biodiversity quiz

Biodiversity Quiz

Celebrating our parks during Love Parks week

To help celebrate our parks and green spaces, we have created a biodiversity quiz, which we hope will also entertain the kids over the summer holidays and inspire them to spot biodiversity across Woodley.

The quiz can be downloaded HERE or a copy can be collected from the Council’s reception in the Oakwood Centre.

We also have a limited stock of seeded earth-shaped cards, which can be planted in your garden or a pot to grow wild flowers. These can be collected from our reception.

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Centre Stage Woodley

Centre Stage

Centre Stage in Woodley Town Centre will be closed from 17th July while Wokingham Borough Council carry out repairs.

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Garden waste bags

12th June

We have run out of garden waste bags and do not know when we will get new stock. Please call ahead.

We believe that Woodley Library has also run out.

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deputy mayor at tray garden event

Deputy Mayor judges local school tray gardens

Year 1 children from five local schools had a great time at Waingels College yesterday (Thursday 8th June) creating tray gardens. 

They had workshops in the morning to build twig furniture and paper decorations and, in the afternoon, designed and built the most amazing and beautiful gardens. 

All the children worked well together and our judges from The Woodley Flower Club, Winnersh Garden Centre and the Deputy Mayor, Cllr Juliet Anderson were very impressed with their teamwork and maturity, as well as their creativity.

The gardens will be exhibited alongside the Woodley Flower club displays at the Oakwood Centre during Woodley Carnival on Saturday 10th June.

Woodley Town Deputy Mayor, Cllr Juliet Anderson with children from the tray garden event

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car parking charges in Wokingham Borough

Car parking charges in Wokingham Borough

Woodley Town Council has been notified today, via a press release, that Wokingham Borough Council is increasing car parking charges across the Borough from 19th June, and from 22nd June in Woodley. 

Find out more HERE.  

Please contact Wokingham Borough Council directly for any enquiries: 0118 9746000, or view other ways to contact the Council HERE.

car parking charges in Wokingham Borough

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Woodford Park play area closed 5-11 June

From Monday 5th June, sections of the play area in Woodford Park will be closed and fenced off. This is due to health & safety reasons during Woodley Carnival on Saturday 10th June. All areas will reopen on Monday 12th June. Thank you for your understanding.

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Woodley Town Council

Annual Town Meeting – Thursday 25 May 2023

Please click here to view a full agenda for this meeting.

This meeting can be watched live, or after the event via a recording, on the Council’s YouTube channel.

View video Ad HERE.

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Community grant awards April 2023

Community Grants awarded in April 2023

Woodley Town Council awards community grants to support local community organisations

Woodley Town Council’s Strategy & Resources Committee has awarded the following community organisations a Community Grant to help support their continued work for the residents of Woodley.

We are pleased to be supporting the following local community organisations through our Community Grant funding:

  • 1st Woodley Boys’ Brigade – £250 – to update and replace aging sports and camping equipment.
  • Woodley Bowling Club – £250 – to pay towards new frames to display competition winners, the replacement of old light fittings to LED, and new metal shutters on the entrance. 
  • Community Hopeline CIC – £250 – to purchase promotional material to be used across Woodley to highlight the organisation’s services and projects. 
  • Woodley Festival of Music and Arts – £250 – to pay towards the cost of venue and piano hire, and adjudicator and other professional fees. 
  • Woodley Volunteers for our Community – £250 – to cover the costs of hiring the Oakwood Centre for an event.

Members of the groups were invited to speak at the Council’s Annual Meeting on 16 May.

Dylan Harman, Captain of 1st Woodley’s Boys Brigade said: “Thank you from all of us at the Brigade for the grant. This will go towards new camping and sports equipment. It is important to be able to take the boys camping and give them the opportunity to try new sports, which helps them to build friendships, improve their wellbeing and develop lifelong life skills.”

Stephen Treeves, Treasurer of Woodley Bowling Club said: “Thank you for this generous grant. As a self-funded club, this will help us to continue to run, providing local residents with the opportunity to play in a social environment.” Next year is the club’s 60th anniversary.

Karen Smith, founder and managing director of Community Hopeline CIC, said: “This grant is very important and will help our volunteers to bring the Youthscope project to Woodley and help resource our parent support group to help them cope with children with mental health issues. Thank you very much for your generosity.”

Fiona Fisher and Angela Roberts from Woodley Festival of Music & Arts, said: “This generous grant is important to help us financially to put on the festival, which we are delighted is held at the Oakwood Centre each year, but also is a nod that we are doing something good for the local community. We hope to reach more children across Woodley.”

Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, thanked all of the speakers, congratulated them for their awards and wished them all the best. 

Separate to the Annual Meeting, Ronnie Goodberry, one of the founders of Woodley Volunteers for our Community, said: “I’d like to thank the Council for its generous grant, which helped us to celebrate our 1 millionth item collected. Thank you to the Council and all those in Woodley who volunteer and donate so that we can continue to support Woodley residents.”

Back, L-R: Stephen Treeves, Community Hopeline staff x 3, Karen Smith, Dylan Harman
Front, L-R: Angela Roberts, Cllr Janet Sartorel, Fiona Fisher

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Woodley Town Mayor and Deputy Town Mayor

Woodley Town Mayor and Deputy Mayor elected at Annual Meeting

Woodley Town Mayor

Voted at the Annual Meeting on 16 May, Cllr Janet Sartorel was re-elected to Woodley Town Mayor for an unprecedented third year running.

“Thank you for the nomination and I am delighted to continue to promote this wonderful town of Woodley and serve as Mayor,” she said. 

Mayor’s Charity

The Town Mayor has chosen Woodley Lunch Bunch as her charity for the municipal year 2023-2024.

“I have chosen Woodley Lunch Bunch for its generous and continued support for local families, especially in these financially challenging times.”

Deputy Town Mayor

Meanwhile, Cllr Juliet Anderson was elected as Woodley Town Deputy Mayor. 

To invite the Mayor or Deputy Mayor to an event, please email: Matthew.Filmore

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Woodley's Coronation Picnic in the Park

Woodley’s Coronation Picnic in the Park

Thank you to everyone who came to our community celebration for the coronation of King Charles III.

Here are a selection of photos from the day. Video footage can be found on our Facebook page or YouTube channel.

Huge thanks to our suppliers:

LAX – for excellent sound and staging

Leader – for entertaining the crowd with fabulous music

Circus Scene – for entertaining the crowds and bringing the tallest Beefeater

Magic Moments – for magical entertainment and balloon modelling

Your Face or Mine – for amazing face painting

Roros Coffee – for supplying hot drinks and cakes

Homeshake Bar – for supplying cocktails and other drinks

Sir Whippy – for supplying ice creams

St John’s Ambulance – for first aid provision

Mammoth – for supplying the toilets

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