

Two representatives from Thames Valley Police attended our recent Planning & Community meeting, to discuss the issue of e-scooting and e-bikes in Woodley town precinct. 

There are several legal requirements and restrictions to do with e-scooters, which limit their use in public places.

Here is a summary of these from Thames Valley Police.

Classification of an e-scooter

Electrical scooters (also known as e-scooters) come under the category of ‘powered transporters’; this covers a range of personal transport devices which are powered by a motor.

E-scooters are classed as motor vehicles under the Road Traffic Act 1988. Which means the rules that apply to motor vehicles, also apply to e-scooters including the need to have a licence, insurance and tax.

It’s not currently possible to get insurance for privately owned e-scooters, which means it’s illegal to use them on the road or in public spaces. If you’re using a private e-scooter you risk the vehicle being seized under S.165 Road Traffic Act 1988 for no insurance. 

If you cause serious harm to another person whilst riding an e-scooter the incident will be investigated in the same way it would if you were riding a motorcycle or driving a car. 

Legal use of an e-scooter

It’s legal to use an e-scooter on private land with the permission of the land owner.

Where a trial rental scheme is running, it’s legal to use a rental e-scooter on a public road, cycle lane and for those living in Milton Keynes, redways.

Penalties and offences

If you don’t have a licence, or the correct licence, or are riding without insurance you could face a Fixed Penalty notice:

  • with a £300 fine and six penalty points on your licence for having no insurance
  • up to £100 fine and three to six penalty points for riding without the correct licence.

You could also be committing an offence if you’re caught: 

  • riding on a pavement; Fixed Penalty Notice and possible £50 fine 
  • using a mobile phone or other handheld mobile device while riding; £200 and six penalty points
  • riding through red lights; Fixed Penalty Notice, £100 fine and possible penalty points
  • drink driving: the same as if you were driving a car, you could face court imposed fines, a driving ban and possible imprisonment.

If you’re using an e-scooter in public in an antisocial manner, you can also risk the e-scooter being seized under section 59 of the Police Reform Act

When riding an e-scooter, we would always recommend wearing safety protection such as a helmet and to keep to the speed limit.

For more information and guidance please visit the Thames Valley Police website HERE.

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Wokingham Borough cycleway consultation

Cycleways in Woodley

Wokingham Borough cycleway consultation

 Wokingham Borough Council (WBC) is still looking to improve the cycling and walking connection between Woodley town centre and Reading borough boundary at Palmer Park and is now seeking your views on the revised proposals.

The scheme is funded through the Government’s Active Travel Fund Tranche 2 and 3 and the route has been identified as a strategic connection in our emerging Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan, enabling direct access to Woodley town centre while connecting a number of schools and leisure facilities. 

Walking and cycling are ideal modes of transport for short local trips, and convenient options for regular exercise. They are low-cost, accessible, healthy, environmentally friendly and efficient. Getting more people to walk and cycle will help the Borough to respond to the climate emergency, tackle congestion on the roads and achieve the Council’s Community Vision to make Wokingham Borough a great place to live, learn, work and grow and a great place to do business.

Earlier this year, WBC sought your views on its preliminary design for this scheme. Due to the strong opposition received for certain aspects of the scheme, it is now proposing an alternative plan following discussions with local key stakeholders and the Department for Transport. 

Please use the following link to view the plans and share your feedback by completing a short survey:

The consultation has been extended to 4th September 2022.  

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Wokingham Borough cycling & walking consultation

Wokingham Borough Council’s Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) consultation on the draft cycling and walking plans and infrastructure improvements is now open and will close on 4th September 2022.  

Walking and cycling are ideal modes of transport for short local trips, and convenient options for regular exercise. They are low-cost, accessible, healthy, environmentally friendly and efficient. The aim is to improve the active travel provision within the borough, supporting the Government’s ambition to make walking, wheeling and cycling the natural choices for shorter journeys, or as part of a longer journey.

To achieve this, a Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan (LCWIP) is being developed. The LCWIP is a strategic document that analyses local travel patterns to help identify where best to invest in cycling and walking infrastructure ideally over the next 10-year period. 

Following Wokingham Borough Council’s earlier consultation in March 2021 on the main barriers that prevent people from walking or cycling, the Council is now seeking your views on the draft cycling and walking network plans and high-level infrastructure improvements that are required on the key routes to improve safety and make it easier to walk or cycle. 

