Passenger stop button on a bus

According to Green Match, travelling by petrol or diesel car can contribute over double the amount of greenhouse gas emissions in comparison to travelling by bus, and as much as four times when comparing against train or coach travel.

Some of the other benefits of travelling by public transport are that it is often cheaper, overall, than owning and maintaining a car, you do not have to find or pay for parking spaces, and it reduces congestion.

Wokingham Borough Council My Journey logo
My Journey (Wokingham Borough Council)

My Journey is a borough-wide active travel and sustainable transport campaign, managed by Wokingham Borough Council, which aims to help and inspire residents to travel via alternative modes of transport.

Their website provides a journey planner to help you with local trips, as well as a live bus map and additional information on bus travel in the area.

Until 31 December 2024, a government funded scheme also provides £2 single fare travel on any bus journey, which applies in this area to travel on Reading Buses, Thames Valley Buses, and Arriva Services.

Reading Buses

The majority of buses which serve the Woodley area are operated by Reading Buses.

Reading Buses have a journey planner which, as of February 2024, now provides fare costs as well.

They also have a handy app for smartphones, where you can check timetables, track buses, and purchase in advance tickets.

Speeding train through a station

Using a train instead of a car for medium distance journeys is estimated to reduce carbon emissions by up to 80%.

There are several journey planners to help you work out your route, including National Rail and the Trainline

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