Woodley Town Council

Woodley Town Council Tax (precept) Summary

Please download our Annual Woodley Town Council Tax (precept) Leaflet, which summarises the year 2020-21, including the budget plans.

For any enquiries please email admin@woodley.gov.uk or phone 0118 9690356 (M-F: 10.00-14.00).

Please download HERE.

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wokingham libraries

Library update


You are now able to request and collect books from Wokingham Borough libraries. You can request up to 10 books using the Library website or by phone. Or if you know the specific title you would like then you can reserve it directly from the catalogue using the ‘Place reservation’ button. You can return any borrowed books, when you collect.  The books can then be collected from Wokingham LibraryWoodley Library or Lower Earley library.

Virtual Events for Adults

Authors Online Event – March 2021

Authors online is back! On Tuesday, March 30 at 6:30pm, local poet and author Claire Dyer will be joining us to talk about her newly published poetry anthology, Yield, her inspirations and her writing processes.

Book Chat March 2021

Sign up for Wokingham Libraries online Book Chat session! You are invited to join members of staff to chat about books. Our theme this month is Feminist Fiction. You are welcome to bring along any books you would like to recommend too.The session will take place on Tuesday March 16 at 2pm.

Book your place for these events by emailing libraries@wokingham.gov.uk

Join Wokingham Libraries and Bracknell Forest Libraries for a free talk on Tuesday March 23 at 3pm with Anthony J Quinn, author of nine novels acclaimed internationally, to discuss books, writing and his latest novels, “Turncoat”. To register for this event, go to To register for this event click here.

Virtual Events for Young People

Storytime for British Science Week on Wednesday March 10 at 11am and 4pm. We will be sharing a science themed story and experiment. Suitable for families with children aged 8 and under.

Teen Writing Group with Author Sarah Hagger-Holt on Saturday March 13 at 10.30am. Suitable for young people aged 11 to 18 years old.

Twelfth Night for Children on Tuesday March 16 at 11am and 4pm. Join Victoria in this reading of twelfth night in rhyme for Shakespeare and some Shakespeare Facts to celebreate Shakespeare Week. Suitable for families with children aged 6 to 10 years.

Space Storytime on Tuesday March 30 at 11am for storytime. We will be sharing some Space themed stories. Suitable for families with children aged 7 and under.

To sign up just email libraries@wokingham.gov.uk with your name and library card number and you will be sent details of how to join.

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