Please use the following link to view the plans and share your feedback:

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parking at coronation hall

Parking at Coronation Hall

Parking at Coronation Hall

Many of our hirers have been arriving for their bookings at Coronation Hall to find few or no available parking spaces.

This is a particular problem for older people attending bookings who cannot park near to the hall.

We have signage in place advising that the car park is for hall users only, however, there are often many cars parked that are visiting the park or the shops.

In order to manage the parking we will be locking the gate when there are no bookings in the hall and suggest that people use the free parking at Woodford Park Leisure Centre or the pay and display car parks.

Thank you

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Cable way at Woodford Park

Following the investigations regarding the cable way in the new Woodford Park Play Area, we are delighted that it is open and ready to use. 

The contractor, Proludic, have been very responsive and quick to help us rectify and fix the issue, despite it having nothing to do with the installation of the cable way by its team but due to the equipment coming into contact with a vehicle, which had moved one of the ground anchors.

It’s lovely to see children once again having fun on the cable way. 

Please email: with any further enquiries. 

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mayor opens new play area at Woodford Park

Woodford Park Play Area Opening

Over 600 people attend the opening of the new play area in Woodford Park

Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, officially declared our new play area in Woodford Park open yesterday at an opening event attended by over 600 local residents.


The new play area has been designed specifically with inclusivity in mind, and will offer a stimulating, exciting play experience for children of all abilities. 

It includes a double cableway, a sensory area, a wheelchair accessible play mound, an agility trail, a 7m tall canopy trail, seven types of swings and much more. 

Climate change

We have also received a certificate offsetting our carbon footprint in the making and installation of the park, which is in line with our climate change policy to be carbon neutral by 2030. 

Jubilee tree & stones display

The play area also contains our Jubilee Tree planted for the Queen’s Canopy and Jubilee Stones display to commemorate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

A commemorative plaque will be installed in the next few weeks. 

Memorial in sensory garden

The sensory garden has been planted in memory of Cllr David Stares, who was Chairman of the Leisure Services Committee when the new play area was first suggested and was instrumental in driving the project forward.

We will be putting in a plaque citing this in the next few weeks. 

Archway to the park

The Mayor cut the ribbon across the bespoke archway, which was designed and made by Hannah Morris-Coole from Omna Studios. The crowds clapped and cheered as Janet declared the park officially open.

Free ice cream, goody bags and lots of fun

The contractor, Proludic, provided 100 free goody bags and free ice cream for the children, provided by Sir Whippy.

The event was filmed by 7 Video Company and we will add the footage to our website and YouTube channel once we have received it.

Here are a few photos from the opening. We will add more as we receive them.

Thank you to everyone who attended the event. We hope you continue to enjoy the park for many years to come.

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Woodley Carnival

Woodley Town Council at Woodley Carnival

Thank you to everyone who visited our stall and admired the moon and the astronaut!

Here are a few photos from the day…

*Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, with The Right Hon MP Teresa May, opening Woodley Carnival
*Cllr Juliet Anderson, Woodley Town Mayor Cllr Janet Sartorel, Right Hon MP Teresa May, Cllr Beth Rowland, Woodley Carnival organiser Peter Jacobs

*Photos: Paul King

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Woodford Park play area opening

Woodford Park play area opening

16th June 15.30 – 17.30

Please come to the grand opening of the new play area at Woodford Park! 

Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, will be cutting the ribbon at 15.30 to officially open the new play area at Woodford Park to the rear of the Oakwood Centre. 

Free goody bags & ice cream!

Proludic will be providing 100 FREE goody bags and FREE* ice creams for children who attend the opening! 

Jubilee tree & Jubilee stones display

The Mayor will also be unveiling the Jubilee Tree and Jubilee Stones display to commemorate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. 


The new play area has been designed specifically with inclusivity in mind, and will offer a stimulating, exciting play experience for children of all abilities. 

It includes a double cableway, a sensory area, a wheelchair accessible play mound, an agility trail, a 7m tall canopy trail, seven types of swings and much more. 

Climate change

The play area has offset 31.6 tonnes of carbon dioxide by supporting a portfolio of verified carbon reduction projects. 

Come along and be one of the first to play on the new equipment!

BBC Radio Berkshire

Listen HERE to Woodley Town Council Leader, Cllr Keith Baker, talk to Phil Kennedy on his BBC Radio Berkshire Drivetime Show about the new play area and the opening.

