
UK Government consultation to enable remote attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings

The UK Government has issued a short consultation seeking views on the detail and practical implications of allowing remote and hybrid attendance and proxy voting at local authority meetings in England

The open consultation, running to 19 December, is particularly seeking the views of individual members of the public; prospective and current local authority members/representatives; all relevant local authorities defined above; and those bodies that represent the interests of local members/representatives at all levels.

Take the Survey

If you would like to find out more, please contact:

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Wokingham Borough Council's budget consultation

Wokingham Borough Council Budget Engagement 2025/26

Wokingham Borough Council will set its budget for 2025/26 in February next year, and is currently looking at how it can set a balanced budget, protect services, and invest in residents’ futures with input from residents in the form of questions proposed to the Council and a Survey.

Overview and Scrutiny Committees

With this in mind, the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees (which are public meetings of elected councillors that residents are welcome to attend and ask questions of) will hold sessions to look in detail at the ideas we have so far and make recommendations on them.

As well as a chance at these sessions to look at the detailed proposals, the Council is seeking views on a few key questions that will help it plan for a secure financial future.

The Overview and Scrutiny meetings, at which detailed budget proposals will be discussed, are:

  • Community and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Tuesday October 29, 7pm
  • Community and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Tuesday November 12, 7pm
  • Community and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee: Tuesday December 17, 7pm
  • Community and Corporate Overview and Scrutiny Committee: January 20, 2025, 7pm

Questions can be submitted in advance of these meetings via the Council’s website.

Residents Survey

In addition to the Overview and Scrutiny process, the Council is seeking views on how it can safeguard its financial future by asking residents to complete a Survey, giving their input on these issues, by 2nd December.

Take Survey

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new local plan

Building thriving communities: Wokingham Borough Council’s new Local Plan

Wokingham Borough Council is preparing to publish its new Local Plan, which is a strategy document covering all aspects of how Wokingham Borough should grow and develop in the long term.

Before the Council submits the new Local Plan for examination, residents have the opportunity to comment on the plan’s soundness and legal compliance until Wednesday 13 November 2024.

It will then go forward for examination by an independent planning inspector, and we hope to adopt it as soon as possible after this.

Take the Survey

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youth future focus

Have your say: Youth Future Focus

Wokingham Borough Council is asking young people to take a survey to help understand their experiences, wants and needs in the borough

Wokingham Borough Council is seeking views of 11- to 19-year-olds to understand how they feel about their life in the borough in a ‘Youth Future Focus’ survey jointly developed by the council, Berkshire Youth and the Children and Young People’s Partnership.

The survey covers a range of topics including wellbeing, safety, leisure, support networks and worries and concerns.

Information gained from the survey will feed into the Wokingham Youth Offer Needs Assessment that will identify the services that already exist for young people in the borough, and where there are any gaps. It is important to get direct feedback from young people so the council can understand what services and opportunities they would want to have access to.

This will then inform the Wokingham Youth Offer that will be published and kept up to date, to ensure all young people have one place that they can access information about services available for them in the borough.

Encourage your young people to take part

The survey is open to those aged 11 to 19, or 24 for those with special educational needs and disabilities, until 25 October.

Wokingham Borough Council is also working with local schools, local groups and alternative provisions to make sure that as many young people get the opportunity to have their voice heard as possible.

An in-person event will be taking place later this year. If you have a young person who would like to attend, have any questions about the project or survey or need an easy-read version, please email

Take the Survey

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CAW logo transparent v2 with shadow

Working together to tackle the Climate Emergency

Woodley Town Touncil is delighted to be working in partnership with Wokingham Borough Council to organise a series of free events as part of our first Climate Action Week (18 to 23 November)

Both Woodley Town and Wokingham Borough councils declared climate emergencies in 2019. The Town Council has committed to achieving carbon neutral status as an organisation by 2030, as has the Borough Council who also have a responsibility for reducing the carbon footprint of the borough as a whole.

Climate Action Week will see a variety of events taking place online and in person in order to raise awareness of how residents can contribute positively towards these shared goals.

Cllr Juliet Anderson, Woodley Town Mayor, said: “It is important that we all play our part in addressing the climate emergency and take accountability for our individual carbon footprints as, collectively, we can make a real difference. Working with the borough council to provide Woodley’s first Climate Action Week provides a great opportunity for us all to access information and take part in interactive sessions to learn more about personal actions accessible to us all.”

Cllr Jordan Montgomery, executive member for environment and climate emergency for the borough council, said: “We are thrilled to be working in partnership with Woodley Town Council to put a spotlight on the climate emergency. Everyone can and should be involved in helping us to achieve the ambitions we’ve set out, and this week will be a fun and engaging way for our two councils to get that message across in a way that both inspires and informs. We also want this week to showcase how we work successfully with our towns and parishes.”

Climate Action Week will have added significance, as the week coincides with the 2024 UN Climate Change Conference (COP 29), which runs from 11 to 22 November in Azerbaijan.

All events are free to attend and open to residents across Wokingham Borough, with booking required in some cases. Several of the events provide complimentary refreshments; please see each individual event.

In addition to these public events, the two councils will be working with pupils from Woodley primary schools to create a shared climate project, which will then be displayed at the Oakwood Centre. Libraries across the borough will also have featured book displays with suggested reading on topics relating to the climate emergency.

Here is how you can get involved in Climate Action Week:
Monday 18 November, Recycled Art Workshop for pre-schoolers – hosted by mixed media artist Jo Wyles on behalf of Arts4Wokingham, 10.30am to 11.30am, the Oakwood Centre
woodford park green flag
Tuesday 19 November, Woodford Park walk & tour – hosted by Friends of Woodford Park, 10.30am to 12noon, meeting at the Oakwood Centre reception
Citizens Advice Wokingham
Weds 20 November, Citizen’s Advice mobile advice drop-in, 9.30am to 4pm, Woodley Town Centre
Weds 20 November, Charity shop fashion show – organised by Thames Hospice, 12.30pm to 1pm, Centre stage in Woodley Town Centre
Weds 20 November, Woodley Repair Café, 2pm to 4pm, the Oakwood Centre
Weds 20 November, Electric vehicle webinar – hosted by the Energy Saving Trust, 7pm to 8.30pm, online
Thursday 21 November, Dr Bike session – hosted by My Journey Wokingham, 2.30pm to 3.30pm, Woodford Park Leisure Centre
Friday 22 November, Climate, Cake and Coffee, 11am to 12noon, the Oakwood Centre
Friday 22 November, Rolling climate videos, all day, the theatre at the Oakwood Centre
Citizens Advice Wokingham
Saturday 23 November, Citizen’s Advice mobile advice drop-in, 9.30am to 4pm, Woodley Town Centre
Saturday 23 November, Climate fresk card game – 10am to 1pm, the Oakwood Centre
Saturday 23 November, Community litter pick – hosted by Woodley Adopt a Street, 10am to 2pm, meeting at the Oakwood Centre
Please click on each event for more details, including booking information. Alternatively, please visit our Climate Action Week page

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Woodley Town Council logo

Planning & Community Committee Meeting – 15 October 2024

Notice of a meeting of Woodley Town Council's Planning & Community Committee taking place at The Oakwood Centre, Headley Road, on Tuesday 15 October 2024 at 7:45pm
Please click here to view the full agenda for this meeting.
You can watch this meeting live, or after the event via a recording, on the Council’s YouTube channel.
If you need any assistance with accessing this meeting, please contact the Deputy Town Clerk:

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