Woodley Town Council solar energy

Woodley Town Council to install solar panels on its buildings

Solar panels to be installed at Woodford Park Leisure Centre in 2019

Woodley Town Council is partnering with Reading Community Energy Society to install solar panels on its buildings in Woodley.  This exciting project will include the Oakwood Centre, Woodford Park Leisure Centre and Coronation Hall, providing cheaper daytime electricity and reducing the impact on the environment.
The project will deliver a significant cost saving over a 20 year contract period and reduce the carbon footprint of the buildings by just under 16 tonnes CO2 per year. This is roughly equivalent to the annual CO2 produced by two average households or three average cars.
Reading Community Energy Society is a community interest company with all profits reinvested in the scheme and local sustainable energy initiatives.
The first installation will be carried out at Woodford Park Leisure Centre early in the new year.
Woodley Town Council solar energy

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