Have your say: Youth Future Focus

Wokingham Borough Council is asking young people to take a survey to help understand their experiences, wants and needs in the borough

Wokingham Borough Council is seeking views of 11- to 19-year-olds to understand how they feel about their life in the borough in a ‘Youth Future Focus’ survey jointly developed by the council, Berkshire Youth and the Children and Young People’s Partnership.

The survey covers a range of topics including wellbeing, safety, leisure, support networks and worries and concerns.

Information gained from the survey will feed into the Wokingham Youth Offer Needs Assessment that will identify the services that already exist for young people in the borough, and where there are any gaps. It is important to get direct feedback from young people so the council can understand what services and opportunities they would want to have access to.

This will then inform the Wokingham Youth Offer that will be published and kept up to date, to ensure all young people have one place that they can access information about services available for them in the borough.

Encourage your young people to take part

The survey is open to those aged 11 to 19, or 24 for those with special educational needs and disabilities, until 25 October.

Wokingham Borough Council is also working with local schools, local groups and alternative provisions to make sure that as many young people get the opportunity to have their voice heard as possible.

An in-person event will be taking place later this year. If you have a young person who would like to attend, have any questions about the project or survey or need an easy-read version, please email YouthVoice@wokingham.gov.uk.

Take the Survey

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