Beach and the Winnersh Triangle interchange.
The reason for the closure is to allow WBC contractors to carry out multiple bridge inspections and routine maintenance works in safety.
The alternative route for all eastbound vehicles affected by this restriction shall be via A3290 Loddon Bridge and The Bader Way Interchange, A329 Reading Road, A329 Shute End, A329 Rectory Road, A329 Wiltshire Road and A329 London Road.
The alternative route for all westbound vehicles affected by this restriction shall be via A329 London Road, A329 Peach Street, A329 Broad Street, A329 Shute End, A329 Reading Road and A3290 Loddon Bridge and The Bader Way Interchange.