We will have a film crew in attendance, including members of the press and the Council taking photos and footage that will be shared publicly. 

*Please note there are a limited number of free ice creams

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Woodley’s Big Jubilee Lunch

Over 1000 people attended Woodley’s Big Jubilee Lunch

Woodley’s Big Jubilee Lunch was opened by the Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, welcoming over 1000 local residents to the event.

Janet introduced her special guests at the Top Table:

“May I please introduce my special guests, who are the winners from the Town Council’s Jubilee Stones competition.  Edward – who won the under 5s category with his wonderful design of The Queen wearing her crown.  Abhyuday – who won the 6-8 years category with his very detailed design marking 70 years of Her Majesty’s reign. Abbey – who won the 9-12 years category with her contemporary and colourful silhouette of Queen Elizabeth the second.  I am also joined by Woodley’s Deputy Town Mayor, Councillor Kay Gilder and our consorts.”

The day started with the Bailey Dolls singing songs from the 1940s and 1950s, followed by Pauly Zarb and his band playing songs up to the present day.

Children were entertained by Professor Crump who mingled in his stilts and assorted costumes, including taking children for rides on his scooter.

Children also had the opportunity to draw with chalk around the precinct and make royal crowns.

Maya’s Treats in the town centre provided free ice cream for hundreds of children, while Basil & Crew came with a small petting zoo. 

Woodley Town Council and the Woodley Town Centre Partnership would like to thank everyone who came to Woodley’s Big Jubilee Lunch.

The Jubilee Stones will be unveiled on 16th June at the opening of Woodford Park play area.

Selection of photos from the day

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Queen’s Beacon

Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, lit the Queen’s Beacon on Thursday 2nd June at 21.45 in Woodford Park, lighting the skies across the United Kingdom and the Commonwealth to commemorate Her Majesty’s 70 year reign.

Hundreds of local residents and Woodley Town Councillors joined Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, as she lit the Queen’s Beacon to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Janet told the crowd in Woodford Park that she was honoured to light the Beacon on behalf of the people of Woodley, welcoming and thanking those who attended the historic event.

“I am honoured to light this Beacon on behalf of the people of Woodley, as Beacons are lit throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man, UK Overseas Territories and within each of the Commonwealth Countries to commemorate Her Majesty The Queen’s 70 year reign,” she said.

As the Beacon lit up the night sky, local choir, Bel Canto Choir sang ‘Song for the Commonwealth’ as a musical tribute to Her Majesty The Queen, filling Woodford Park with the sound of music and song.

The song had been written by Atueyi Vincent Chinemelu, from Nigeria and Lucy Kiely from Australia, the winners of a worldwide competition coordinated by Alison Cox OBE from the Commonwealth Resounds.

The Mayor then joined the choir to lead the crowd in the singing of the national anthem.

You can view the event on our YouTube channel HERE.

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Platinum Jubilee bank holiday period

We are now closed for the Platinum Jubilee Bank Holiday period and re-open on Monday 6th June. 👑

We hope you enjoy our Platinum Jubilee events! 🥳

Beacon 🔥
Woodley Town Mayor, Cllr Janet Sartorel, will be lighting a Beacon in Woodford Park, on the mound near the lake by the basketball courts, at 21.45 on Thursday 2nd June, for The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee celebrations. Bel Canto Choir will perform Song for the Commonwealth as the Mayor lights the Beacon. If you would like to attend, please arrive from 21.30.

FREE Jubilee celebration in Woodley Town Centre, Sunday 5th June, 12.00-16.00 🇬🇧🥳🎤
Winners from the Jubilee Stones competition and their family will join the Woodley Town Mayor at the Top Table to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee!

Bring your family, friends, chairs and a picnic! 🤩

The FREE event will include:
🇬🇧 FREE entertainment: Professor Crump!
🇬🇧 FREE live music – bands singing songs from the 1940s to the present day!
🇬🇧 FREE Pets Corner: chicks, ducklings, lambs, goats, rabbits, tortoise, sheep, ponies!
🇬🇧 FREE craft activities: make/decorate your own Crown!
🇬🇧 FREE chalk pavement drawing activity!
🇬🇧 FREE ice cream for children!


Find our Jubilee event on Wokingham Borough Council ’s Platinum Jubilee events listings:

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