WBC ukrain donate

Wokingham Borough Council seeking support for Ukraine refugees

Wokingham Borough Council has launched its first Crowdfunding campaign to try to raise funds to support young Ukrainian refugees arriving in the borough. 


  • The idea of the scheme is to help children and young Ukrainian refugees (aged up to 23) to live as full a life as possible while in the borough
  • The money raised will pay for the sort of things children and young people will need to live here as well as possible but that go beyond basic provision –  for example tech for school, college or university, a pair of football boots or dance shoes.
  • Monetary donations are the preference in order to build up a fund that can be used to flexibly to meet individual need. The needs will be identified with refugees themselves and our Ukraine case workers.
  • If there is a need identified that we think a charity can help with, we will seek that help directly – so we won’t be buying things that are already available via VCS support
  • Donations in kind will be accepted but because we are seeking to meet individual need, we are asking for people to contact us if they want to donate goods so we can assess if they meet a specific need


To donate money please visit: Crowdfunding Page

To donate goods please email: yoursupport@wokingham.gov.uk

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