Win a seat at the Top Table at our Big Jubilee Lunch!
We have launched a competition to win a place at the Top Table with the Mayor and other dignitaries at our Big Jubilee Lunch on Sunday 5th June (12.00-16.00) in the town centre and be part of a permanent display to commemorate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.

Competition details
The competition is open to all children 12 years of age and under, with three categories of winners: 5 years and under, 6 – 8 years old, 9 – 12 years old.

We are asking for stones to be decorated in a Jubilee theme – crowns, flags, castles, queens, and coins – making them as bright and beautiful as possible! Each stone will be permanently set in the Council’s commemorative memorial around our Jubilee Tree in Woodford Park to celebrate The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. The tree has been planted as part of the Queen’s Canopy. See article HERE.
Some of the local schools have been supplied with stones and forms, however, the competition is open to any child 12 years and under who lives in Woodley or attends a Woodley school.
Form and stones
Forms and stones can be collected from the Council offices, although children are welcome to use their own stones (we have a limited stock of stones). You can also download the form HERE.
The decorated stone (name/age on the back) needs to be returned with the completed form in a clear bag* by Friday 20th May 2022.
Good luck!
*ALL bags will be recycled
The competition is only open to children living in or attending a school in Woodley, age of 12 years old or under. Each qualifying stone must be decorated in a Jubilee theme and we can only accept one entry per child. Please note that the stones will not be returned and will be permanently set in Woodford Park around the Council’s Jubilee Tree, which has been planted as part of The Queen’s Green Canopy to commemorate Her Majesty’s Platinum Jubilee. Please return the completed form with the decorated stone in a clear plastic bag (the bag will be recycled). Please write your child’s name and age on the back of the stone. All stones must be accompanied with a completed form.