A cow

According to a 2023 study, vegan diets result in 75% less climate-heating emissions, water pollution and land use than meat based diets, where more than 100g of meat are eaten each day. Even low meat diets, where 50g or less is consumed a day, can significantly reduce the impact on the climate. describes plant based diets as those that have a greater emphasis on foods derived from plants, and do not necessarily have to exclude animal food products.

If you are considering moving to a plant based diet, then the Association of UK Dieticians website has some helpful information.

Meat Free Mondays

Meat Free Mondays is a not-for-profit campaign, launched by Paul, Mary & Stella McCartney, which seeks to encourage people to have at least on plant-based food day a week. 

The website provides helpful information and advice, including meat-free recipes, as well as an impact calculator which shows you the benefits of reducing your intake of meat and dairy products.

Happy Cow

If you’re looking to reduce your meat intake when eating out, then Happy Cow can help you find restaurants serving vegan food in your area.

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