Garden waste Wokingham Borough

Changes to garden waste collections across Wokingham Borough


Garden waste Wokingham Borough


Changes to be implemented from 1 April

Residents who use Wokingham Borough Council’s garden waste services will see some changes to collections from April.

With the increase in housing across the Borough, and the success in take up of the garden waste scheme, many residents who have signed up for the garden waste service will see a change in their collection day or week, or both; they will be notified shortly via letter.

Cllr John Halsall, executive member for environment, leisure and libraries, said: “I am delighted at the success of our garden waste service so far with around 25,000 homes using it. We must change routes slightly to complete collections each day and reduce unnecessary journeys. I apologise in anticipation for any inconvenience caused.”

Residents can also find out their new collection days on (search for ‘rubbish and recycling collection days’) from 1 April.

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