Woodley Town Council’s commitment to Climate Change
At the Full Council Meeting on Tuesday 1 October, the following motion was adopted:
“This Council notes that:
- The impacts of climate breakdown are already causing serious damage around the world.
- Limiting Global Warming to 1.5°C (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, October 2018) may still be possible with ambitious action from national and sub-national authorities, civil society and the private sector.
This Council therefore:
- Commits to a declaration of a ‘Climate Emergency’ with the aim of becoming a carbon neutral organization by 2030.
- Welcomes the declaration by Wokingham Borough Council of a ‘Climate Emergency’ and will actively participate in the creation of the Borough-wide climate change strategy to ensure Woodley Town Council is fully engaged in its creation for the benefit of its residents.
- Will explore, with all parts of the community, the development of a local action plan in support of, and to compliment, the Borough Council’s climate change strategy plan for those parts relevant to Woodley Town.”
Gregor Murray, Wokingham Borough Council Executive Member for Climate Emergency spoke of the Borough Council’s plans to address climate change and work in partnership with town and parish councils. Woodley Town Council will work with Wokingham Borough Council as part of a cross-party working group, beginning with the formation of an action plan over the next six months.
Meanwhile, Woodley Town Council will also continue its commitment to climate change through its current campaigns and initiatives.