illegal dumping Woodley

Crackdown on illegal dumping

Wokingham Borough Council is cracking down on illegal waste dumping and fly-tipping by conducting spot checks on businesses. Companies found not to be complying with the law will be given a chance to improve, but if they continue to ignore the law, the council will look into prosecution.


Following an increase in fly-tipping in recent months, the council’s localities officers have begun visiting sites across the area to ensure commercial waste is being disposed of correctly. Localities officers are authorised to inspect a business’s waste contract and arrangements to ensure the business has proper storage and sufficient space for the amount of waste produced, as well as the correct number of collections.


More importantly, the officers will check current waste removal practices to ensure that businesses are legally dealing with their commercial waste. Most businesses dispose of their waste correctly but some business choose not to, instead fly-tipping their waste. This has a detrimental effect on areas across Wokingham borough and can attract vermin.


It is a legal responsibility under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and other related legislation to safely contain and legally dispose of any waste produced. The law also applies to anyone with a home-based business, such as garden clearances, packing, delivering, crèche or child minding, small businesses, offices, hairdressers, sun bed shops, second hand shops and many others.


Examples of waste can include anything which is no longer required such as old mail, cleaning products, food waste, cardboard, plastics, sweepings, or damaged goods that cannot be returned.


Responsible staff at businesses across the borough are encouraged to make sure an up to date copy of their waste contract, or any associated receipts for the disposal of waste, to hand when the localities officer visits.


“Those people who chose not to dispose of their litter properly can make life a misery for the majority of people across the borough who don’t want to see litter and rubbish dumped in grass verges or in country lanes,” said Cllr Parry Batth, executive member for environment and leisure.


“I’m pleased that the council is continuing to explore all opportunities to reduce the prevalence of fly-tipping within the borough and to find ways of holding to account those that feel the need to do it.”


illegal dumping Woodley


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